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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Maurice Wilkes: The Last Pioneer
From Communications of the ACM

Maurice Wilkes: The Last Pioneer

Computer science has lost not only a great scientist, but an important link to the electronic computing revolution that took place in the 1940s.

Information Theory After Shannon
From Communications of the ACM

Information Theory After Shannon

Purdue University's Science of Information Center seeks new principles to answer the question 'What is information?'

Chipping Away at Greenhouse Gases
From Communications of the ACM

Chipping Away at Greenhouse Gases

Power-saving processor algorithms have the potential to create significant energy and cost savings.

From ACM TechNews

Grin Plasmonics: A Practical Path to Superfast Computing

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and UC Berkeley researchers have completed the first experimental demonstration of gradient index (GRIN) plasmonics, a technology...

From ACM TechNews

The Fantastical Promise of Reversible Computing

University of South Florida researchers are studying computation that takes place in steps that are time reversible, known as reversible computing, as a way to...

Supercomputers Increase Research Competitiveness
From ACM News

Supercomputers Increase Research Competitiveness

Consistent investment in high-performance computing leads to greater research competitiveness for U.S. academic institutions, according to a new study on the impact...

Nist Advances Single Photon Management For Quantum Computers
From ACM News

Nist Advances Single Photon Management For Quantum Computers

The quantum computers of tomorrow might use photons to move around the data they need to make calculations, but photons are tricky to work with. Two new papers...

From ACM News

In Pursuit of Qubits, Uniting Subatomic Particles By the Billions

In a step toward a generation of ultrafast computers, physicists have used bursts of radio waves to briefly create 10 billion quantum-entangled pairs of subatomic...

Driving Blood-Flow Research at the Petascale
From ACM TechNews

Driving Blood-Flow Research at the Petascale

Brown University researchers are using Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Cray XT5 Kraken supercomputer to develop three-dimensional models of the human arterial tree...

From ACM News

First Silicon Entanglement Will Aid Quantum Computing

The state of entanglement has been created in silicon for the first time. The feat could lead to quantum computers made like ordinary computer chips.

From ACM TechNews

Euclid Brings New Computing Capabilities to UW-Madison Researchers

With a peak performance of about 19 teraflops, the University of Wisconsin-Madison's new computing resource, the Euclid cluster, can run large-scale computing projects...

Solid-State Memories Pave the Way to Practical Quantum Communication
From ACM News

Solid-State Memories Pave the Way to Practical Quantum Communication

Two groups of physicists have managed to shift the quantum entanglement between two photons onto an entangled state between one photon and a quantum memor.

Ut Professor Leads World Effort in Developing Next Generation of Supercomputers
From ACM TechNews

Ut Professor Leads World Effort in Developing Next Generation of Supercomputers

University of Tennessee, Knoxville's Jack Dongarra says that exascale supercomputers are needed to solve problems in the economy, engineering, and manufacturing...

From ACM TechNews

European Exascale Project Drives Toward Next Supercomputing Milestone

The goal of the European Exascale Software Initiative (EESI) is to help effect the migration from petascale to exascale systems over the next 10 years by bringing...

Better Benchmarking For Supercomputers
From ACM TechNews

Better Benchmarking For Supercomputers

Many computer scientists say the High-Performance Linpack test is not the best performance measurement for the world's top supercomputers. The new Graph500 benchmark...

From ACM TechNews

Iit-M to Aid Research on Innovative Projects

IIT-Madras will establish an interdisciplinary center of excellence for facilitating research on embedded systems, very large scale integration design, and enabling...

From ACM News

Wipro Building India's Fastest Supercomputer For Space Agency

Wipro Ltd. is building what will become India's fastest supercomputer for the Indian Space Research Organisation, giving the agency critical muscle to crunch...

1,760 Playstation 3s Form New Supercomputer
From ACM TechNews

1,760 Playstation 3s Form New Supercomputer

The U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base recently unveiled a supercomputer, named the Condor Cluster, consisting of 1,760 Sony...

Intel's 2nd-Gen Chip Arrives, with Hollywood in Tow
From ACM News

Intel's 2nd-Gen Chip Arrives, with Hollywood in Tow

Intel is officially announcing its next-generation processor tomorrow—and Hollywood is playing a big role.

Massive Collider Churning Out Data
From ACM News

Massive Collider Churning Out Data

This year the world's largest science experiment roared to life. Deep beneath the French-Swiss border, the Large Hadron Collider, or LHC, has spent the year accelerating...
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