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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Security in the Cloud
From Communications of the ACM

Security in the Cloud

Cloud computing offers many advantages, but also involves security risks. Fortunately, researchers are devising some ingenious solutions.

Turning Data Into Knowledge
From Communications of the ACM

Turning Data Into Knowledge

Today's data deluge is leading to new approaches to visualize, analyze, and catalog enormous datasets.

From ACM News

Outsourcing No Longer 'dirty Word' as Tech Spending Rises

First-time customers seeking to simplify back-office operations or upgrade rickety computer systems are helping information technology services companies grow faster...

Computational Power Against Noise
From ACM TechNews

Computational Power Against Noise

The Swiss Federal Office for the Environment is working with Empa's Acoustics and Noise Control Laboratory to develop a computer model to simulate noise levels...

From ACM TechNews

China's Leap in Supercomputer Rankings

When a list of the world's 500 fastest supercomputers is released on Nov. 15, some industry experts believe that China will be ranked first. "There's a great belief...

Researchers Generate Compelling Results on Tacc's Visualization Cluster
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Generate Compelling Results on Tacc's Visualization Cluster

The Texas Advanced Computing Center's hardware-accelerated interactive visualization cluster, called Longhorn, is providing researchers with new visualization capabilities...

Should Code Be Released?
From Communications of the ACM

Should Code Be Released?

Software code can provide important insights into the results of research, but it's up to individual scientists whether their code is released---and many opt not...

Personal Fabrication
From Communications of the ACM

Personal Fabrication

Open source 3D printers could herald the start of a new industrial revolution.

Study: Servers Run Well Around Zero Degrees
From ACM TechNews

Study: Servers Run Well Around Zero Degrees

Researchers in Finland are studying the use of outdoor air to cool data centers in northern climates. They have been running servers in a tent on a roof terrace...

Virtual CS School Educates a Record Number of Participants
From ACM News

Virtual CS School Educates a Record Number of Participants

Over 1,000 graduate students and researchers registered for courses offered by the Virtual School of Computational Science and Engineering this summer. The courses...

From ACM News

Sensor Networks Top Social Networks For Big Data

The Internet of Things—with sensors that monitor, for example, road use or airline flights—is poised to dwarf social media sites in its ability to generate data...

IBM Ceo: Smart Grid Is Internet of Things
From ACM News

IBM Ceo: Smart Grid Is Internet of Things

In a rare public speaking occasion, IBM CEO Sam Palmisano said that today's energy infrastructure needs to be further digitized and focused on the end consumer...

From ACM TechNews

Powerful Argument for Cutting IT Energy Consumption

Although technology is growing more and more energy efficient, more innovation is needed to offset the growing use of computers in countries such as India and China...

Peripheral Developers Are Key Contributors to Open-Source Projects, Study Finds
From ACM News

Peripheral Developers Are Key Contributors to Open-Source Projects, Study Finds

An information systems researcher at the University of Arkansas has found that peripheral developers outside the core development team make significant contributions...

Computer Scientist Puts NSF Funding to Work for More Reliable Computing
From ACM TechNews

Computer Scientist Puts NSF Funding to Work for More Reliable Computing

University of California, San Diego professor Yuanyuan Zhou recently received several grants for research projects aimed at making computer systems more reliable...

From ACM News

Online Newsletter Targets Informatics Professionals

The Standards Standard online newsletter has been launched by the American Medical Informatics Association for health professionals working in the global informatics...

Access to Data of the Past
From ICT Results

Access to Data of the Past

Tools to understand data from out-of-date systems will also promote the rapid integration of data from newly developed systems.

New Method Helps Computer Vision Systems Decipher Outdoor Scenes
From ACM TechNews

New Method Helps Computer Vision Systems Decipher Outdoor Scenes

Carnegie Mellon University researchers have developed a system that enables computers to extract more information from an image by analyzing the physical constraints...

'onshoring' Gives ­.s. Companies an Alternative to Offshore Outsourcing
From ACM News

'onshoring' Gives ­.s. Companies an Alternative to Offshore Outsourcing

Companies seeking an alternative to offshore outsourcing are trying "onshoring," an emerging trend of outsourcing IT functions to companies in the rural United...

From ACM News

Cloud Computing Method Greatly Increases Gene Analysis

Researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health have developed new software that uses cloud computing to greatly improve the speed at which...
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