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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The Birth of a ­.k. Tech Giant
From ACM News

The Birth of a ­.k. Tech Giant

British chip designer ARM will soon be 20 years old. Bill Thompson was there at the start.

Top Scientist ­rges 'ambitious' ­.s. Exascale Supercomputer Plan
From ACM TechNews

Top Scientist ­rges 'ambitious' ­.s. Exascale Supercomputer Plan

Peter Beckman, director of the DOE's Exascale Technology and Computing Institute, says the United States needs to make a sizable push to open up funding resources...

Windows at 25: A Tech King with Growing Competition
From ACM News

Windows at 25: A Tech King with Growing Competition

When the first Windows operating system was introduced by Microsoft, Ronald Reagan was in the White House, John Hughes was introducing touching teen stereotypes...

Georgia Tech-Led Team Wins Gordon Bell Prize for Supercomputing
From ACM News

Georgia Tech-Led Team Wins Gordon Bell Prize for Supercomputing

A team led by George Biros, associate professor in Georgia Tech's School of Computational Science & Engineering, has won the Association for Computing Machinery's...

From ACM News

Globus Online File Transfer Service Debuts

The creators of Globus Online have announced the general availability of the cloud-hosted high-performance, secure file transfer service. Globus Online eliminates...

From ACM TechNews

IBM, Intel Question Key Top500 Supercomputer Metric

Researchers at IBM and Intel are questioning the methods by which the supercomputing Top500 list is compiled. "The Top500 . . . doesn't measure about 80 percent...

From ACM TechNews

Hpc Experts Look Past Petaflop to the Exascale

At SC10, the annual supercomputing conference, high-performance computing (HPC) experts debated whether the industry will reach an exaflop by 2020, and if the achievement...

Cell-Phone Chips to the Rescue
From ACM News

Cell-Phone Chips to the Rescue

Data centers, under greater demand than ever, are looking to low-power chips as a way to save money, but switching won't be easy.

Accelerator Supercomputers Dominate Newest Green500 List's Top 10
From ACM News

Accelerator Supercomputers Dominate Newest Green500 List's Top 10

Accelerator-based supercomputers hold eight of the top 10 spots on the Green500 list. Green500 ranks the energy efficiency of the world's 500 fastest supercomputers...

Graph500 Rating System Evaluates Nine Supercomputer Capabilities
From ACM News

Graph500 Rating System Evaluates Nine Supercomputer Capabilities

Nine supercomputers have been tested, validated and ranked by the new "Graph500" challenge, introduced this week by an international team led by Sandia National...

From ACM News

Illinois Students Build 33-Teraflop Cluster From Gpus

Students at the University of Illinois have built a supercomputer out of GPUs as part of a hands-on class. They expect the cluster to be ranked on the Green500...

New Standard Proposed For Supercomputing
From ACM News

New Standard Proposed For Supercomputing

A new supercomputer rating system, Graph500, tests a supercomputer's ability to analyze large, graph-based structures that link the huge number of data points present...

New Research Provides Effective Battle Planning For Supercomputer War
From ACM TechNews

New Research Provides Effective Battle Planning For Supercomputer War

Researchers have been studying and comparing the supercomputing systems in China and the United States to provide an analysis that will benefit the battle plans...

From ACM TechNews

­.s. Building Next Wave of Supercomputers

Both Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory are building 20-petaflop supercomputer systems that are expected to ready in 2012....

From ACM TechNews

Chinese Supercomputer Overtakes Jaguar

China's National University of Defense Technology's Tianhe-1A supercomputer has taken the top ranking from Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Jaguar supercomputer...

Reaching for Sky Computing
From ACM TechNews

Reaching for Sky Computing

Researchers are developing tools to combine independent cloud computing environments to form an architectural concept dubbed sky computing by researchers at the...

Supercomputers 'will Fit in a Sugar Cube,' Ibm Says
From ACM TechNews

Supercomputers 'will Fit in a Sugar Cube,' Ibm Says

IBM researchers led by Bruno Michel have developed a water-cooling method for creating supercomputer processors that could shrink them to the size of a sugar cube...

China Supercomputer Is Probably World's Fastest . . . But Not for Long
From ACM News

China Supercomputer Is Probably World's Fastest . . . But Not for Long

In late October, China unveiled the world's "fastest" supercomputer, the Tianhe 1A. But around the world there are several systems currently being planned or...

From ACM TechNews

Supercomputing Fest Will Spotlight World's Fastest Computers, High-Performance Issues

The SC10 supercomputing conference to be held in New Orleans will highlight high-performance computing advances in computation, networking, storage, and analysis...

Georgia Tech Keeps Sights Set On Exascale at Sc10
From ACM News

Georgia Tech Keeps Sights Set On Exascale at Sc10

Georgia Tech will display ongoing projects and new research initiatives directly addressing core high-performance computing issues such as sustainability, reliability...
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