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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Uta Researchers Use Text-mining Techniques to Improve Market Intelligence on Potential Mergers and Acquisitions of Startups in the High-Tech Sector
From ACM TechNews

Uta Researchers Use Text-mining Techniques to Improve Market Intelligence on Potential Mergers and Acquisitions of Startups in the High-Tech Sector

A new technique uses big data analytics and test-mining methods to improve market intelligence and explain potential mergers and acquisitions of high-technology...

Facebook Plans to Beam Internet to Backwaters With Lasers
From ACM TechNews

Facebook Plans to Beam Internet to Backwaters With Lasers

Facebook Connectivity Lab researchers have developed an optical technology to help laser beams deliver fast Internet access to remote areas.

Google Sprints Ahead in AI Building Blocks, Leaving Rivals Wary
From ACM Careers

Google Sprints Ahead in AI Building Blocks, Leaving Rivals Wary

There's a high-stakes race under way in Silicon Valley to develop software that makes it easy to weave artificial intelligence technology into almost everything...

Minecraft Is a Testing Ground For Human-AI Collaboration
From ACM News

Minecraft Is a Testing Ground For Human-AI Collaboration

The blockish and slightly dorky computer game Minecraft may turn out to be a great place for humans and AI to learn how to work together.

Programming Life
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Programming Life

With a new programming language, almost anyone create a DNA-encoded circuit.

How Mountains Obscured By Venus's Clouds Reveal Themselves
From ACM News

How Mountains Obscured By Venus's Clouds Reveal Themselves

Colossal clouds cloak the surface of Venus, making it difficult for researchers to probe its secrets.

Human Brain Mapped in ­nprecedented Detail
From ACM News

Human Brain Mapped in ­nprecedented Detail

Think of a spinning globe and the patchwork of countries it depicts: such maps help us to understand where we are, and that nations differ from one another.

Nasa's Kepler Confirms 100+ Exoplanets During Its K2 Mission
From ACM News

Nasa's Kepler Confirms 100+ Exoplanets During Its K2 Mission

An international team of astronomers has discovered and confirmed a treasure trove of new worlds using NASA's Kepler spacecraft on its K2 mission.

Eu Data Protection Law May End the ­nknowable Algorithm
From ACM TechNews

Eu Data Protection Law May End the ­nknowable Algorithm

A new law to be enacted European Union-wide in 2018 could require companies to clarify their decision-making algorithms to avoid unlawful discrimination.

Tougher Turing Test Exposes Chatbots' Stupidity
From ACM TechNews

Tougher Turing Test Exposes Chatbots' Stupidity

The results of the Winograd Schema Challenge revealed much more work needs to be done to make computers truly intelligent.

To Catch a Wireless Thief
From ACM TechNews

To Catch a Wireless Thief

Crowdsourcing programs one day could help authorities track down unauthorized radio bandwidth and malicious radio disruptions.

Organic Computers Are Coming
From ACM TechNews

Organic Computers Are Coming

Researchers have discovered a molecule which, they say, could stimulate the development of organic electronics.

More Female International Students Pursue STEM Degrees at ­.s. ­niversities
From ACM TechNews

More Female International Students Pursue STEM Degrees at ­.s. ­niversities

More female international students are attending U.S. universities to pursue science, technology, engineering, and math degrees.

Will Ecole 42 Crack the Code of Learning?
From ACM News

Will Ecole 42 Crack the Code of Learning?

A French institution may be a window into the future of coding education.

Learning to Trust a Self-Driving Car
From ACM News

Learning to Trust a Self-Driving Car

On a clear morning in early May, Brian Lathrop, a senior engineer for Volkswagen's Electronics Research Laboratory, was in the driver's seat of a Tesla Model S...

Having Stomach Troubles? Try Swallowing an Origami Robot
From ACM News

Having Stomach Troubles? Try Swallowing an Origami Robot

Has your child swallowed a small battery? In the future, a tiny robot made from pig gut could capture it and expel it.

Researchers Build a Crawling Robot From Sea Slug Parts and a 3D Printed Body
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Build a Crawling Robot From Sea Slug Parts and a 3D Printed Body

Researchers at Case Western Reserve University have built "biohybrid" robots that crawl like sea turtles on the beach.

Inside Facebook's Artificial Intelligence Engine Room
From ACM TechNews

Inside Facebook's Artificial Intelligence Engine Room

A complex in Prineville, OR, that houses Facebook servers recently was expanded with high-powered servers designed to accelerate research into machine learning....

­ser-Controlled System Makes It Possible to Instantly Revoke Access to Files Hosted on Internet Cloud Servers
From ACM TechNews

­ser-Controlled System Makes It Possible to Instantly Revoke Access to Files Hosted on Internet Cloud Servers

Access to cloud-hosted data can be controlled in real time by securing data files with a proxy key.

­.s. Pumps $400 Million Into Next-Generation Wireless Research
From ACM TechNews

­.s. Pumps $400 Million Into Next-Generation Wireless Research

The U.S. National Science Foundation will invest more than $400 million over the next seven years to fund next-generation wireless research.
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