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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Computer Science Researcher Hopes to Make Access to Cloud Storage More Efficient
From ACM TechNews

Computer Science Researcher Hopes to Make Access to Cloud Storage More Efficient

A Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University professor plans to further develop a high-performance and load balanced in-memory object caching storage system...

App, Beacons Guide Travel on ­nderground For Vision-Impaired
From ACM TechNews

App, Beacons Guide Travel on ­nderground For Vision-Impaired

The test trial for a smartphone app that helps the visually impaired use London's public transportation system wraps up this week. 

Connecting the Internet of Things to the Marketplace
From ACM TechNews

Connecting the Internet of Things to the Marketplace

The European Union-funded BUTLER initiative to expand the Internet of Things in a cooperative and seamless manner has published its achievements. 

Just in Time: Tips For Computer Science Teachers When They Need It
From ACM TechNews

Just in Time: Tips For Computer Science Teachers When They Need It

Researchers are developing online professional development resources to provide "just-in-time" support for computer science teachers . 

Pre-Crime Software Recruited to Track Gang of Thieves
From ACM News

Pre-Crime Software Recruited to Track Gang of Thieves

They always choose the line at the bank farthest from CCTV—that's how the Felony Lane Gang got its name.

Finding Out What the Past Smelled Like
From ACM Opinion

Finding Out What the Past Smelled Like

It was the smell that hit me first, a heady mixture of roasting meat, woodsmoke, and farmyard manure.

Personal Fabrication Machines Make 'homemade' Digitally
From ACM News

Personal Fabrication Machines Make 'homemade' Digitally

Digital cutting devices will supplement consumer-level 3D printers.

Computer Scientists' 4-Million-Euro Project Aims to Make Big Data More Productive and Useful
From ACM TechNews

Computer Scientists' 4-Million-Euro Project Aims to Make Big Data More Productive and Useful

Researchers are working a Horizon 2020 research project aimed at creating systems that will enable developers to incorporate big data into a variety of applications...

Finger-Mounted Reading Device For the Blind
From ACM TechNews

Finger-Mounted Reading Device For the Blind

Researchers have developed a prototype of a finger-mounted device with a built-in camera that converts written text into audio for visually impaired users. 

Pluto-Bound Probe Tweaks Its Trajectory
From ACM News

Pluto-Bound Probe Tweaks Its Trajectory

NASA's New Horizons spacecraft fine-tuned its path toward Pluto on Tuesday, firing its rocket thrusters for 93 seconds to aim for a fleeting flyby of the distant...

Silicon Valley Debate on Self-Driving Cars: Do You Need a Map?
From ACM News

Silicon Valley Debate on Self-Driving Cars: Do You Need a Map?

The Silicon Valley race to build a self-driving car may revolve around one simple question: to map or not to map.

The Real Star Wars: Air Force Heads to the Heavens For Weapons Guidance
From ACM News

The Real Star Wars: Air Force Heads to the Heavens For Weapons Guidance

The success of precision-guided bombs in 1991’s Gulf War was a revelation.

Quantum Sensor's Advantages Survive Entanglement Breakdown
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Sensor's Advantages Survive Entanglement Breakdown

MIT researchers have demonstrated that entanglement can improve the performance of optical sensors, even when it does not survive light's interaction with the environment...

From Massive Supercomputers Come Tiniest Transistors
From ACM TechNews

From Massive Supercomputers Come Tiniest Transistors

Purdue University researchers have created a set of software tools that can predict the future behavior of nanoscale transistors. The software simulates the phenomena...

Use of Rover Arm Expected to Resume in a Few Days
From ACM News

Use of Rover Arm Expected to Resume in a Few Days

Managers of NASA's Curiosity Mars rover mission expect to approve resumption of rover arm movements as early as next week while continuing analysis of what appears...

Eben Upton: The Raspberry Pi Pioneer
From ACM TechNews

Eben Upton: The Raspberry Pi Pioneer

Eben Upton, the inventor of the Raspberry Pi computer, got his start coding games in BASIC on a BBC Micro when he was 10. 

What Is Privacy? New Research Reveals We May Need a New Definition
From ACM TechNews

What Is Privacy? New Research Reveals We May Need a New Definition

Rutgers University professor Vivek Singh has found that information taken from just four credit card transactions can uniquely identify a person. 

Addressing the Human Brain's Big Data Challenge With Brainx3
From ACM TechNews

Addressing the Human Brain's Big Data Challenge With Brainx3

Researchers have developed BrainX3, a platform for visualizing, simulating, analyzing, and interacting with massive amounts of data. 

Time to Disconnect: Why the Sim Card Has Had Its Day
From ACM TechNews

Time to Disconnect: Why the Sim Card Has Had Its Day

SIM cards used by mobile phones to connect to phone networks will soon be 25 years old, and have been found to be vulnerable.

Heavy Smartphone Use Linked to Lower Intelligence
From ACM TechNews

Heavy Smartphone Use Linked to Lower Intelligence

New research from the University of Waterloo suggests a link between heavy smartphone use and lower intelligence. 
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