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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Tackling Society's Big Problems With Systems Theory
From ACM TechNews

Tackling Society's Big Problems With Systems Theory

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Institute for Data, Systems, and Society doctoral program is underway. 

Virtual Reality App Makes Haptics as Immersive as Visuals
From ACM TechNews

Virtual Reality App Makes Haptics as Immersive as Visuals

Disney Research has developed a 360-degree virtual reality application and a haptic chair that enable users to enhance their virtual experience with customizable...

AI Science Search Engines Expand Their Reach
From ACM News

AI Science Search Engines Expand Their Reach

A free AI-based scholarly search engine that aims to outdo Google Scholar is expanding its corpus of papers to cover some 10 million research articles in computer...

Trump's Plans to Shake ­p the Tech World
From ACM Opinion

Trump's Plans to Shake ­p the Tech World

Donald Trump's ascension to the White House had very little to do with his views on the spread of high-speed broadband, wireless spectrum allocation—or any number...

Giant Machine Shows How a Computer Works
From ACM TechNews

Giant Machine Shows How a Computer Works

Researchers at the University of Bristol in the U.K. have built a giant, operational 16-bit computer to help non-experts see how the mechanisms of computation work...

Machines May Never Master the Distinctly Human Elements of Language
From ACM TechNews

Machines May Never Master the Distinctly Human Elements of Language

Artificial intelligence might never be able to completely understand human language.

Nyu Is Building a Real-Life Holodeck
From ACM TechNews

Nyu Is Building a Real-Life Holodeck

New York University recently received a $2.9-million U.S. National Science Foundation grant to develop an immersive virtual reality experience.

Scientists Can Publish Their Best Work at Any Age
From ACM Careers

Scientists Can Publish Their Best Work at Any Age

Hoping that your next paper will be the big one?

Computer Science/stem Leaders Explain How to Spark STEM Interest in Youth
From ACM TechNews

Computer Science/stem Leaders Explain How to Spark STEM Interest in Youth

The time is ripe to encourage science, technology, engineering, and math interest in today's youth, according to scientists leading the SC16 international conference...

When Women Are More Like Men, They Still Face STEM Bias
From ACM TechNews

When Women Are More Like Men, They Still Face STEM Bias

A new study found women with science, technology, engineering, and mathematics degrees in the 1970s—1990s did not have the same employment opportunities as men.

Supercomputing the P53 Protein as a Promising Anticancer Therapy
From ACM TechNews

Supercomputing the P53 Protein as a Promising Anticancer Therapy

University of California, San Diego professor Rommie Amaro is using a supercomputer to model the tumor suppression protein p53.

Playing Grand Theft Auto Can Teach Autonomous Cars How to Drive
From ACM TechNews

Playing Grand Theft Auto Can Teach Autonomous Cars How to Drive

Self-driving cars can learn the rules of the road by studying virtual traffic on videogames such as Grand Theft Auto V, according to a new study.

Supporting Prospective Women in STEM Starts With Accessible Mentors
From ACM TechNews

Supporting Prospective Women in STEM Starts With Accessible Mentors

A University of Washington study found an unwelcoming culture and a lack of mentors were the main deterrents to women considering science-related careers.

Robotic Tutors For Primary School Children
From ACM TechNews

Robotic Tutors For Primary School Children

Researchers in Spain have developed an integrated computational architecture for use with software applications in schools.

Blockchain Beyond Bitcoin
From Communications of the ACM

Blockchain Beyond Bitcoin

Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize applications and redefine the digital economy.

Computer Vision Leader Fei-Fei Li on Why AI Needs Diversity
From ACM TechNews

Computer Vision Leader Fei-Fei Li on Why AI Needs Diversity

As artificial intelligence technologies increasingly are deployed to meet industrial and personal needs, the field will need to address its lack of ethnic and gender...

Women in Computing to Decline to 22% By 2025, Study Warns
From ACM News

Women in Computing to Decline to 22% By 2025, Study Warns

New research warns the number of women in the computing workforce will decline if nothing is done to encourage more to study computer science.

Will Visual Programming Crack the Code on Learning?
From ACM News

Will Visual Programming Crack the Code on Learning?

An emerging generation of visual coding platforms is introducing software development to young people and other beginners.

Tech's Gender Gap Is Getting Worse, Not Better, Report Says
From ACM TechNews

Tech's Gender Gap Is Getting Worse, Not Better, Report Says

Unless technology companies and educators start reaching out to young women and girls, the number of women in the computer science field will drop, a new report...

Women in Tech Will Grow Alongside Digital
From ACM TechNews

Women in Tech Will Grow Alongside Digital

ACM president Vicki L. Hanson expects the ranks of women in information technology fields to grow as computer skills become increasingly necessary for all industries...
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