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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Cutting the Cord on Soft Robots
From ACM TechNews

Cutting the Cord on Soft Robots

A new untethered soft robot has four legs and can stand up and walk away from its designers. 

Ethical Trap: Robot Paralyzed By Choice of Who to Save
From ACM TechNews

Ethical Trap: Robot Paralyzed By Choice of Who to Save

Bristol Robotics Laboratory's Alan Winfield and colleagues recently tested an ethical challenge for a robot.

Herb: A Robot That Can ­nload a Dishwasher and (sometimes) Take Apart an Oreo
From ACM TechNews

Herb: A Robot That Can ­nload a Dishwasher and (sometimes) Take Apart an Oreo

The Home Exploring Robot Butler has advanced manipulation skills that enable it to perform multiple functions. 

Will Tomorrow's Robots Move Like Snakes?
From ACM TechNews

Will Tomorrow's Robots Move Like Snakes?

Researchers have developed a soft robotic arm, inspired by octopus tentacles, that can snake through a pipelike environment without a human operator. 

ACM Awards Knuth Prize to Pioneer for Advances in Algorithms and Complexity Theory
From ACM News

ACM Awards Knuth Prize to Pioneer for Advances in Algorithms and Complexity Theory

Georgia Tech's Lipton cited for introduction of new ideas and techniques

Sdsc Joins the Intel Parallel Computing Centers Program
From ACM TechNews

Sdsc Joins the Intel Parallel Computing Centers Program

Intel is expanding its effort to further optimize research software with assistance from the University of California, San Diego's San Diego Supercomputer Center...

Wi-Fi Group Acts to Simplify Peer-to-Peer Video, Printing and Other Tasks
From ACM TechNews

Wi-Fi Group Acts to Simplify Peer-to-Peer Video, Printing and Other Tasks

The Wi-Fi Alliance has unveiled four sets of mechanisms for carrying out certain tasks over Wi-Fi Direct. 

Manufacturing Advances Mean Truly Flexible Devices Are on the Way
From ACM News

Manufacturing Advances Mean Truly Flexible Devices Are on the Way

One of the innovations packed inside the Apple Watch—and highlighted by designer Jony Ive at the company’s grand unveiling this week—is a flexible display.

First Graphene-Based Flexible Display Produced
From ACM TechNews

First Graphene-Based Flexible Display Produced

University of Cambridge researchers have combined graphene research with transistor and display processing to create the first transistor-based flexible display...

Nanotechnology Aids in Cooling Electrons Without External Sources
From ACM TechNews

Nanotechnology Aids in Cooling Electrons Without External Sources

A new method for cooling electrons without external means and at room temperature could lead to very low power electronic devices. 

Bound for Robotic Glory
From ACM TechNews

Bound for Robotic Glory

Massachusetts Institute of Technology  researchers have developed an algorithm for bounding, and successfully implemented it in a robotic cheetah. 

Essex Scientists Give Insight Into Future of Ultra-Hdtv Live Stream Technology
From ACM TechNews

Essex Scientists Give Insight Into Future of Ultra-Hdtv Live Stream Technology

University of Essex scientists will showcase their pioneering ultra-high definition TV research at the International Broadcasting Convention in Amsterdam. 

'j' Marks the Spot For Rosetta's Lander
From ACM News

'j' Marks the Spot For Rosetta's Lander

Rosetta's lander Philae will target Site J, an intriguing region on Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko that offers unique scientific potential, with hints of activity...

Cars that Drive Themselves Starting to Chat with Each Other
From ACM News

Cars that Drive Themselves Starting to Chat with Each Other

An Acura RLX sedan demonstrated an unusual way to tow another car this week: the vehicles were not physically attached.

Nasa's Mars Curiosity Rover Arrives at Martian Mountain
From ACM News

Nasa's Mars Curiosity Rover Arrives at Martian Mountain

NASA's Mars Curiosity rover has reached the Red Planet's Mount Sharp, a Mount-Rainier-size mountain at the center of the vast Gale Crater and the rover mission's...

Where to Grab Space Debris
From ACM TechNews

Where to Grab Space Debris

A new algorithm can be used to gauge the rotation of objects in zero gravity using only visual information. 

Rice Wireless Experts Tap ­nused Tv Spectrum
From ACM TechNews

Rice Wireless Experts Tap ­nused Tv Spectrum

Rice University researchers have developed a multiuser, multiantenna transmission scheme to make use of the unused portion of the UHF radio spectrum. 

Replay: New Wizardry Keeps Pinball Rolling in the Internet Age
From ACM News

Replay: New Wizardry Keeps Pinball Rolling in the Internet Age

At the recent Battle at Stonehedge pinball tournament here, Jessie Carduner cursed her ninth-place finish and vowed to get professional help.

Printing Houses on the Moon
From ACM News

Printing Houses on the Moon

How do you create structures on other worlds when the expense of carrying building materials there is so great?

The Revolutionary Technique That Quietly Changed Machine Vision Forever
From ACM TechNews

The Revolutionary Technique That Quietly Changed Machine Vision Forever

Computer researchers say machines are now almost as adept at recognizing objects as humans, thanks to an algorithm created by University of Toronto scientists in...
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