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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

New Tech to Help Companies Detect and Respond to Cloud Computing Performance Bugs
From ACM TechNews

New Tech to Help Companies Detect and Respond to Cloud Computing Performance Bugs

A startup aims to help organizations that use cloud computing improve their customers' user experience.

2015 Was the Best Year Ever in Space
From ACM Opinion

2015 Was the Best Year Ever in Space

With 2015 now behind us, what truly stands out?

The New Way Police Are Surveilling You: Calculating Your Threat 'score'
From ACM News

The New Way Police Are Surveilling You: Calculating Your Threat 'score'

While officers raced to a recent 911 call about a man threatening his ex-girlfriend, a police operator in headquarters consulted software that scored the suspect's...

Robotic Glove Invented By Nus Researchers Helps Patients Restore Hand Movements
From ACM TechNews

Robotic Glove Invented By Nus Researchers Helps Patients Restore Hand Movements

National University of Singapore researchers have developed the EsoGlove, a rehabilitation device equipped with sensors to detect muscle signals. 

AI Algorithm Identifies Humorous Pictures
From ACM TechNews

AI Algorithm Identifies Humorous Pictures

Researchers report training a machine-learning algorithm to recognize and generate humorous scenes. 

Drone Swarms Will Change the Face of Modern Warfare
From ACM TechNews

Drone Swarms Will Change the Face of Modern Warfare

Swarms of inexpensive, expendable U.S. Navy robots will leave the laboratory this summer to be tested in the field. 

New Digital Tools Could Help Speed Up Cultural Heritage Work
From ACM TechNews

New Digital Tools Could Help Speed Up Cultural Heritage Work

The European Union-funded PRESIOUS project is developing software tools intended to facilitate the work of archaeologists via computer simulations. 

Taskmaster Robots Watch While You Work in Case You Miss a Step
From ACM TechNews

Taskmaster Robots Watch While You Work in Case You Miss a Step

Researchers have developed a robot that can watch people work, learn the steps that make up the task, and remind people when they forget a step. 

MIT Researchers Want to Teach Robots How to Wash Dishes
From ACM News

MIT Researchers Want to Teach Robots How to Wash Dishes

The robots arrived years ago. They help build stuff in factories. They shuttle packages and products across the massive warehouses that drive Amazon’s worldwide...

Meet the Woman Leading the Race to Build the World's First Quantum Computer
From ACM TechNews

Meet the Woman Leading the Race to Build the World's First Quantum Computer

The University of New South Wales in Australia continues to make strides in developing the world's first practical quantum computer. 

The 'internet of Touch' Will Require a Network Revolution
From ACM TechNews

The 'internet of Touch' Will Require a Network Revolution

Researchers are proposing changes in the way haptic information is transmitted and received.

Computer Scientists Launch Campaign to Guarantee Bug-Free Software
From ACM TechNews

Computer Scientists Launch Campaign to Guarantee Bug-Free Software

A multi-university consortium aspires to stamp out software bugs with the help of a five-year, $10-million grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation. 

What We've Learned About Pluto So Far
From ACM News

What We've Learned About Pluto So Far

NASA's New Horizons spacecraft concluded its tightly choreographed flyby of Pluto, back in July, with a pirouette, pointing its antenna toward Earth.

Nanowalls For Smartphones
From ACM TechNews

Nanowalls For Smartphones

Researchers have used three-dimensional print technology to create a transparent electrode in the form of a grid made of gold or silver "nanowalls" on a glass surface...

Enzyme Tweak Boosts Precision of Crispr Genome Edits
From ACM News

Enzyme Tweak Boosts Precision of Crispr Genome Edits

A powerful technique for editing genomes is now more precise.

Andromeda Galaxy Scanned with High-Energy X-Ray Vision
From ACM News

Andromeda Galaxy Scanned with High-Energy X-Ray Vision

NASA's Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array, or NuSTAR, has captured the best high-energy X-ray view yet of a portion of our nearest large, neighboring galaxy,...

The Father of Online Anonymity Has a Plan to End the Crypto War
From ACM TechNews

The Father of Online Anonymity Has a Plan to End the Crypto War

David Chaum, who has invented many cryptographic protocols, has developed an encryption scheme for secret, anonymous communications. 

Erica, the 'most Beautiful and Intelligent' Android, Leads Japan's Robot Revolution
From ACM TechNews

Erica, the 'most Beautiful and Intelligent' Android, Leads Japan's Robot Revolution

Researchers at Osaka and Kyoto universities and the Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International call "Erica" their most advanced humanoid.

Internet of Things Brings New Era of Weather Forecasting
From ACM TechNews

Internet of Things Brings New Era of Weather Forecasting

As the Internet of Things continues to develop, weather systems will collect data from vehicles on the road and wirelessly transmit road condition and weather data...

Full-Circle Panorama Beside 'namib Dune' on Mars
From ACM News

Full-Circle Panorama Beside 'namib Dune' on Mars

NASA's Curiosity Mars rover, partway through the first up-close study ever conducted of extraterrestrial sand dunes, is providing dramatic views of a dune's steep...
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