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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Machine Learning Saves Babies!
From ACM TechNews

Machine Learning Saves Babies!

Hospitals collect an enormous amount of data on premature babies. Computer scientists are using machine learning to find common patterns in the data, create new...

Meet Mira, the Supercomputer That Makes ­niverses
From ACM Opinion

Meet Mira, the Supercomputer That Makes ­niverses

Cosmology is the most ambitious of sciences. Its goal, plainly stated, is to describe the origin, evolution, and structure of the entire universe, a universe that...

Curiosity Finishes Close Inspection of Rock Target
From ACM News

Curiosity Finishes Close Inspection of Rock Target

NASA's rover Curiosity touched a Martian rock with its robotic arm for the first time on Sept. 22, assessing what chemical elements are in the rock called "Jake...

Facebook Can Id Faces, but Using Them Grows Tricky
From ACM News

Facebook Can Id Faces, but Using Them Grows Tricky

Facebook on Friday confronted a new obstacle over what to do with one of its most vital assets—pictures.

Employee Shopping: 'acqui-Hire' Is the New Normal in Silicon Valley
From ACM Careers

Employee Shopping: 'acqui-Hire' Is the New Normal in Silicon Valley

Tech companies like Google, Facebook and Zynga are on a shopping spree. They're buying small startups with innovative products and apps. But, many times, the tech...

Digging For Drug Facts
From Communications of the ACM

Digging For Drug Facts

With the right approach, data mining can discover unexpected side effects and drug interactions.

Nasa Actually Working on Faster-Than-Light Warp Drive
From ACM News

Nasa Actually Working on Faster-Than-Light Warp Drive

You know that scene in the film Contact where the "Machine" is spooling up, its three spinning rings kicking out crazy light and an electromagnetic field powerful...

Cameras Know You By Your Walk
From ACM News

Cameras Know You By Your Walk

Everyone knows how easy it is to recognize a friend or family member from their walk—even from a distance.

Bionic Eyes: Sensors That ­se Lookout's Brainwaves to Spot Trouble
From ACM News

Bionic Eyes: Sensors That ­se Lookout's Brainwaves to Spot Trouble

As good as surveillance technology has gotten at some tasks, computers still frequently fail when it comes to figuring out the difference between a threat and a...

Does Rise of Biometrics Mean a Future Without Anonymity?
From ACM News

Does Rise of Biometrics Mean a Future Without Anonymity?

Long envisioned as an alternative to remembering scores of computer passwords or lugging around keys to cars, homes and businesses, technology that identifies people...

Google Translates Java to Objective-C With J2objc Tool
From ACM TechNews

Google Translates Java to Objective-C With J2objc Tool

Java developers can more easily build apps for the iPhone and iPad using a new open source command-line tool released by Google.  

Scientists Ponder Interstellar Travel at Nasa-Backed Space Summit
From ACM News

Scientists Ponder Interstellar Travel at Nasa-Backed Space Summit

In one room, scientists debated whether the White-Juday Warp Field Interferometer will help find a way to bend the space-time continuum and make interstellar travel...

Blue Brain Project Accurately Predicts Connections Between Neurons
From ACM TechNews

Blue Brain Project Accurately Predicts Connections Between Neurons

Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne's Blue Brain Project has identified key principles that determine synapse-scale connectivity by virtually reconstructing...

From Gps and Virtual Globes to Spatial Computing-2020
From ACM TechNews

From Gps and Virtual Globes to Spatial Computing-2020

Spatial computing is a set of ideas and technologies that will transform human understanding of the physical world, agreed attendees at the recently held Spatial...

At 100 Gbps, Esnet Puts Network Research on Fast Track
From ACM TechNews

At 100 Gbps, Esnet Puts Network Research on Fast Track

The U.S. Department of Energy's 100 Gbps testbed provides a facility for researchers to solve the near-term challenges associated with deploying and operating science...

Iphone 5? Yawn. What Will the 'phone' of 2022 Look Like?
From ACM Opinion

Iphone 5? Yawn. What Will the 'phone' of 2022 Look Like?

The near-term future of phones is fairly well-established. The iPhone 5 was released Wednesday and its similarity to every Apple phone since 2007 serves as a reminder...

Computer Program Can Identify Rough Sketches
From ACM TechNews

Computer Program Can Identify Rough Sketches

Brown University researchers have developed software that can identify simple sketches in real time, which they note is the first program that enables semantic...

Microsoft Xbox 3D-Projected Games Outlined in Patent
From ACM News

Microsoft Xbox 3D-Projected Games Outlined in Patent

Details of an immersive video games display system that projects images of the title's environment around a player's room have been revealed in a U.S. patent belonging...

With Kinect-Like Gestures, Softkinetic Leads the Way to Intel's Perceptual Computing
From ACM News

With Kinect-Like Gestures, Softkinetic Leads the Way to Intel's Perceptual Computing

The age of perceptual computing starts with devices that can be controlled with the wave of your hand or the sound of your voice rather than just a mouse, keyboard...

Difference Engine: The Pc All Over Again?
From ACM News

Difference Engine: The Pc All Over Again?

What could well be the next great technological disruption is fermenting away, out of sight, in small workshops, college labs, garages, and basements. Tinkerers...
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