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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The War Against Botnets
From Communications of the ACM

The War Against Botnets

Increasingly sophisticated botnets have emerged during the last several years. However, security researchers, businesses, and governments are attacking botnets...

The Science of Better Science
From Communications of the ACM

The Science of Better Science

Researchers are exploring networked computational analysis, formal classification, and topic modeling to better identify relevant scientists, ideas, and trends.

From ACM News

How ­.s. Lost Out on Iphone Work

When Barack Obama joined Silicon Valley's top luminaries for dinner in California last February, each guest was asked to come with a question for the president.

From ACM News

Automobile Design for the Connected Age

Car design is in a state of flux. The designer's job used to be about tail fins and chrome. Then it was all about cup holders and plastics.

From ACM News

Quantum Computing Could Head to 'the Cloud,' Study Says

A novel high-speed, high-security computing technology will be compatible with the "cloud computing" approach popular on the Web, a study suggests.

From ACM News

Engage: Apple's New Tools For Interactive Books on Ipad

Engagement is a big word in education. It combines both objective participation and subjective emotion. It's one of the few psychological terms in education that...

From ACM News

Project Dreamcatcher

How cutting-edge text analytics can help the Obama campaign determine voters' hopes and fears.

From ACM News

Apple Makes Push Into Ipad Textbooks

Apple Inc. on Thursday introduced tools designed to spur the development of textbooks and other classroom materials for devices like the iPad, in the company's...

From ACM News

SOPA Protest Rattles Congress

Some of the early supporters of two controversial online piracy bills are having second thoughts—and other undecided lawmakers are pledging opposition—in the wake...

From ACM Opinion

Why The 'check Engine' Light Must Be Banned

It's pretty easy to dismiss the "check engine" light as just stupid, because, well, it is. 

From ACM News

Scratching Your Head Over Sopa?

As Wikipedia and other Websites go dark Wednesday in what backers are calling the largest Internet protest ever, the epic battle between Silicon Valley and Hollywood...

From ACM News

Sopa: Sites Go Dark As Part of Anti-Piracy Law Protests

Thousands of Internet sites are taking part in a "blackout" protest against anti-piracy laws being discussed by U.S. lawmakers.

From ACM Opinion

It's Time to Start 3d Scanning the World

When Microsoft was developing its Kinect 3D sensor, a critical task was to calibrate its algorithms to rapidly and accurately recognize parts of the human body,...

From ACM News

A Wireless Road Around Data Traffic Jams

The vast data centers that process information for the Facebooks and Amazons of the Web work at a brisk clip. But even so, they can't always keep up.

From ACM News

Steve Ballmer Reboots

They had his dining room waiting. Steve Ballmer, Microsoft’s chief executive and one of the richest men in the world, often eats privately at a Bellevue (Wash.)...

From ACM News

Google's Data Center Engineer Shares Secrets of 'warehouse' Computing

 Luiz André Barroso doesn't see Google's data centers as data centers. He sees them as computers the size of warehouses.

Cyber Defense Effort Is Mixed, Study Finds
From ACM TechNews

Cyber Defense Effort Is Mixed, Study Finds

A Pentagon pilot program that shields the computer networks of defense contractors using classified U.S. National Security Agencydata succeeded in some respects...

Marines Want iPads to Control Robo-Copter Brains
From ACM News

Marines Want iPads to Control Robo-Copter Brains

It's been less than a month since the Marines flew their first robotic supply helicopter on its debut combat mission in Afghanistan.

What Hacker Apprenticeships Tell ­S About the Future of Education
From ACM Careers

What Hacker Apprenticeships Tell ­S About the Future of Education

Three very similar compressed software development training programs have emerged in the past few months: Code Academy (not to be confused with the startup Codecademy)...

How Research Goes Viral
From ACM News

How Research Goes Viral

Scores of interesting new findings from the biosciences may speed around the globe at the click of a mouse, but one thing particularly encourages other researchers...
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