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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

New Wave of Adept Robots Is Changing Global Industry
From ACM News

New Wave of Adept Robots Is Changing Global Industry

At the Philips Electronics factory on the coast of China, hundreds of workers use their hands and specialized tools to assemble electric shavers. That is the old...

Computing in the Net of Possibilities
From ACM TechNews

Computing in the Net of Possibilities

A new information processing principle has been developed by researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization. 

Cyberwars Reach a New Frontier: The Airport
From ACM News

Cyberwars Reach a New Frontier: The Airport

It sounds like an air traveler's nightmare: a sophisticated software attack that allows hackers to access internal airport computer systems and manipulate data...

Swarming ­p A Storm: Why Animals School And Flock
From ACM News

Swarming ­p A Storm: Why Animals School And Flock

By tricking live fish into attacking computer-generated "prey," scientists have learned that animals like birds and fish may indeed have evolved to swarm together...

Rover Reveals More of Martian Peak
From ACM News

Rover Reveals More of Martian Peak

Newly received images from NASA's Curiosity rover are filling out the high-resolution view of its surroundings at Gale Crater on Mars—and providing an up-close...

Future of Data: Encoded in Dna
From ACM News

Future of Data: Encoded in Dna

In the latest effort to contend with exploding quantities of digital data, researchers encoded an entire book into the genetic molecules of DNA, the basic building...

How Governments and Telecom Companies Work Together on Surveillance Laws
From ACM News

How Governments and Telecom Companies Work Together on Surveillance Laws

When Americans are displeased with their politicians, they like to threaten to move to Canada. But if you're tempted to move north—or even further afield—to get...

MPEG Hammers Out Codec That Halves Bit Rate
From ACM TechNews

MPEG Hammers Out Codec That Halves Bit Rate

The Moving Picture Experts Group has announced a new international standard for a video compression format.  

Nasa Pulls Off 350-Million-Mile Software Patch
From ACM News

Nasa Pulls Off 350-Million-Mile Software Patch

If you think it's tough to keep your computer or smartphone's software updated, try keeping a space robot updated from 350 million miles away.

How Big Data Became So Big
From ACM News

How Big Data Became So Big

This has been the crossover year for Big Data—as a concept, as a term, and, yes, as a marketing tool.

Martian Computing Is Light on Ram, Heavy on Radiation Shielding
From ACM News

Martian Computing Is Light on Ram, Heavy on Radiation Shielding

NASA's Curiosity Rover has had a historic week on the surface of Mars, executing a flawless landing on the Red Planet and firing up for its mission. But under the...

Swiss Scientists Develop Algorithm to Sniff Out the Source of Malware and Spam Attacks
From ACM TechNews

Swiss Scientists Develop Algorithm to Sniff Out the Source of Malware and Spam Attacks

Researchers have developed an algorithm that can find the source of a computer virus, malware, or spam attack by checking only a small percentage of connections...

Could the New Air Traffic Control System Be Hacked
From ACM News

Could the New Air Traffic Control System Be Hacked

The Federal Aviation Administration is in the midst of a multibillion-dollar upgrade of the nation's air traffic control system.

­c San Diego Computer Scientists Explore Secure Browser Design
From ACM TechNews

­c San Diego Computer Scientists Explore Secure Browser Design

UCSD researchers say they have developed a new approach to secure browsing design. 

What's Next For Nasa? 10 Wild Newly Funded Projects
From ACM News

What's Next For Nasa? 10 Wild Newly Funded Projects

What's next for NASA now that Curiosity has touched down on Mars? For a sneak peek into what the space agency has in store, take a look at the 28 proposals for...

Cheap Chips Herald Future of Wave and Pay
From ACM News

Cheap Chips Herald Future of Wave and Pay

Small, cheap smart-tag devices that are printed as digital circuits in rolls like newspapers could help kickstart the wireless payment industry. The devices, known...

The Campaign to Digitize Your Wallet Is Intensifying
From ACM News

The Campaign to Digitize Your Wallet Is Intensifying

Last week, Starbucks joined forces with Square, a technology start-up that lets you pay for things with a smartphone. Coming from a company whose cafes seem to...

Google Releases New Web Development Aids
From ACM TechNews

Google Releases New Web Development Aids

Google has released Leak Finder, a tool for finding memory leaks in JavaScript code and a library written in Dart for accessing popular Google APIs.  

Prototype System Goes After Dns-Based Botnets
From ACM TechNews

Prototype System Goes After Dns-Based Botnets

Researchers at the University of Georgia and the Georgia Institute of Technology have developed Pleiades, a prototype system that can better detect Domain Name...

From ACM News

Analysis Reveals Flame Malware's Process Injection Tricks

As researchers continue to pull apart the Gauss malware code, looking for spreading mechanisms and infection vectors, there is still some work being done on Gauss's...
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