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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Scientists Develop Tooth-Mounted Sensors That Can Track What You Eat
From ACM TechNews

Scientists Develop Tooth-Mounted Sensors That Can Track What You Eat

Tufts University researchers have built tooth-mounted sensors that collect information on one's glucose, salt, and alcohol intake.

Overcoming a Battery's Fatal Flaw
From ACM TechNews

Overcoming a Battery's Fatal Flaw

Researchers are using the Stampede and Lonestar supercomputers at the Texas Advanced Computing Center to develop next-generation lithium-metal batteries.

Future Electric Cars Could Recharge Wirelessly While You Drive
From ACM TechNews

Future Electric Cars Could Recharge Wirelessly While You Drive

Researchers are working on the development of electric vehicles that one day may be able to charge while driving, by drawing wireless power from plates installed...

Companies Seek Ways to Hold On to Customer Data ­nder New E­ Privacy Law
From ACM News

Companies Seek Ways to Hold On to Customer Data ­nder New E­ Privacy Law

Nicholas Oliver gathers reams of personal information about users of his mobile app: age, sex, location, profession, relationship status, and more—and uses it to...

'Marsquakes' Could Shake ­p Planetary Science
From ACM News

'Marsquakes' Could Shake ­p Planetary Science

Starting next year, scientists will get their first look deep below the surface of Mars.

The Scant Science Behind Cambridge Analytica's Controversial Marketing Techniques 
From ACM News

The Scant Science Behind Cambridge Analytica's Controversial Marketing Techniques 

The practices of Cambridge Analytica, a data-analytics firm involved in US President Donald Trump's 2016 election campaign, have made headlines around the world...

Weird Magnetic Behavior Could Improve Computer Memory
From ACM TechNews

Weird Magnetic Behavior Could Improve Computer Memory

A new study suggests an unusual magnetic phenomenon could yield efficient, low-power computer memory.

Mobile Apps Could Hold Key to Parkinson's Research, Care
From ACM TechNews

Mobile Apps Could Hold Key to Parkinson's Research, Care

Smartphone software and technology can furnish an objective measure of the progression of Parkinson's disease symptoms.

Princeton Senior ­ses Big Data to Examine Global Digital Gender Gap
From ACM TechNews

Princeton Senior ­ses Big Data to Examine Global Digital Gender Gap

A Princeton University student used Facebook's advertising audience estimates to reveal insights on the global digital gender gap.

Deep Learning Model as Accurate as Radiologists Determining Age of Child Bones
From ACM TechNews

Deep Learning Model as Accurate as Radiologists Determining Age of Child Bones

Researchers have demonstrated that a deep learning convolutional network model can estimate bone age as well as human radiologists.

Earbud Translators: Not Perfect, Still Handy
From ACM News

Earbud Translators: Not Perfect, Still Handy

Utility is high, even though the translations may be limited.

Could These Grain-Sized Computers ­sing Blockchain Networks Thwart Counterfeiters?
From ACM TechNews

Could These Grain-Sized Computers ­sing Blockchain Networks Thwart Counterfeiters?

IBM researchers have developed granular microcomputers that could work with a blockchain electronic ledger to verify and track any product.

Are We Already Living in Virtual Reality?
From ACM News

Are We Already Living in Virtual Reality?

Thomas Metzinger had his first out-of-body experience when he was nineteen.

A Needle in a Legal Haystack Could Sink a Major Supreme Court Privacy Case
From ACM News

A Needle in a Legal Haystack Could Sink a Major Supreme Court Privacy Case

It looks like one of the marquee cases before the U.S. Supreme Court is about to go bust—sabotaged by a needle in a legislative haystack.

­CR Researchers Take ­p Fight Against Fake News
From ACM TechNews

­CR Researchers Take ­p Fight Against Fake News

Researchers are developing ways to address problems in social network analysis, including dissemination of malicious misinformation.

Atomically Thin Light-Emitting Device Opens the Possibility for 'Invisible' Displays
From ACM TechNews

Atomically Thin Light-Emitting Device Opens the Possibility for 'Invisible' Displays

Engineers have built a millimeters-wide bright-light-emitting device that is fully transparent when deactivated.

How Twitter Bots Help Fuel Political Feuds
From ACM TechNews

How Twitter Bots Help Fuel Political Feuds

Researchers in the U.S. and China are studying a "misinformation network" related to the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

Meet the Robot That Can Mimic Human Emotion
From ACM TechNews

Meet the Robot That Can Mimic Human Emotion

Charles is a robot that can mimic human facial expressions.

Computers Made From Human Cells Could Tell You When You're Sick
From ACM TechNews

Computers Made From Human Cells Could Tell You When You're Sick

Researchers say they have created the world's most complex biological computer, a group of engineered cells that could be implanted into the human body.

NSA Funds Summer Camp for Girls at SD Mines to Train the Next Generation of Cybersecurity Experts
From ACM News

NSA Funds Summer Camp for Girls at SD Mines to Train the Next Generation of Cybersecurity Experts

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