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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

Virtualization Moves Closer to the Desktop

Virtual computing has moved closer with the unveiling of a new client-based hypervisor that allows users to run multiple virtual machines on a single laptop.

From ACM TechNews

Improved Online Security for a Tenth of the Cost

Computer scientists in the United Kingdom are developing a system that would offer a high level of security at one-tenth the cost of existing systems using specialized...

Crumbling Labs Could Clip Nasa's Wings
From ACM News

Crumbling Labs Could Clip Nasa's Wings

Years of neglect have left many NASA labs that might be used for breakthrough technology research in rough shape, says a report from the U.S. National Academies...

The Software Side of Flight Testing the 787 Dreamliner
From ACM News

The Software Side of Flight Testing the 787 Dreamliner

With nearly 600 hours of testing completed, Boeing’s new 787 Dreamliner is in the thick of its nearly year long flight test program. Delays in the program have...

Computing, Sudoku-Style
From ACM News

Computing, Sudoku-Style

Though still in its infancy, the work of Alexey Radul as a postdoc at MIT could someday have consequences for artificial-intelligence research, parallel computing...

Modeling Human Mobility
From ACM News

Modeling Human Mobility

Increasingly, cell phones are equipped with GPS locational receivers and their bread crumb trails are opening up entirely new ways to study and predict the dynamics...

From ACM News

India It Spending to Rise 14 Percent in 2010, Gartner Says

Information technology spending in India will grow by 14 percent in 2010 to $67 billion on higher investments by retail and utility firms and government departments...

From ACM TechNews

A Report From the Visions and Grand Challenges Conferences

The ACM-BCS Visions of Computer Science 2010 and UKCRC Grand Challenges conferences featured invited plenaries and submitted talks focusing on research visions...

Sandia Receives National Electronics Reuse/recycling Award
From ACM News

Sandia Receives National Electronics Reuse/recycling Award

Sandia National Laboratories was one of eight winners among government agency sites competing in the Fiscal Year 2009 Electronics Reuse and Recycling Campaign....

Cloud Computing and Developing Nations
From Communications of the ACM

Cloud Computing and Developing Nations

For a growing number of organizations worldwide, cloud computing offers a quick and affordable way to tap into IT infrastructure as an Internet service. But obstacles...

Modeling the Astronomical
From Communications of the ACM

Modeling the Astronomical

Advances in computer technology have changed the way astronomers see and study the universe.

From ACM TechNews

New Hiring Formula Values Math Pros

Silicon Valley technology firms are seeking employees with stronger backgrounds in statistics and machine learning, thanks to the advent of cloud computing. 

From ACM News

Science Center Receives $15 Million For Health It Research

The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston has received a $15 million stimulus grant to establish the National Center for Cognitive Informatics and...

Glonass: Has Russia's Sat-Nav System Come of Age?
From ACM News

Glonass: Has Russia's Sat-Nav System Come of Age?

With the Glonass satellite-navigation constellation nearly complete, Russia's plan to wean itself off the US Global Positioning System (GPS) appears to be coming...

From ACM News

After Patent on Genes Is Invalidated, Taking Stock

Many biotechnology stocks fell on Tuesday as investors struggled to understand the impact of a ruling that threw out parts of two gene patents and called into question...

Rensselaer Launches the First ­.s. ­ndergraduate Web Science Degree Program
From ACM News

Rensselaer Launches the First ­.s. ­ndergraduate Web Science Degree Program

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute has launched the nation's first undergraduate degree program devoted to the emerging interdisciplinary field of Web Science.

What If All Software Was Open Source?
From ACM News

What If All Software Was Open Source?

A new system makes it possible to add custom features to any standard software program like Microsoft Word, Adobe Photoshop, or Apple iTunes.

Recession Will Keep It Spending Flat in 2010, Study Says
From ACM News

Recession Will Keep It Spending Flat in 2010, Study Says

Most companies feel battered by the recession and expect that external spending on computers, software and related services will be flat in 2010, according to a...

Playing It Safe With Two Networks
From ACM News

Playing It Safe With Two Networks

To protect itself from hackers, Cryptography Research runs two unconnected networks—one for sensitive data and core engineering work that is not connected to the...

From ACM TechNews

Multicore Requires Os Rework, Windows Architect Advises

The basic architecture of modern operating systems may need to be rethought in order to accommodate multicore processors, according to a recent presentation at...
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