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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

How Scammers Trick Your Mind
From ACM News

How Scammers Trick Your Mind

None of us likes being scammed, and David Modic is no different.

Cyber Spy High: Meet the Nsa's Hacker Recruiter
From ACM Opinion

Cyber Spy High: Meet the Nsa's Hacker Recruiter

The National Security Agency has a recruiting problem.

­.s. May Be Falling Behind in Researching Tech's Next Big Thing
From ACM TechNews

­.s. May Be Falling Behind in Researching Tech's Next Big Thing

A University of Virginia professor says the U.S. is not spending enough on research and development of cyber-physical systems. 

Here Comes the Future: We're Making Robots That Feel!
From ACM TechNews

Here Comes the Future: We're Making Robots That Feel!

Cornell University professor Hod Lipson envisions the creation of robots with self-awareness. 

Kentucky ­ses Ideafestival to Push Students Toward Hour of Code Movement
From ACM TechNews

Kentucky ­ses Ideafestival to Push Students Toward Hour of Code Movement

Kentucky Coders hopes to register 1 million Hour of Code coding events before December, starting at the 2014 IdeaFestival, an international event held in Louisville...

­sing Intelligence to ­nlock the Market For Electric Vehicles
From ACM TechNews

­sing Intelligence to ­nlock the Market For Electric Vehicles

A European Union-funded project recently provided electric vehicles with enhanced energy efficiency in Spain. 

What It Will Take For Computers to Be Conscious
From ACM TechNews

What It Will Take For Computers to Be Conscious

Christof Koch says it is possible people will some day create conscious machines, but they may not look as expected. 

Computer Science and Engineering Researchers Win Best Paper Award
From ACM TechNews

Computer Science and Engineering Researchers Win Best Paper Award

Texas A&M University researchers received the Best Paper Award at the recent 2014 Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques conference in Alberta, Canada...

China May Be Monitoring Hong Kong Protesters' Off-the-Grid Chats
From ACM News

China May Be Monitoring Hong Kong Protesters' Off-the-Grid Chats

An app called FireChat is making headlines for being the go-to medium for communication among pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong.

It Skills That Are in Demand, and Those That Will Be
From ACM TechNews

It Skills That Are in Demand, and Those That Will Be

A recent survey of employers found IT professionals with cloud and security-related certifications were in greatest demand.  

Intel Encourages Women to Pursue Cloud Training
From ACM TechNews

Intel Encourages Women to Pursue Cloud Training

Cloud services firms need to do a better job recruiting and retaining women if they want to fill positions with qualified candidates, according to Intel's Raejeanne...

Robot Jurisprudence: How to Judge a 'bot; Why It's Covered
From ACM TechNews

Robot Jurisprudence: How to Judge a 'bot; Why It's Covered

The RoboLaw consortium recently presented the European Parliament its findings on potential legal frameworks to manage the development of robotic technology. 

What It Will Take For Computers to Be Conscious
From ACM Opinion

What It Will Take For Computers to Be Conscious

Is a worm conscious? How about a bumblebee? Does a computer that can play chess "feel" anything?

Obama's Brain Project Backs Neurotechnology
From ACM News

Obama's Brain Project Backs Neurotechnology

The White House said that President Obama's BRAIN Initiative is generating interest from companies and philanthropies in a sign of what it calls a wider partnership...

Walter Isaacson on the Women of Eniac
From ACM Careers

Walter Isaacson on the Women of Eniac

Ever since the days of Charles Babbage, who conceived of a giant mechanical calculator called the Analytical Engine in the 1830s, the engineering of computer hardware...

Tim Berners-Lee Wants Internet Magna Carta to Guarantee Netizens' Privacy
From ACM TechNews

Tim Berners-Lee Wants Internet Magna Carta to Guarantee Netizens' Privacy

Sir Tim Berners-Lee is using the 25th anniversary of his invention of the World Wide Web to push for an Internet bill of rights.

Electronic Brain by 2023
From ACM TechNews

Electronic Brain by 2023

Researchers on the European Union's decade-long Human Brain Project disclosed how far they have come toward the goal of creating an artificial brain by 2023. 

The Google Formula For Success
From ACM Careers

The Google Formula For Success

Can Google’s winning ways be applied to all kinds of businesses?

­nderwater Robot For Port Security
From ACM TechNews

­nderwater Robot For Port Security

A new submersible robot has a flattened panel on one side so it can slide along an underwater surface to perform ultrasound scans. 

Graphene Reduces Complexity and Cost of Touchscreens
From ACM TechNews

Graphene Reduces Complexity and Cost of Touchscreens

Researchers say graphene-treated nanowires can be used to produce flexible touchscreens at a fraction of the current cost.
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