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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Squeezing Light Into a Tiny Channel Brings Optical Computing a Step Closer
From ACM TechNews

Squeezing Light Into a Tiny Channel Brings Optical Computing a Step Closer

Researchers have paved the way for computers based on light rather than electronics.

New Research Creates a Computer Chip That Emulates Human Cognition
From ACM TechNews

New Research Creates a Computer Chip That Emulates Human Cognition

Researchers have developed a chip that contains about 5.4 billion transistors and 1 million "neurons" that communicate via 256 million "synapses."

Voyager 1 Fires ­p Thrusters After 37 Years
From ACM News

Voyager 1 Fires ­p Thrusters After 37 Years

If you tried to start a car that's been sitting in a garage for decades, you might not expect the engine to respond. But a set of thrusters aboard the Voyager 1...

A.i. Will Transform the Economy. But How Much, and How Soon?
From ACM News

A.i. Will Transform the Economy. But How Much, and How Soon?

There are basically three big questions about artificial intelligence and its impact on the economy: What can it do? Where is it headed? And how fast will it spread...

Supercomputing Poised For a Massive Speed Boost
From ACM News

Supercomputing Poised For a Massive Speed Boost

At the end of July, workers at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee began filling up a cavernous room with the makings of a computational behemoth: row...

­ltrasound Could Offer Noninvasive Treatment For Parkinson's and Depression
From ACM News

­ltrasound Could Offer Noninvasive Treatment For Parkinson's and Depression

A macaque monkey sat in front of a computer. A yellow square—the target—appeared in the periphery on the left side of the screen. After a few seconds delay, a second...

Far From Radio Interference, the Square Kilometre Array Takes Root in South Africa and The australian outback
From ACM News

Far From Radio Interference, the Square Kilometre Array Takes Root in South Africa and The australian outback

Even in early winter, the sun is harsh in Western Australia's Murchison shire.

AI Is Dreaming ­p New Kinds of Video Games
From ACM TechNews

AI Is Dreaming ­p New Kinds of Video Games

Angelina is an artificial intelligence that can imagine new video games from scratch, which has produced hundreds of experimental games since 2011.

Dogs Get the Hollywood Treatment to Make Animal Animations More Realistic
From ACM TechNews

Dogs Get the Hollywood Treatment to Make Animal Animations More Realistic

Researchers are developing a new technique that will use human movements to drive a four-legged animated animal character.

Child-Proofing the Internet of Things
From ACM TechNews

Child-Proofing the Internet of Things

Researchers are studying how children can maintain their safety and privacy as they use the Internet of Things.

Algorithms Can Determine a Neighborhood's Political Leanings By Its Cars
From ACM TechNews

Algorithms Can Determine a Neighborhood's Political Leanings By Its Cars

Researchers at Stanford University have developed algorithms that can determine where a neighborhood's political allegiances lie by analyzing the cars on its streets...

Robots Could Soon Replace Nearly a Third of the U.s. Workforce
From ACM TechNews

Robots Could Soon Replace Nearly a Third of the U.s. Workforce

The growth of automation will force as many as 70 million workers in the U.S. to find new jobs by 2030, according to a new McKinsey Global Institute study.

Two New Simulators Tease Future of Quantum Computing
From ACM News

Two New Simulators Tease Future of Quantum Computing

A universal quantum computer capable of outperforming today's classical computers in solving many different problems remains the biggest future prize for many engineers...

4 Strange New Ways to Compute
From ACM News

4 Strange New Ways to Compute

With Moore's Law slowing, engineers have been taking a cold hard look at what will keep computing going when it's gone.

The Genesis of Kuri, the Friendly Home Robot
From ACM News

The Genesis of Kuri, the Friendly Home Robot

Over the course  of thousands of years, dogs have evolved alongside humans to be awesome.

Hades Creates Alternate Reality to Mislead Hackers
From ACM TechNews

Hades Creates Alternate Reality to Mislead Hackers

Researchers at Sandia National Laboratories have developed an alternative reality that tells hackers what they want to believe.

Scientists Release a How-To For Building a Smartphone Microscope
From ACM TechNews

Scientists Release a How-To For Building a Smartphone Microscope

Researchers have released an open source dataset offering instructions to anyone interested in building their own smartphone microscope.

Computer Modeling Offers Insight Into What Causes Sudden Cardiac Death
From ACM TechNews

Computer Modeling Offers Insight Into What Causes Sudden Cardiac Death

A new computer model replicates the biological activity within the heart that precedes sudden cardiac death.

Microwave-Based Test Method Can Help Keep 3D Chip Designers' Eyes Open
From ACM TechNews

Microwave-Based Test Method Can Help Keep 3D Chip Designers' Eyes Open

Researchers at the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology have developed a new way to test multilayered, three-dimensional computer chips.

A Taste of the Virtual
From ACM News

A Taste of the Virtual

Consumers are sampling virtual reality systems and software, without needing to buy them.
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