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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From Bug Drones to Disease Assassins, Super Weapons Rule ­.s. War Game
From ACM News

From Bug Drones to Disease Assassins, Super Weapons Rule ­.s. War Game

A rogue state is on the verge of developing a deadly biological weapon against which the rest of the world has no defense.

How to Feed Data-Hungry Mobile Devices? ­se More Antennas
From ACM TechNews

How to Feed Data-Hungry Mobile Devices? ­se More Antennas

Rice University researchers recently unveiled Argos, a multi-antenna technology that could help wireless providers keep up with the demands of data-hungry smartphones...

How Pacific Island Missile Tests Helped Launch the Internet
From ACM News

How Pacific Island Missile Tests Helped Launch the Internet

There are a thousand stories about the origin of the internet, each with their own starting point and their own heroes. Charles Herzfeld's tale began in 1961 on...

Active in Cloud, Amazon Reshapes Computing
From ACM News

Active in Cloud, Amazon Reshapes Computing

Within a few years,'s creative destruction of both traditional book publishing and retailing may be footnotes to the company’s larger and more secretive...

Analysis Shows Traces of Wiper Malware But No Links to Flame
From ACM News

Analysis Shows Traces of Wiper Malware But No Links to Flame

One of the things about the investigation into the Flame malware that's remained unclear for several months now is what ever became of the so-called Wiper virus...

'frankenstein' Programmers Test a Cybersecurity Monster
From ACM TechNews

'frankenstein' Programmers Test a Cybersecurity Monster

University of Texas (UT) at Dallas researchers have developed Frankenstein, a software system that can cloak itself as it steals and reconfigures information in...

Nasa's Kepler Discovers Multiple Planets Orbiting a Pair of Stars
From ACM News

Nasa's Kepler Discovers Multiple Planets Orbiting a Pair of Stars

Coming less than a year after the announcement of the first circumbinary planet, Kepler-16b, NASA's Kepler mission has discovered multiple transiting planets orbiting...

Gps Technology Finding Its Way Into Court
From ACM News

Gps Technology Finding Its Way Into Court

The rapid spread of cellphones with GPS technology has allowed police to track suspects with unprecedented precision—even as they commit crimes. But the legal fight...

Smartphones Challenge Chip Limits
From ACM News

Smartphones Challenge Chip Limits

Smartphones and other devices keep getting smarter, but that may change if a key step in manufacturing computer chips isn't updated soon.

Massive Cyberattack: Act 1 of Israeli Strike on Iran?
From ACM News

Massive Cyberattack: Act 1 of Israeli Strike on Iran?

Talk in Israel of a military strike on Iranian nuclear facilities has reached a fever pitch.

The Rise of Cross-Platform Malware
From ACM News

The Rise of Cross-Platform Malware

For most of the recorded history of malware, viruses, Trojans, and other malicious software have been specialists.

Nasa Rover Returns Voice and Telephoto Views from Mars
From ACM News

Nasa Rover Returns Voice and Telephoto Views from Mars

NASA's Mars Curiosity has debuted the first recorded human voice that traveled from Earth to another planet and back.

Apple-Samsung Jury Foreman Recalls 'aha! Moment'
From ACM Opinion

Apple-Samsung Jury Foreman Recalls 'aha! Moment'

According to Velvin Hogan, the 67-year-old foreman of the jury in the U.S. trial between the Apple and Samsung, one of the turning points in group's journey to came...

Home Wi-Fi Routers Could Operate as Emergency Network, Say Scientists
From ACM TechNews

Home Wi-Fi Routers Could Operate as Emergency Network, Say Scientists

Home Wi-Fi routers could be used as a backup mesh network by fire, police, and ambulance services during emergencies in cities and towns with overwhelmed cell and...

Internet Architecture Is at Odds With Its Use
From ACM TechNews

Internet Architecture Is at Odds With Its Use

The network architecture of the Internet has not evolved to better match the way people use the Internet, according to Jarno Rajahalme at Aalto University's Department...

Stanford Biologist and Computer Scientist Discover the 'anternet'
From ACM News

Stanford Biologist and Computer Scientist Discover the 'anternet'

On the surface, ants and the Internet don't seem to have much in common. But two Stanford researchers have discovered that a species of harvester ants determine...

Apple's Samsung Win Slams Asian Phone Makers
From ACM News

Apple's Samsung Win Slams Asian Phone Makers

Samsung wasn't the only Asian smartphone maker to suffer through a Black Monday.

An Empire Strikes Back: Intel Muscles Into the Mobile Market
From ACM News

An Empire Strikes Back: Intel Muscles Into the Mobile Market

Some of the biggest bets in the computing industry were made on the fifth floor of Intel's Robert Noyce Building, on the northeast corner of the chip giant's main...

Hubble's Hidden Treasures Revealed
From ACM News

Hubble's Hidden Treasures Revealed

Hubble has made over a million observations since launch, but only a small proportion are attractive images—and an even smaller number are ever actually seen by...

'super Pac App' Knows When Political Ads Stretch the Truth
From ACM News

'super Pac App' Knows When Political Ads Stretch the Truth

What if every political ad came with a "truthiness" disclaimer?
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