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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

I, Domestic Robot
From Communications of the ACM

I, Domestic Robot

With recent advances in laser rangefinders, faster algorithms, and open source robotic operating systems, researchers are increasing domestic robots' semantic and...

Sorting Through Photos
From Communications of the ACM

Sorting Through Photos

Teaching computers to understand pictures could lead to search engines capable of identifying and organizing large datasets of visual information.

From ACM News

What Location Data, Exactly, Does an Iphone Reveal?

On Wednesday, security researchers demonstrated that the certain versions of the iPhone and iPad were logging and storing location data about their owners. Long...

Microsoft Browser Would Offer Personalization Along With Privacy Protection
From ACM TechNews

Microsoft Browser Would Offer Personalization Along With Privacy Protection

Microsoft researchers have developed RePriv, a browser that analyzes users' online behavior and controls how their personal information is released to sites that...

In Online Games, a Path to Young Consumers
From ACM News

In Online Games, a Path to Young Consumers

Deep into one of her favorite computer games, Lesly Lopez, 10, moves her mouse to click on a cartoon bee. She drags and drops it into an empty panel, creating...

From ACM News

The Botnets That Won't Die

New communications schemes could make zombie PC networks far more difficult to shut down.

From ACM News

Covert Hard Drive Fragmentation Embeds a Spy's Secrets

Good news for spies. There is now a way to hide data on a hard drive without using encryption. Instead of using a cipher to scramble text, the method involves...

This Tech Bubble Is Different
From ACM News

This Tech Bubble Is Different

Tech bubbles happen, but we usually gain from the innovation left behind. This one—driven by social networking—could leave us empty-handed.

European E-Science Group Extends Cloud Focus
From ACM TechNews

European E-Science Group Extends Cloud Focus

The e-Infrastructure Reflection Group (e-IRG), which consists of more than 100 members from European institutions, has issued a draft report illustrating how cloud...

Are You Following a Bot?
From ACM Opinion

Are You Following a Bot?

How to manipulate social movements by hacking Twitter.

From ACM News

The Search Engine That Predicts What You Want

In the future the news will find you—at least according to Futureful, a Finnish startup building a predictive discovery iPad app that will deliver personalised...

Got an Iphone or 3g Ipad? Apple Is Recording Your Moves
From ACM Opinion

Got an Iphone or 3g Ipad? Apple Is Recording Your Moves

A hidden file in iOS 4 is regularly recording the position of devices.

From ACM News

CIA Recipe For Invisible Ink Among Newly Released Wwi-Era Documents

So you want to open sealed envelopes without getting caught? Here’s the secret, according to one of the six oldest classified documents in possession of the Central...

From ACM News

The Marketing Gadget That Tracks Brainwaves As You Watch Tv

Would you feel comfortable if market researchers could know your every thought? A headband designed by San Francisco firm EmSense can sense your brainwaves as...

Hoops 2.0: Inside the Nba
From ACM News

Hoops 2.0: Inside the Nba

Outside Oracle Arena, it’s a balmy 65-degree spring day. But up in the building’s rafters, 80-odd feet above the hardwood floor, the air is crisp and the view...

From ACM News

Iranian General Accuses Siemens of Helping ­.s., Israel Build Stuxnet

An Iranian military commander Saturday accused the German electronics giant Siemens with helping U.S. and Israeli teams craft the Stuxnet worm that attacked his...

New Global Portal For Cyber-Physical Systems Research Launched
From ACM TechNews

New Global Portal For Cyber-Physical Systems Research Launched

Vanderbilt University's Institute for Software Integrated Systems recently launched the Cyber-Physical Systems Virtual Organization, a U.S. National Science Foundation...

From ACM News

Testing Google's Panda Algorithm: Cnet Analysis

Google's sweeping changes to Web site rankings have roiled the Web industry, including the company's announcement last week that its algorithms now incorporate...

Reprogrammable Chips Could Enable Instant Gadget Upgrades
From ACM News

Reprogrammable Chips Could Enable Instant Gadget Upgrades

Obsolescence is the curse of electronics: no sooner have you bought a gadget than its hardware is outdated. A new, low cost type of microchip that can rearrange...

The Business Market Plays Cloud Computing Catch-­p
From ACM News

The Business Market Plays Cloud Computing Catch-­p

The big spenders on technology are businesses and government agencies. They buy about 75% of the computing goods and services sold worldwide. Yet it is increasingly...
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