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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Millions of Printers Open to Devastating Hack Attack, Researchers Say
From ACM News

Millions of Printers Open to Devastating Hack Attack, Researchers Say

Could a hacker from half-way around the planet control your printer and give it instructions so frantic that it could eventually catch fire? Or use a hijacked...

From ACM News

Turn On the Server. It

To satisfy our ever-growing need for computing power, many technology companies have moved their work to data centers with tens of thousands of power-gobbling...

Kilobots Are Leaving the Nest
From ACM TechNews

Kilobots Are Leaving the Nest

Harvard University computer scientists and engineers have developed technology designed to test collective algorithms on hundreds or even thousands of tiny robots...

Patent Office Highlights Jobs's Innovations
From ACM News

Patent Office Highlights Jobs's Innovations

The United States Patent and Trademark Office in Alexandria, Va., recently unveiled an exhibit of 30 giant iPhone-like models honoring the inventions of the late...

From ACM News

How Games Are Driving a Mobile Graphics Revolution

The needs of players are helping to push advances from chip makers like Qualcomm and Nvidia.

From ACM News

Will Your Mall Be Tracking Your Cellphone Today?

Some shoppers looking for Black Friday deals will find a surprise waiting for them at the mall—sensors that track their every move.

Did an Illinois Water ­tility Come ­nder Cyberattack?
From ACM News

Did an Illinois Water ­tility Come ­nder Cyberattack?

And why was it connected to the Internet, anyway?

Nuclear 'space Battery' Bests Solar in Curiosity Mars Mission
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Nuclear 'space Battery' Bests Solar in Curiosity Mars Mission

If you're going to Mars with an SUV-size robot, you'll need a really good energy supply.

From ACM News

10 Robots Inspired by Animals and Insects

All the research in the world can't beat millions of years of evolution.

Why Are Humans Scared of Robots?
From ACM News

Why Are Humans Scared of Robots?

"If popular culture has taught us anything, it is that someday mankind must face and destroy the growing robot menace." Author and robotic engineer Daniel H Wilson's...

The Problem With Landing Humans on Mars (and How to Fix It)
From ACM News

The Problem With Landing Humans on Mars (and How to Fix It)

When NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory—scheduled to lift-off from Cape Canaveral later this week—touches down on the Red Planet in August of 2012, the one-ton probe...

Russian Probe Misses Mars Trip
From ACM News

Russian Probe Misses Mars Trip

Russia's stranded Phobos-Grunt spacecraft reportedly has lost its main opportunity to go to Mars, land on one of its moons and return to Earth with a sample....

Brave NUI World
From Communications of the ACM

Brave NUI World

Natural user interface developments, such as Microsoft's Kinect, may indicate the beginning of the end for the mouse.

The Rise of Molecular Machines
From Communications of the ACM

The Rise of Molecular Machines

The field of molecular computing is achieving new levels of control over biochemical processes and fostering sophisticated connections between computer science...

From ACM News

H(ackers)2O: Attack on City Water Station Destroys Pump

Hackers gained remote access into the control system of the city water utility in Springfield, Illinois, and destroyed a pump, according to a report released...

From ACM News

Cyberwar Most Likely to Take Place Among Smaller Powers, Experts Say

Most Americans who worry about cyberwarfare are concerned that it will be directed against the United States. But the truth is that cyber conflict is far more...

Rankings Released For Supercomputers Doing 'big Data'
From ACM TechNews

Rankings Released For Supercomputers Doing 'big Data'

This year's Graph500 competition, which measures supercomputers that handle big data scaling problems, featured 50 systems, up from nine last year. The U.S. National...

From ACM News

A New Perspective on Crime Scenes

In 2009, to better record crime scenes, the New York City Police Department began using the Panoscan, a camera that creates high-resolution, 360-degree panoramic...

Intel Shows Off Its Knights Corner One Teraflops Chip
From ACM News

Intel Shows Off Its Knights Corner One Teraflops Chip

Intel has developed an accelerator chip capable of running at speeds of one teraflops, equal to one trillion calculations per second.

Exascale Computing Seen in This Decade
From ACM TechNews

Exascale Computing Seen in This Decade

A major focus at the SC11 supercomputing conference was plans to develop an exascale computing system, which would be about 1,000 times more powerful than any...
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