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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Cockroach Robots? Not Nightmare Fantasy but Science Lab Reality
From ACM TechNews

Cockroach Robots? Not Nightmare Fantasy but Science Lab Reality

Texas A&M University researchers have fused a computer onto the back of a live cockroach in order to control the insect. 

This Woman Flew an F-35 Simulator with Her Mind
From ACM News

This Woman Flew an F-35 Simulator with Her Mind

Jan Scheuermann, a quadriplegic and pioneering patient for an experimental Pentagon robotics program, continues to break ground in freeing the mind from the body...

Testing to Diagnose Power Event in Mars Rover
From ACM News

Testing to Diagnose Power Event in Mars Rover

NASA's Curiosity Mars rover is expected to remain stationary for several days of engineering analysis following an onboard fault-protection action on Feb. 27 that...

Hunting Black Holes at the South Pole
From ACM News

Hunting Black Holes at the South Pole

Each of the telescopes that the astronomers of the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) are currently working to bring into their black-hole-observing, planet-size array...

Innovative, Lower Cost Sensors and Controls Yield Better Energy Efficiency
From ACM TechNews

Innovative, Lower Cost Sensors and Controls Yield Better Energy Efficiency

A new wireless sensor prototype could reduce the costs of collecting data such as outside air and room temperature, humidity, light level, occupancy, and pollutants...

Six Keys to Sports Analytics
From ACM Careers

Six Keys to Sports Analytics

The ninth annual MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference (SSAC) was the biggest meeting yet of sports-data experts: More than 3,100 people attended the event last...

New Research Signals Big Future For Quantum Radar
From ACM TechNews

New Research Signals Big Future For Quantum Radar

An international research team has developed a prototype quantum radar that could be used to detect objects invisible to conventional systems. 

Professor Lorrie Cranor Gives Lecture on Password Security
From ACM TechNews

Professor Lorrie Cranor Gives Lecture on Password Security

Carnegie Mellon University's Human-Computer Interaction Institute recently hosted a seminar on the study of password security led by CMU professor Lorrie Cranor...

­.k. Research Aims For Pervasive Mobile Robotics
From ACM TechNews

­.k. Research Aims For Pervasive Mobile Robotics

Oxford University researchers are developing situation-aware mobile robotic systems for use in diverse applications. 

Nasa Spacecraft Nears Historic Dwarf Planet Arrival
From ACM News

Nasa Spacecraft Nears Historic Dwarf Planet Arrival

NASA's Dawn spacecraft has returned new images captured on approach to its historic orbit insertion at the dwarf planet Ceres.

Google Wants to Rank Websites Based on Facts Not Links
From ACM News

Google Wants to Rank Websites Based on Facts Not Links

The internet is stuffed with garbage.

Chip Makers Push New Senses For Smartphones–mobile World
From ACM News

Chip Makers Push New Senses For Smartphones–mobile World

Smartphones are about to get smarter, chip makers say, exploiting technologies that recognize people, objects and sounds to boost security and take helpful actions...

7 Things Net Neutrality Won't Do
From ACM News

7 Things Net Neutrality Won't Do

When it comes to the new Net neutrality rules adopted last week by the Federal Communications Commission, people think either that US regulators have liberated...

Could Ibm's Brain-Inspired Chip Change the Way Computers Are Built?
From ACM TechNews

Could Ibm's Brain-Inspired Chip Change the Way Computers Are Built?

A team from IBM last week traveled to Washington, D.C., to demonstrate new computer chips inspired by the structure of the brain. 

­.k. Researchers Are Building Robotic Pants
From ACM TechNews

­.k. Researchers Are Building Robotic Pants

Scientists at the University of Bristol have developed robotic pants with built-in artificial muscles designed to aid the elderly or people with disabilities. 

­.n. Report Focuses on Modern Technology to Improve Peacekeeping Missions
From ACM TechNews

­.n. Report Focuses on Modern Technology to Improve Peacekeeping Missions

A new report says United Nations peacekeeping missions should use technology to establish situational awareness, carry out mandates, and protect themselves.

Artificial Intelligence Bests Humans at Classic Arcade Games
From ACM TechNews

Artificial Intelligence Bests Humans at Classic Arcade Games

A recent article recounts how a team of artificial intelligence researchers trained a computer to play, and in some cases beat, human players in several arcade...

Why Everyone Was Wrong About Net Neutrality
From ACM Opinion

Why Everyone Was Wrong About Net Neutrality

Today, the Federal Communications Commission, by a vote of three to two, enacted its strongest-ever rules on net neutrality, preserving an open Internet by prohibiting...

Invasion of the Friendly Movie Robots
From ACM Opinion

Invasion of the Friendly Movie Robots

Robots are becoming more of a reality in everyday life, and movies have started to overhaul their depiction of them. They're gentler, friendlier, and often better...

Study of Atmospheric 'froth' May Help Gps Communications
From ACM News

Study of Atmospheric 'froth' May Help Gps Communications

When you don't know how to get to an unfamiliar place, you probably rely on a smart phone or other device with a Global Positioning System (GPS) module for guidance...
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