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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

After First Week, AI System Is Beating Human Poker Players
From ACM TechNews

After First Week, AI System Is Beating Human Poker Players

An artificial intelligence system called Libratus has gained the upper hand against human poker players in the first week of a 20-day tournament in Pittsburgh. ...

Prisoner Programmers
From ACM News

Prisoner Programmers

One organization hopes teaching inmates to code can help keep them out of prison.

Report: Five Actions States Can Take to Bridge the Computer Science Ed Gap
From ACM News

Report: Five Actions States Can Take to Bridge the Computer Science Ed Gap

A new report details five actions U.S. states can take to bridge the computer science education gap and prepare young people for a future engaged in computers and...

Hans Berliner, Master Chess Player and Programmer, Dies at 87
From ACM News

Hans Berliner, Master Chess Player and Programmer, Dies at 87

A former world champion of correspondence chess who later helped develop game-playing computers, Hans Berliner died on Friday in Riviera Beach, FL, at the age of 87...

Teaching Computers to Recognize Sick Guts: Machine-Learning and the Microbiome
From ACM TechNews

Teaching Computers to Recognize Sick Guts: Machine-Learning and the Microbiome

Researchers at the University of California, San Diego have harnessed machine-learning techniques to classify proteins found in healthy and unhealthy gut microbiomes...

New Technology Enables 5-Dimensional Imaging in Live Animals and Humans
From ACM TechNews

New Technology Enables 5-Dimensional Imaging in Live Animals and Humans

University of Southern California researchers have developed an image-analysis technique that makes finding important biological molecules and learning how they...

5 State Policies to Sustain Computer Science Education
From ACM TechNews

5 State Policies to Sustain Computer Science Education

The Southern Regional Education Board recently convened a group of U.S. state legislators and secondary and postsecondary education leaders to develop policies...

A Darker Theme in Obama's Farewell: Automation Can Divide ­S
From ACM News

A Darker Theme in Obama's Farewell: Automation Can Divide ­S

Underneath the nostalgia and hope in President Obama's farewell address Tuesday night was a darker theme: the struggle to help the people on the losing end of technological...

How Northeastern Plans to Reach Equal Male-Female Computer Science Enrollment By 2021
From ACM TechNews

How Northeastern Plans to Reach Equal Male-Female Computer Science Enrollment By 2021

Carla Brodley, dean of Northeastern University's College of Computer and Information Science, aims to reach an equal male/female balance in computer science enrollment...

Poker Play Begins in 'brains vs. Ai: Upping the Ante'
From ACM News

Poker Play Begins in 'brains vs. Ai: Upping the Ante'

Play began Jan. 11 for "Brains Vs. Artificial Intelligence: Upping the Ante," a competition at Rivers Casino in Pittsburgh that pits a Carnegie Mellon University...

Stepping Stones in an Ocean of Data
From ACM News

Stepping Stones in an Ocean of Data

An interview with science writer, entrepreneur, and National Public Radio’s “Math Guy,” Keith Devlin.

He Helped Create the 'google Brain.' Here's What He Thinks About AI Now
From ACM Opinion

He Helped Create the 'google Brain.' Here's What He Thinks About AI Now

Trucks that can drive themselves along delivery routes. Computers capable of defeating world champions in a notoriously complex game. Apps that can translate sentences...

Robots Will Destroy Our Jobs, and We're Not Ready For It
From ACM News

Robots Will Destroy Our Jobs, and We're Not Ready For It

The McDonald's on the corner of Third Avenue and 58th Street in New York City doesn/t look all that different from any of the fast-food chain's other locations...

Jill Watson, Round Three
From ACM TechNews

Jill Watson, Round Three

The Georgia Institute of Technology is beginning its third semester using a virtual teaching assistant system in an online course about artificial intelligence....

Vr Trauma Surgery 101: Going For the Grisly
From ACM News

Vr Trauma Surgery 101: Going For the Grisly

Medical students experience the controlled chaos of trauma surgery, virtually.

'transfer Learning' Jump-Starts New AI Projects
From ACM TechNews

'transfer Learning' Jump-Starts New AI Projects

Abstracting and reusing knowledge gleaned from a machine-learning application in other, newer apps--or "transfer learning"--is supplementing other learning methods...

Complexity Theory Problem Strikes Back
From ACM News

Complexity Theory Problem Strikes Back

The legendary graph isomorphism problem may be harder than a 2015 result seemed to suggest.

The ­.s. Goes All-In on Tech Inclusion
From ACM News

The ­.s. Goes All-In on Tech Inclusion

A wave of U.S. federal funding aims to make the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields more inclusive.

A Digital Portrayal of James Joyce's 'portrait'
From ACM TechNews

A Digital Portrayal of James Joyce's 'portrait'

Computer scientists and literature scholars at University College Dublin in Ireland have teamed up to create a multimedia version of James Joyce's novel "A Portrait...

New Simulation Software Improves Helicopter Pilot Training
From ACM TechNews

New Simulation Software Improves Helicopter Pilot Training

Researchers at the Technical University of Munich in Germany have developed simulation software to improve training for helicopter pilots via real-time computational...
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