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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

New Grid Study Sees ­.s. Vulnerable to Cyberattacks
From ACM TechNews

New Grid Study Sees ­.s. Vulnerable to Cyberattacks

The U.S. needs to do more to protect its electrical grid against high-impact cyberattacks, according to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine...

Two Groups Both Win $7.5m to Study Ai, Autonomous Systems
From ACM TechNews

Two Groups Both Win $7.5m to Study Ai, Autonomous Systems

The U.S. Department of Defense has awarded $15 million to two Cornell University research teams to pursue autonomous systems and artificial intelligence.

There Are More Programming Jobs Than Ever Outside of Silicon Valley
From ACM TechNews

There Are More Programming Jobs Than Ever Outside of Silicon Valley

Programming jobs have spread across the U.S. and pooled in other metro areas outside of Silicon Valley, according to data from Glassdoor.

China's Robot Revolution
From ACM News

China's Robot Revolution

The Chinese Robotics Industry Alliance aims to use robotics and automation to help China become increasingly a high-tech manufacturing nation.

Meet ­rduscript, the First ­rdu-Based Programming Language
From ACM TechNews

Meet ­rduscript, the First ­rdu-Based Programming Language

UrduScript is a new programing language that makes it easier for beginners to learn programming concepts.

The Data that Transformed AI Research, and Possibly the World
From ACM News

The Data that Transformed AI Research, and Possibly the World

It's not about the algorithm.

Scientists Build Dna from Scratch to Alter Life's Blueprint
From ACM News

Scientists Build Dna from Scratch to Alter Life's Blueprint

At Jef Boeke's lab, you can whiff an odor that seems out of place, as if they were baking bread here.

Cpu Architecture After Moore's Law: What's Next?
From ACM TechNews

Cpu Architecture After Moore's Law: What's Next?

Views differ on how central-processing unit architecture will proceed as Moore's Law becomes increasingly irrelevant.

Five Times the Computing Power
From ACM TechNews

Five Times the Computing Power

Researchers have developed a method to increase by the computing power of a standard algorithm when performed on a field-programmable gate array.

Chaos Theory Strengthens Digital Locks
From ACM TechNews

Chaos Theory Strengthens Digital Locks

Researchers have definitively demonstrated the strength of a 128-bit digital lock for cybersecurity applications.

­CLA Research Offers Clearest Evidence of Long-Sought Majorana Particle
From ACM TechNews

­CLA Research Offers Clearest Evidence of Long-Sought Majorana Particle

A research team has uncovered evidence for the existence of the Majorana particle.

AI-Generated Map Predicts Who Will Die Next in 'game of Thrones'
From ACM TechNews

AI-Generated Map Predicts Who Will Die Next in 'game of Thrones'

A new machine-learning algorithm can predict which characters on "Game of Thrones" will die next.

For Computers, Too, It's Hard to Learn to Speak Chinese
From ACM News

For Computers, Too, It's Hard to Learn to Speak Chinese

Researchers often call 2017 the year of the conversational computer in China.

The Algorithm That Makes Preschoolers Obsessed With Youtube
From ACM News

The Algorithm That Makes Preschoolers Obsessed With Youtube

Toddlers crave power. Too bad for them, they have none. Hence the tantrums and absurd demands.

New Camera Designed By Stanford Researchers Could Improve Robot Vision and Virtual Reality
From ACM TechNews

New Camera Designed By Stanford Researchers Could Improve Robot Vision and Virtual Reality

A new four-dimensional camera captures almost 140 degrees of information, with implications for robot visual perception and virtual reality.

Neural Nets Model Audience Reactions to Movies
From ACM TechNews

Neural Nets Model Audience Reactions to Movies

Disney researchers applied deep-learning neural networks to develop a new way of evaluating movie audiences' reactions using facial expressions.

Reshaping Computer-Aided Design
From ACM TechNews

Reshaping Computer-Aided Design

Researchers have developed InstantCAD to facilitate interactive real-time editing, enhancement, and optimization of computer-aided design  models via a simpler...

Three Icpc Finalists and the Tech Gender Gap
From ACM News

Three Icpc Finalists and the Tech Gender Gap

Three female participants of the 2017 ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest World Finals consider their role in the contest, and in computer science....

Holograms Taken to New Dimension
From ACM TechNews

Holograms Taken to New Dimension

Researchers say they have developed a method to create inexpensive full-color two- and three-dimensional holograms.

Level ­p: How Video Games Evolved to Solve Significant Scientific Problems
From ACM News

Level ­p: How Video Games Evolved to Solve Significant Scientific Problems

In the early 1950s, just as rock 'n' roll was hinting at social change, the first video games were quietly being designed in the form of technology demonstrations—and...
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