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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Technology That Translates Content to the Internet Protocol of the Future
From ACM TechNews

Technology That Translates Content to the Internet Protocol of the Future

Carlos III University of Madrid researchers working on the Trilogy project have developed technology that enables Internet protocol version 6 (IPv6) users to access...

From ACM News

Pursuing Iphone Thief, Officer Knew Right Buttons to Push

As crime-solving tools go, it may not have the same pedigree as, say, the oversize magnifying glass.

From ACM News

Fbi Plans Social Network Map Alert Mash-­p Application

The FBI is seeking to develop an early-warning system based on material "scraped" from social networks.

From ACM News

What If a Virus Infected a Virus? 'frankenware' Spotted By Security Firm

It does happen, says security firm BitDefender, and the result is more mutant than mutt.

From ACM News

Companies Worry About Sec's Advice to Disclose Cyberthreats

Deluged by cyberattacks they've mostly hidden from the public, companies in Silicon Valley and elsewhere are being prodded by federal regulators to finally fess...

From ACM Careers

No More R

Union Square Ventures recently posted an opening for an investment analyst.

From ACM News

Durable Nasa Rover Beginning Ninth Year of Mars Work

Eight years after landing on Mars for what was planned as a three-month mission, NASA's enduring Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity is working on what essentially...

From ACM News

Serious Flaw Emerges In Quantum Cryptography

The perfect secrecy offered by quantum mechanics appears to have been scuppered by a previously unknown practical problem, say physicists.

From ACM News

10k Reasons to Worry About Critical Infrastructure

A security researcher was able to locate and map more than 10,000 industrial control systems hooked up to the public internet, including water and sewage plants...

Google Looks to Speed Up the Internet
From ACM TechNews

Google Looks to Speed Up the Internet

Google researchers want to overhaul the Internet's Transmission Control Protocol transport layer and have suggested ways to reduce latency.  

From ACM News

Hewlett Packard Opens Doors to Its HP Labs ­.K. Research Base

The year is 2015, and in a government-owned data centre somewhere in southern England thousands of servers are humming away, hard at work keeping the country running...

From ACM News

Google Wants Ability to 'combine' Your ­ser Data

Google is planning to rewrite its privacy policy to grant it explicit rights to "combine personal information" across multiple products and services, the company...

MIT Genius Stuffs 100 Processors Into Single Chip
From ACM TechNews

MIT Genius Stuffs 100 Processors Into Single Chip

Anant Agarwal, director of MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, recently launched Tilera, a company that specializes in squeezing cores...

From ACM News

Strongest Solar Radiation Storm Since September 2005 Could Reach Earth Today

The sun erupted late on January 22, 2012 with an M8.7 class flare, an earth-directed coronal mass ejection, and a burst of fast moving, highly energetic protons...

From ACM News

Europe's Driverless Car (driver Still Required)

Tucked away in the basement of an iconic office tower shaped like four engine cylinders, engineer Werner Huber is telling me about the joy of driving.

Un Sets Stage For Blazing Fast Mobile Devices
From ACM TechNews

Un Sets Stage For Blazing Fast Mobile Devices

The United Nations has approved new standards for the IMT-advanced system, which should make the next generation of mobile technology 500 times faster than 3G smartphones...

From ACM News

Digitizing Health Records, Before It Was Cool

The push to move the nation from paper to electronic health records is serious business. That's why a first look at the campus of Epic Systems comes as something...

From ACM News

Warrants Needed For Gps Monitoring, Supreme Court Rules

The Supreme Court ruled unanimously Monday that law enforcement authorities need a probable-cause warrant from a judge to affix a GPS device to a vehicle and monitor...

ACM Fellows Inducted
From Communications of the ACM

ACM Fellows Inducted

Forty-six men and women are recognized as 2011 ACM Fellows.

The Social Life of Robots
From Communications of the ACM

The Social Life of Robots

Researchers are trying to build robots capable of working together with minimal human supervision. But will they ever learn to get along?
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