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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Your Phone Screen Just Won the Nobel Prize in Physics
From ACM Opinion

Your Phone Screen Just Won the Nobel Prize in Physics

You've probably got the fruits of this year’s Nobel laureates' handiwork in your pocket. In fact, if you're reading this on your phone or a relatively recent flat...

Real Holodeck Turns Your Living Room Into a Game
From ACM News

Real Holodeck Turns Your Living Room Into a Game

Good news, Star Trek fans: Microsoft has created a prototype Holodeck that transforms an entire room into a virtual gaming environment.

Can Virtual Reality Make You a Better Person?
From ACM Opinion

Can Virtual Reality Make You a Better Person?

"This is already so real, I don’t know if I even want to do this anymore," I say out loud.

Town Built For Driverless Cars
From ACM News

Town Built For Driverless Cars

A mocked-up set of busy streets in Ann Arbor, Michigan, will provide the sternest test yet for self-driving cars.

Snowflake-Shaped Networks Are Easiest to Mend
From ACM News

Snowflake-Shaped Networks Are Easiest to Mend

Networks shaped like delicate snowflakes are the ones that are easiest to fix when disaster strikes.

Intel Meets its 'makers,' with Chips For Diy Set and the Firms They'll Found
From ACM Opinion

Intel Meets its 'makers,' with Chips For Diy Set and the Firms They'll Found

Intel's Edison chip has been launched in a rocket, floated in a weather balloon, fitted into a futuristic light-emitting dress and used to power a dancing robot...

Google Lets Connected Devices Commune Without Specialized Apps
From ACM TechNews

Google Lets Connected Devices Commune Without Specialized Apps

A new initiative by Google seeks to form an open standard for the Internet of Things, dubbed the Physical Web by the company's Chrome team. 

Advances in Computer Mobility, Connectivity, and Networks
From ACM TechNews

Advances in Computer Mobility, Connectivity, and Networks

Researchers are developing programs and platforms that will ensure systems work despite power outages and other issues associated with mobility and connectivity...

Google Working on Large-Scale Video Displays
From ACM TechNews

Google Working on Large-Scale Video Displays

Google's advanced-projects lab, Google X, is developing a giant display consisting of smaller screens that fit together to create a seamless image. 

Technology Takes the Wheel
From ACM News

Technology Takes the Wheel

Google's driverless car may still be a work in progress, but the potential for semiautonomous vehicles on American roads is no longer the stuff of science fiction...

Here Comes the Future: We're Making Robots That Feel!
From ACM TechNews

Here Comes the Future: We're Making Robots That Feel!

Cornell University professor Hod Lipson envisions the creation of robots with self-awareness. 

­sing Intelligence to ­nlock the Market For Electric Vehicles
From ACM TechNews

­sing Intelligence to ­nlock the Market For Electric Vehicles

A European Union-funded project recently provided electric vehicles with enhanced energy efficiency in Spain. 

What It Will Take For Computers to Be Conscious
From ACM TechNews

What It Will Take For Computers to Be Conscious

Christof Koch says it is possible people will some day create conscious machines, but they may not look as expected. 

Minority Languages: Cookies, Caches and Cows
From ACM TechNews

Minority Languages: Cookies, Caches and Cows

The nonprofit Mozilla foundation is seeking to give more users of its open source Web browser the option of a device that speaks their language. 

Waiting For the Smart Grid
From ACM News

Waiting For the Smart Grid

The technology is here, but barriers remain.

Internet of Things Gets a Hand from Arm's New Operating System
From ACM News

Internet of Things Gets a Hand from Arm's New Operating System

Desktops have Linux. Mobile devices have Android. The Internet of Things has...Mbed?

Robotic Explorers
From ACM TechNews

Robotic Explorers

Yonsei University researchers have developed a system to enable air- and ground-based robot vehicles to cooperate without GPS signals or sensor devices. 

Ornl Researcher Is Working to Predict Electric Power Blackouts Before They Happen
From ACM TechNews

Ornl Researcher Is Working to Predict Electric Power Blackouts Before They Happen

Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers are developing tools to improve electric grid protection operation analysis and prediction under different contingencies...

Simulation Technology Designed For Hollywood Can Be ­Used as Predictive Tool For ­Understanding Fundamental Engineering
From ACM TechNews

Simulation Technology Designed For Hollywood Can Be ­Used as Predictive Tool For ­Understanding Fundamental Engineering

Software developed to help Hollywood create better virtual hair may be used to study the properties of filamentary structures like oceanic telecommunication cables...

Existing Delivery Techniques Could Hinder Internet Protocol Revolution
From ACM News

Existing Delivery Techniques Could Hinder Internet Protocol Revolution

Named Data Networking Consortium supports an emerging Internet architecture designed for an increasingly mobile world.
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