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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Nanodevices at One-Hundredth the Cost
From ACM TechNews

Nanodevices at One-Hundredth the Cost

In a recent paper, researchers described a method of inexpensively producing a type of microelectromechanical system with desktop fabrication system. 

Stanford Scientists Train Computer Models to Accurately Simulate Nature's Variability
From ACM TechNews

Stanford Scientists Train Computer Models to Accurately Simulate Nature's Variability

Researchers have developed a way of generating "training images" that can be used to refine models of uncertainty about subterranean physical processes and structures...

Is Evolution More Intelligent Than We Thought?
From ACM TechNews

Is Evolution More Intelligent Than We Thought?

University of Southampton researchers have shown that evolution can learn from previous experience.

The Billion-Dollar Robot Question--How Can We Make Sure They're Safe?
From ACM TechNews

The Billion-Dollar Robot Question--How Can We Make Sure They're Safe?

The advent of unsupervised robots raises the question of how to ensure their safety. 

Apple Seeks to Dethrone Cash, the King of Payments
From ACM News

Apple Seeks to Dethrone Cash, the King of Payments

Apple is getting ready to stake its claim in the rapidly growing person-to-person payments market.

Cassini Completes Final Close Enceladus Flyby
From ACM News

Cassini Completes Final Close Enceladus Flyby

NASA's Cassini spacecraft has begun transmitting data and images from the mission's final close flyby of Saturn's active moon Enceladus. Cassini passed Enceladus...

Better Memory
From Communications of the ACM

Better Memory

Advances in non-volatile memory are changing the face of computing and ushering in a new era of efficiencies.

Preserving the Internet
From Communications of the ACM

Preserving the Internet

Is the Internet ephemeral by its nature, or can it be archived?

The ­rban, Infrastructural Geography of 'the Cloud'
From ACM News

The ­rban, Infrastructural Geography of 'the Cloud'

The relationship between data to space extends beyond the network equipment, services, and mobile devices that transmit and present information to a user.

A Master Algorithm Lets Robots Teach Themselves to Perform Complex Tasks
From ACM News

A Master Algorithm Lets Robots Teach Themselves to Perform Complex Tasks

For all the talk of machines becoming intelligent, getting a sophisticated robot to do anything complex, like grabbing a heavy object and moving it from one place...

Roadmap to Safer Cyberspace
From ACM TechNews

Roadmap to Safer Cyberspace

Researchers have outlined a strategy for next-generation experimental cybersecurity research in a report commissioned by the U.S. National Science Foundation. 

'plucking' Light Particles From Laser Beams Could Advance Quantum Computing
From ACM TechNews

'plucking' Light Particles From Laser Beams Could Advance Quantum Computing

Researchers at Israel's Weizmann Institute of Science have devised a method of reliably "plucking" an individual particle of light out of a laser pulse. 

'robot Locust' Can Traverse Rocky Terrain and Assist in Search and Rescue
From ACM TechNews

'robot Locust' Can Traverse Rocky Terrain and Assist in Search and Rescue

Tel Aviv University researchers have developed TAUB, a locust-inspired robot that can jump twice as high as existing similar robots. 

An App to Digitally Detox From Smartphone Addiction: Lock N' Lol
From ACM TechNews

An App to Digitally Detox From Smartphone Addiction: Lock N' Lol

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology researchers have developed an app to help people rein in their impulse to use smartphones. 

How Long ­ntil We Can Build R2-D2 and C-3po?
From ACM TechNews

How Long ­ntil We Can Build R2-D2 and C-3po?

Creating socially intelligent, interactive robots such as those depicted in the "Star Wars" films is a challenging proposal.

The First Person to Hack the Iphone Built a Self-Driving Car. In His Garage
From ACM Careers

The First Person to Hack the Iphone Built a Self-Driving Car. In His Garage

A few days before Thanksgiving, George Hotz, a 26-year-old hacker, invites me to his house in San Francisco to check out a project he’s been working on.

Rocks Rich in Silica Present Puzzles For Mars Rover Team
From ACM News

Rocks Rich in Silica Present Puzzles For Mars Rover Team

In detective stories, as the plot thickens, an unexpected clue often delivers more questions than answers.

Facewatch 'thief Recognition' Cctv on Trial in ­k Stores
From ACM News

Facewatch 'thief Recognition' Cctv on Trial in ­k Stores

Until now, Facewatch has provided local groups of businesses with a way to share their CCTV images of shoplifters and other potential offenders.

Deep-Learning Algorithm Predicts Photos' Memorability at "near-Human" Levels
From ACM TechNews

Deep-Learning Algorithm Predicts Photos' Memorability at "near-Human" Levels

Researchers say they have developed an algorithm that can predict how memorable or forgettable a given image is almost as accurately as humans. 

How Someday Robots May Run to the Rescue--Literally
From ACM TechNews

How Someday Robots May Run to the Rescue--Literally

A research team in Ann Arbor, MI, is working to revolutionize walking robot control algorithms. 
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