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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

­niversities Band Together to Protect Scotland From Cyberattacks
From ACM TechNews

­niversities Band Together to Protect Scotland From Cyberattacks

The Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Alliance has launched a project aiming to make Scotland a world leader in cybersecurity and cyber resilience.

Driverless Cars Promise Far Greater Mobility For the Elderly and People With Disabilities
From ACM TechNews

Driverless Cars Promise Far Greater Mobility For the Elderly and People With Disabilities

Autonomous vehicles stand to benefit mobility-challenged seniors and other people with physical, cognitive, and mental disabilities.

This AI Can Spot Art Forgeries By Looking at One Brushstroke
From ACM TechNews

This AI Can Spot Art Forgeries By Looking at One Brushstroke

Researchers have developed an artificial intelligence system that can identify an art forgery by examining the piece's brush strokes.

Parallel Computational Thinking
From Communications of the ACM

Parallel Computational Thinking

Applications must be programmed to process instructions in parallel to take full advantage of the new multicore processors.

Gaming Machine Learning
From Communications of the ACM

Gaming Machine Learning

Game simulations are driving improvements in machine learning for autonomous vehicles and other devices.

Perovskites Boost Solar-Cell Potential
From Communications of the ACM

Perovskites Boost Solar-Cell Potential

New materials could allow cheaper, more efficient solar cells for both traditional and novel applications.

Computer Science Teachers to Be Tripled, Chancellor Announces
From ACM News

Computer Science Teachers to Be Tripled, Chancellor Announces

How Traveling Back In Time Could Really, Physically Be Possible
From ACM News

How Traveling Back In Time Could Really, Physically Be Possible

It's one of the greatest tropes in movies, literature, and television shows: the idea that we could travel back in time to alter the past.

Nasa Links Port-City Sea Levels to Regional Ice Melt
From ACM News

Nasa Links Port-City Sea Levels to Regional Ice Melt

A new NASA tool links changes in sea level in 293 global port cities to specific regions of melting land ice, such as southern Greenland and the Antarctic Peninsula...

New Way to Write Magnetic Info Could Pave the Way For Hardware Neural Networks
From ACM TechNews

New Way to Write Magnetic Info Could Pave the Way For Hardware Neural Networks

A new method for writing magnetic information in any pattern uses a very small magnetic probe known as a magnetic force microscope.

Armed With Tough Computer Chips, Scientists Are Ready to Return to the Hell of Venus
From ACM TechNews

Armed With Tough Computer Chips, Scientists Are Ready to Return to the Hell of Venus

Robot missions to Venus could become routine within the next decade by sending exploratory probes with highly durable computer chips that can handle the planet's...

Voice Impersonators Can Fool Speaker Recognition Systems
From ACM TechNews

Voice Impersonators Can Fool Speaker Recognition Systems

Researchers have found skillful voice impersonators are able to fool state-of-the-art speaker recognition systems, posing a significant security risk.

Cultivating STEM Success
From ACM TechNews

Cultivating STEM Success

Harvard University's Pooja Chandrashekar founded the ProjectCSGIRLS coding competition, now the largest such competition for middle-school girls in the U.S.

Virginia Becomes First State to Require Computer Science Instruction
From ACM TechNews

Virginia Becomes First State to Require Computer Science Instruction

Virginia has completed a series of computer science standards designed to configure the curriculum and what instructors are expected to teach at each grade level...

Recurring Martian Streaks: Flowing Sand, Not Water?
From ACM News

Recurring Martian Streaks: Flowing Sand, Not Water?

Dark features on Mars previously considered evidence for subsurface flowing of water are interpreted by new research as granular flows, where grains of sand and...

2017 Aaas Fellows Recognized For Advancing Science
From ACM News

2017 Aaas Fellows Recognized For Advancing Science

The 2017 AAAS Fellows will be honored at the 2018 AAAS Annual Meeting in Austin, TX, Feb. 15-19, 2018.

How Disinformation and Distortions on Social Media Affected Elections Worldwide
From ACM News

How Disinformation and Distortions on Social Media Affected Elections Worldwide

Internet freedom is on the decline for the seventh consecutive year as governments around the world take to distorting information on social media in order to influence...

This Inquisitive AI Will Kick Your Butt at Battleship
From ACM TechNews

This Inquisitive AI Will Kick Your Butt at Battleship

Researchers have developed an artificial intelligence that can skillfully play a Battleship-like game by determining how to ask questions as efficiently as possible...

­CLA Engineers ­se Deep Learning to Reconstruct Holograms and Improve Optical Microscopy
From ACM TechNews

­CLA Engineers ­se Deep Learning to Reconstruct Holograms and Improve Optical Microscopy

Researchers have developed two new uses for machine learning--reconstructing a hologram to form a microscopic image of an object, and improving optical microscopy...

Breakthrough Could Launch Organic Electronics Beyond Cellphone Screens
From ACM TechNews

Breakthrough Could Launch Organic Electronics Beyond Cellphone Screens

An international team of researchers could advance the use of organic electronics by facilitating a breakthrough in organic semiconductors.
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