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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Secret Chips in Replacement Parts Can Completely Hijack Your Phone's Security
From ACM TechNews

Secret Chips in Replacement Parts Can Completely Hijack Your Phone's Security

Researchers at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel warn smartphone security can be compromised by repair shops that install replacement parts containing...

With the Uss mccain Collision, Even Navy Tech Can't Overcome Human Shortcomings
From ACM News

With the Uss mccain Collision, Even Navy Tech Can't Overcome Human Shortcomings

In the darkness of early morning on August 21, the guided-missile destroyer USS John S. McCain collided with a tanker in the Strait of Malacca off Singapore.

Blossom: A Handmade Approach to Social Robotics from Cornell and Google
From ACM Opinion

Blossom: A Handmade Approach to Social Robotics from Cornell and Google

As excited as we are about the forthcoming generation of social home robots (including Jibo, Kuri, and many others), it's hard to ignore the fact that most of them...

Ultra-Small Antennas Point Way to Miniature Brain Implants
From ACM News

Ultra-Small Antennas Point Way to Miniature Brain Implants

Metal antennas that send and receive TV signals and radio waves could soon be replaced by tiny films up to one hundred times smaller, scientists say.

A Good Read: AI Evaluates Quality of Short Stories
From ACM TechNews

A Good Read: AI Evaluates Quality of Short Stories

Researchers say they have developed neural networks that assess short narratives to predict which stories will appeal to large audiences.

Microsoft Claims New Speech Recognition Record, Achieving a Superhuman 5.1% Error Rate
From ACM TechNews

Microsoft Claims New Speech Recognition Record, Achieving a Superhuman 5.1% Error Rate

Microsoft's Artificial Intelligence and Research Group says it has achieved a 5.1%  error rate for its speech-recognition technology.

Study Finds 'modest Correlation' Between Journalists' Social Networks and Ideology of Their News Content
From ACM TechNews

Study Finds 'modest Correlation' Between Journalists' Social Networks and Ideology of Their News Content

Researchers at Northeastern University say they have found a "modest correlation" between journalists' Twitter networks and the ideological aspects of their news...

­ta Researchers Developing Airborne Network Computing Platform For ­avs
From ACM TechNews

­ta Researchers Developing Airborne Network Computing Platform For ­avs

Researchers at the University of Texas at Arlington have received a grant to develop a networked airborne computing platform for multiple unmanned aerial vehicles...

Robot the Musical
From ACM News

Robot the Musical

Artificial intelligence promises to change aspects of music ranging from rock concerts to advertising jingles.

Inside Waymo's Secret World For Training Self-Driving Cars
From ACM Careers

Inside Waymo's Secret World For Training Self-Driving Cars

In a corner of Alphabet's campus, there is a team working on a piece of software that may be the key to self-driving cars.

Teaching Kids Coding, By the Book
From ACM TechNews

Teaching Kids Coding, By the Book

Girls Who Code has arranged a deal with Penguin to release 13 books over the next two years.

Intelligence and the Dna Revolution
From ACM News

Intelligence and the Dna Revolution

More than 60 years ago, Francis Crick and James Watson discovered the double-helical structure of deoxyribonucleic acid—better known as DNA. Today, for the cost...

Biocomputer and Memory Built Inside Living Bacteria
From ACM News

Biocomputer and Memory Built Inside Living Bacteria

Animation Made Easy
From ACM TechNews

Animation Made Easy

New software makes it easier to animate characters.

Time's Running Out to Prevent a Massive Cyberattack on Critical Infrastructure
From ACM TechNews

Time's Running Out to Prevent a Massive Cyberattack on Critical Infrastructure

The U.S. National Infrastructure Advisory Council warns there is a shrinking window of opportunity to fortify critical U.S. infrastructure against a massive "9/11...

Meet Mappy, a Software System That Automatically Maps Old-School Nintendo Games
From ACM TechNews

Meet Mappy, a Software System That Automatically Maps Old-School Nintendo Games

Mappy is a new software system that can autonomously generate maps of a video game's levels.

New York ­niversity Abu Dhabi Researchers Develop 'unhackable' Computer Chip
From ACM TechNews

New York ­niversity Abu Dhabi Researchers Develop 'unhackable' Computer Chip

Researchers say they have created an "unhackable" computer chip to boost the defenses of computer hardware.

Computer Approaches Human Skill For First Time in Brain Challenge
From ACM TechNews

Computer Approaches Human Skill For First Time in Brain Challenge

Researchers say they have developed an algorithm that can map brain neural networks with close to human-level accuracy.

It's All About Image
From Communications of the ACM

It's All About Image

Image recognition technology is advancing rapidly. Researchers are discovering new ways to tackle the task without enormous datasets.

Broadband to Mars
From Communications of the ACM

Broadband to Mars

Scientists are demonstrating that lasers could be the future of space communication.
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