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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

How Do Autonomous Vehicles Learn to Drive? Download This Self-Driving Dataset and See for Yourself
From ACM TechNews

How Do Autonomous Vehicles Learn to Drive? Download This Self-Driving Dataset and See for Yourself

The University of California, Berkeley has made available a massive dataset used by engineers in the development of driverless auto technologies.

Quantum Is Key to Securing Blockchain, Say Russian Researchers
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Is Key to Securing Blockchain, Say Russian Researchers

Russian researchers have used quantum key distribution to address the issue of quantum blockchain security.

Thanks For The Memories
From ACM News

Thanks For The Memories

Researchers identify a way to digitally code—and boost—brain memory.

Gravitational Waves Reveal the Hearts of Neutron Stars
From ACM News

Gravitational Waves Reveal the Hearts of Neutron Stars

Inside a neutron star—the city-size, hyperdense cinder left after a supernova—modern physics plunges off the edge of the map.

World's Largest Computing Association Appoints First Woman CEO
From ACM TechNews

World's Largest Computing Association Appoints First Woman CEO

ACM President Vicki L. Hanson has been named executive director and CEO effective July 1.

Future Robots Need No Motors
From ACM TechNews

Future Robots Need No Motors

A team of researchers has created the first nickel-hydroxide actuating material capable of being powered by visible light, electricity, or other stimuli.

Self-Learning Assistance System for Efficient Processes
From ACM TechNews

Self-Learning Assistance System for Efficient Processes

Researchers in Germany are developing a self-learning assistance system to help machine operators correct errors while accruing experience and process knowledge...

Aerial Robot Can Morph in Flight
From ACM TechNews

Aerial Robot Can Morph in Flight

Researchers have designed an aerial robot that can change its profile during flight.

Your Reaction to Pics of Leonardo DiCaprio, Animals Could ­nlock Your Next Smartphone
From ACM TechNews

Your Reaction to Pics of Leonardo DiCaprio, Animals Could ­nlock Your Next Smartphone

A new type of password under development "measures your brainwaves" in response to a series of pictures.

Ted Dabney, a Founder of Atari and a Creator of Pong, Dies at 81
From ACM Careers

Ted Dabney, a Founder of Atari and a Creator of Pong, Dies at 81

Samuel F. Dabney, an electrical engineer who laid the groundwork for the modern video game industry as a co-founder of Atari and helped create the hit console game...

Are You Scared Yet? Meet Norman, the Psychopathic AI
From ACM News

Are You Scared Yet? Meet Norman, the Psychopathic AI

Norman is an algorithm trained to understand pictures but, like its namesake Hitchcock's Norman Bates, it does not have an optimistic view of the world.

Tiny, Far-Flung Worlds Could Explain Outer Solar System's Strange Geometry
From ACM News

Tiny, Far-Flung Worlds Could Explain Outer Solar System's Strange Geometry

Hundreds of Moon-sized worlds may orbit the Sun far beyond Neptune, sculpting the geometry of the outer Solar System.

Asia Pacific's Most Innovative ­niversities – 2018
From ACM Careers

Asia Pacific's Most Innovative ­niversities – 2018

Every scientist hopes for a "Eureka" moment—the jolt of sudden insight when a discovery becomes clear. But great advances always follow regular progress, and while...

Applying Machine Learning Tools to Earthquake Data Offers New Insights
From ACM TechNews

Applying Machine Learning Tools to Earthquake Data Offers New Insights

Machine learning algorithms identified three different types of earthquakes from seismic recordings.

Scientists ­se a Photonic Quantum Simulator to Make Virtual Movies of Molecules Vibrating
From ACM TechNews

Scientists ­se a Photonic Quantum Simulator to Make Virtual Movies of Molecules Vibrating

Researchers from five institutions have demonstrated how an optical chip can simulate the motion of atoms within molecules at the quantum level.

Combining Experts and Automation in 3D Printing
From ACM TechNews

Combining Experts and Automation in 3D Printing

Researchers have developed an approach to the three-dimensional printing of soft material that merges expert judgment with an optimization algorithm.

 The Fake News Wars Have Only Begun
From ACM News

The Fake News Wars Have Only Begun

 The next generation of false news will feature realistic-looking videos and a battle of algorithms.

First 3D Printed Human Corneas
From ACM TechNews

First 3D Printed Human Corneas

Researchers at Newcastle University in the U.K. have developed a technique for using a three-dimensional printer to create human corneas.

Apple CEO Tim Cook on Screen Time Controls, Working with China
From ACM Opinion

Apple CEO Tim Cook on Screen Time Controls, Working with China

Tim Cook, who has led Apple since 2011, spoke with NPR's Steve Inskeep in a wide-ranging interview on Monday as the company kicked off its annual Worldwide Developers...

Evidence Found for a New Fundamental Particle
From ACM News

Evidence Found for a New Fundamental Particle

Physicists are both thrilled and baffled by a new report from a neutrino experiment at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory near Chicago.
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