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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Eu Drafting Rules to Protect Technology From Foreign Takeovers
From ACM News

Eu Drafting Rules to Protect Technology From Foreign Takeovers

Law might follow German rules that let Berlin veto takeover.

What the Industrial Revolution Really Tells ­S About the Future of Automation and Work
From ACM News

What the Industrial Revolution Really Tells ­S About the Future of Automation and Work

The Industrial Revolution led to centuries of social and economic upheaval. Are economists telling us not to worry about workplace automation because things will...

Why a 24-Year-Old chipmaker Is One Of tech's Hot Prospects
From ACM News

Why a 24-Year-Old chipmaker Is One Of tech's Hot Prospects

Engineers at, an imaging-technology start-up in Poland, are trying to popularize a more comfortable alternative to the colonoscopy.

Calhoun Who? Yale Drops Name of Slavery Advocate For Computer Pioneer
From ACM News

Calhoun Who? Yale Drops Name of Slavery Advocate For Computer Pioneer

Yale University's Calhoun College today will be dedicated as Hopper College, after Grace Murray Hopper.

How to Regulate Artificial Intelligence
From ACM News

How to Regulate Artificial Intelligence

The views of Oren Etzioni, chief executive of the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence.

Putin: Leader in Artificial Intelligence Will Rule World
From ACM News

Putin: Leader in Artificial Intelligence Will Rule World

Russian President Vladimir Putin says that whoever reaches a breakthrough in developing artificial intelligence will come to dominate the world.

Ornl Researchers Turn to Deep Learning to Solve Science's Big Data Problem
From ACM TechNews

Ornl Researchers Turn to Deep Learning to Solve Science's Big Data Problem

Researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory have received a $2-million grant to study the potential of machine learning to revolutionize scientific data analysis...

Professor, Experts Aim to Improve Emergency Response
From ACM TechNews

Professor, Experts Aim to Improve Emergency Response

Researchers at Texas A&M University have developed a system to improve the transmission of critical information for emergency responders.

Blossom: A Handmade Approach to Social Robotics From Cornell and Google
From ACM TechNews

Blossom: A Handmade Approach to Social Robotics From Cornell and Google

Blossom is a social robot built from natural materials like cotton and wool.

Humans, Cover Your Mouths: Lip Reading Bots in the Wild
From ACM TechNews

Humans, Cover Your Mouths: Lip Reading Bots in the Wild

A new algorithm has outperformed professional human lip readers.

What James Damore Got Wrong About Gender Bias in Computer Science
From ACM TechNews

What James Damore Got Wrong About Gender Bias in Computer Science

Several experts rebut a former Google employee's conceit that innate biological differences underlie female software engineers' underrepresentation in the tech...

These Robots Are ­sing Static Electricity to Make Nikes
From ACM Careers

These Robots Are ­sing Static Electricity to Make Nikes

The most labor intensive part of putting together a pair of Nikes is assembling the "upper"—the flexible part of the shoe that sits on top of your foot.

How We Won Gold in the Cyborg Olympics' Brain Race
From ACM Opinion

How We Won Gold in the Cyborg Olympics' Brain Race

In October 2016, inside a sold-out arena in Zurich, a man named Numa Poujouly steered his wheelchair up to the central podium.

Reprogrammed Cells Relieve Parkinson's Symptoms in Trials 
From ACM News

Reprogrammed Cells Relieve Parkinson's Symptoms in Trials 

Japanese researchers report promising results from an experimental therapy for Parkinson's disease that involves implanting neurons made from 'reprogrammed' stem...

White House Floats Vision For It Modernization
From ACM News

White House Floats Vision For It Modernization

The report sets as high-level goals a vision for the future of federal IT, and a plan to jumpstart government transition to that vision.

­nifying Statistics, Computer Science, and Applied Mathematics
From ACM TechNews

­nifying Statistics, Computer Science, and Applied Mathematics

A project led by Lehigh University will advance machine learning by merging statistical, computer science, and applied mathematical techniques.

Your Broadband Provider Can ­se Your Smart Devices to Spy on You
From ACM TechNews

Your Broadband Provider Can ­se Your Smart Devices to Spy on You

Internet service providers can access the data on Internet-connected devices people use in their homes, even when those devices are set up to protect users' privacy...

The Future of Computing Depends on Making It Reversible
From ACM Opinion

The Future of Computing Depends on Making It Reversible

For more than 50 years, computers have made steady and dramatic improvements, all thanks to Moore's Law—the exponential increase over time in the number of transistors...

Artificial Intelligence Analyzes Gravitational Lenses 10 Million Times Faster
From ACM TechNews

Artificial Intelligence Analyzes Gravitational Lenses 10 Million Times Faster

Researchers have demonstrated that neural networks can accurately analyze gravitational lenses 10 million times faster than traditional methods.

Making Datacenters More Energy Efficient
From ACM TechNews

Making Datacenters More Energy Efficient

BlueCache is a more energy-efficient datacenter caching system that uses flash memory.
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