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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

New Breed of Robotics Aims to Help People Walk Again
From ACM News

New Breed of Robotics Aims to Help People Walk Again

When Joey Abicca pokes a metal crutch into the ground with his right arm, tiny motors start whirling around his left leg, lifting it and moving it forward.

Mars Rover Curiosity Arm Tests Nearly Complete
From ACM News

Mars Rover Curiosity Arm Tests Nearly Complete

NASA's Mars Curiosity team has almost finished robotic arm tests in preparation for the rover to touch and examine its first Martian rock.

New York Police Dept. Issues First Rules For ­se of Social Media During Investigations
From ACM News

New York Police Dept. Issues First Rules For ­se of Social Media During Investigations

The NYPD has for the first time laid out rules for using social media during investigations—but critics say the guidelines raise questions about privacy issues.

How Apple Really Invented the Iphone
From ACM News

How Apple Really Invented the Iphone

Like many of Apple's inventions, the iPhone began not with a vision, but with a problem.

The Mesmerizing Beauty of Nature's Fractals
From ACM News

The Mesmerizing Beauty of Nature's Fractals

Google Earth: source of information, source of wonder, source of art. In 2010, Paul Bourke, a research associate professor at the University of Western Australia...

Super-Fast Broadband: Build It and They will Come–Maybe
From ACM News

Super-Fast Broadband: Build It and They will Come–Maybe

When the Internet pipelines in cities like Chattanooga and Kansas City are accelerated to super-fast broadband, the leading-edge technology is expected to generate...

Mind Control Will Shape Future of Gaming and Cell Phones
From ACM TechNews

Mind Control Will Shape Future of Gaming and Cell Phones

In an interview, University of Alabama at Huntsville professor Jason T. Cassibry shares his thoughts about the new technological advances on the horizon.  

Fbi Launches $1 Billion Face Recognition Project
From ACM TechNews

Fbi Launches $1 Billion Face Recognition Project

The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation is using facial-recognition technology to identify criminals and the system will be rolled out nationwide by 2014.  

Facebook's China Problem
From ACM Opinion

Facebook's China Problem

Last May when Mark Zuckerberg wed his Chinese-American girlfriend, Priscilla Chan, a joke began to make the rounds on China's version of Twitter, a microblog—or...

Who’s the Most Influential in a Social Graph?
From ACM TechNews

Who’s the Most Influential in a Social Graph?

Georgia Tech researchers say they have developed an algorithm that quickly determines betweenness centrality for streaming graphs.  

Artificial Intelligence, Powered by Many Humans
From ACM TechNews

Artificial Intelligence, Powered by Many Humans

University of Rochester researchers have developed Chorus, an approach to virtual personal assistants that creates a smart artificial chat partner from small contributions...

Mapping Neurological Disease
From ACM TechNews

Mapping Neurological Disease

MIT researchers have developed an algorithm that can analyze information from medical images to identify diseased areas of the brain and their connections with...

New App Will Help Make Sign Language Communication More Accessible
From ACM TechNews

New App Will Help Make Sign Language Communication More Accessible

Hearing and deaf sign language users should be able to communicate more effectively using an app designed by researchers at the University of Bristol. 

'Junk DNA' Debunked
From ACM News

'Junk DNA' Debunked

The deepest look into the human genome so far shows it to be a richer, messier and more intriguing place than was believed just a decade ago, scientists said Wednesday...

Bae's Striker Helmet Gives Fighter Pilots 'x-Ray Vision'
From ACM News

Bae's Striker Helmet Gives Fighter Pilots 'x-Ray Vision'

When a pilot in a Eurofighter Typhoon jet glances down, he doesn't see a steel-grey floor. Instead he sees clouds, and maybe sheep and cows in green fields below...

Visible Light Communication Could Simplify Car Electronics
From ACM TechNews

Visible Light Communication Could Simplify Car Electronics

Warwick University researchers are studying replacing the wiring inside cars with devices that communicate via light signals. The researchers have demonstrated...

Researchers Hack Brainwaves to Reveal Pin Numbers, Other Personal Data
From ACM News

Researchers Hack Brainwaves to Reveal Pin Numbers, Other Personal Data

Don't you dare even think about your banking account password when you slap on those fancy new brainwave headsets.

Artificial Intelligence Fights Notorious Crop Pest
From ACM TechNews

Artificial Intelligence Fights Notorious Crop Pest

National Taiwan University researchers have developed an artificial intelligence system that can predict an outbreak of crop-damaging fruit fly swarms.

Getting Serious About Global Gaming
From ACM TechNews

Getting Serious About Global Gaming

University of Alberta researchers have developed a network designed to bring together academia and the gaming industry.  

Making Crowdsourcing Easier
From ACM TechNews

Making Crowdsourcing Easier

MIT researchers have developed Qurk, a database system that automatically crowdsources tasks that are difficult or impossible to perform computationally.
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