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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Microrobots, Working Together, Build with Metal, Glass, and Electronics
From ACM News

Microrobots, Working Together, Build with Metal, Glass, and Electronics

Someone glancing through the door of Annjoe Wong-Foy's lab at SRI International might think his equipment is infested by ants.

How to Build an Earth-Size Telescope
From ACM News

How to Build an Earth-Size Telescope

Looking into the galactic center is hard.

Five Wonder Materials That Could Change the World
From ACM News

Five Wonder Materials That Could Change the World

"The history of materials is a history of mistakes," says Mark Miodownik, a materials scientist at University College London, who traces his own fascination with...

The Plot to Kill the Password
From ACM News

The Plot to Kill the Password

Last Friday, Samsung's new Galaxy S5 arrived with an unexpected and underhyped feature.

Why Nobody Can Tell Whether the World's Biggest Quantum Computer Is a Quantum Computer
From ACM News

Why Nobody Can Tell Whether the World's Biggest Quantum Computer Is a Quantum Computer

For the past several years, a Canadian company called D-Wave Systems has been selling what it says is the largest quantum computer ever built.

The Truth About Google X
From ACM Careers

The Truth About Google X

Astro Teller is sharing a story about something bad. Or maybe it's something good.

Atomic Time Lord to Battle Sneaky High-Speed Trades
From ACM News

Atomic Time Lord to Battle Sneaky High-Speed Trades

Welcome to the room where time lives. I am standing in a space bristling with atomic clocks at the National Physical Laboratory in Teddington, U.K., which generates...

Google Maps Displays Crimean Border Differently In Russia, ­.s.
From ACM News

Google Maps Displays Crimean Border Differently In Russia, ­.s.

The U.S. sees Crimea as "occupied territory," as the government said in a recent statement.

Bend It, Charge It, Dunk It: Graphene, the Material of Tomorrow
From ACM News

Bend It, Charge It, Dunk It: Graphene, the Material of Tomorrow

I just want to say one word to you. Just one word.

Heartbleed Bug's 'voluntary' Origins
From ACM News

Heartbleed Bug's 'voluntary' Origins

The encryption flaw that punctured the heart of the Internet this week underscores a weakness in Internet security: A good chunk of it is managed by four European...

Heartbleed: Developer Who Introduced the Error Regrets 'oversight'
From ACM Opinion

Heartbleed: Developer Who Introduced the Error Regrets 'oversight'

The developer who introduced the "Heartbleed" vulnerability to the open-source code used by thousands of websites has told the Guardian it was an "oversight"—but...

Forget Wearable Tech, Embeddable Implants Are Already Here
From ACM News

Forget Wearable Tech, Embeddable Implants Are Already Here

Smartphone mapping features are great for getting directions, until you lose signal.

Stanford Medical Technology Exposes Hidden Maladies of Sculptor Auguste Rodin's Celebrated Hands
From ACM News

Stanford Medical Technology Exposes Hidden Maladies of Sculptor Auguste Rodin's Celebrated Hands

One has a ganglion cyst.

Exotic Space Particles Slam Into Buried South Pole Detector
From ACM News

Exotic Space Particles Slam Into Buried South Pole Detector

A belowground experiment at the South Pole has now discovered three of the highest-energy neutrinos ever found, particles that may be created in the most violent...

Three Questions For Eugene Kaspersky
From ACM Opinion

Three Questions For Eugene Kaspersky

The Moscow-based computer security firm Kaspersky Lab has analyzed major new kinds of malware, including Stuxnet, which four years ago was revealed to have damaged...

Call of Cyber Duty: Military Academies Take on Nsa
From ACM Careers

Call of Cyber Duty: Military Academies Take on Nsa

If Douglas MacArthur or Ulysses S. Grant went to the U.S. Military Academy today, they might be testing their defensive skills hunched in front of a computer screen...

Hard Disk Pioneer Stuart Parkin Wins Millennium Prize
From ACM News

Hard Disk Pioneer Stuart Parkin Wins Millennium Prize

Prof Stuart Parkin developed a type of data-reading head capable of detecting weaker and smaller signals than had previously been possible.

New 'switch' Could Power Quantum Computing
From ACM News

New 'switch' Could Power Quantum Computing

Using a laser to place individual rubidium atoms near the surface of a lattice of light, scientists at MIT and Harvard University have developed a new method for...

Meet Your Unborn Child—before It's Even Conceived
From ACM News

Meet Your Unborn Child—before It's Even Conceived

Will my baby be healthy?

How the U.s. Built the World's Most Ridiculously Accurate Atomic Clock
From ACM News

How the U.s. Built the World's Most Ridiculously Accurate Atomic Clock

Throw out that lame old atomic clock that's only accurate to a few tens of quadrillionths of a second.
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