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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Mars Canyons Study Adds Clues About Possible Water
From ACM News

Mars Canyons Study Adds Clues About Possible Water

Puzzles persist about possible water at seasonally dark streaks on Martian slopes, according to a new study of thousands of such features in the Red Planet's largest...

Makers of Self-Driving Cars Ask What to Do With Human Nature
From ACM Careers

Makers of Self-Driving Cars Ask What to Do With Human Nature

Even before Tesla revealed that a fatal accident had occurred while one of its cars was in semiautonomous driving mode, a debate was well underway between researchers...

Putin Signs New Anti-Terror Law in Russia. Edward Snowden Is ­pset.
From ACM News

Putin Signs New Anti-Terror Law in Russia. Edward Snowden Is ­pset.

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday signed into law a controversial package of counterterrorism measures, including tougher sentences for extremism and...

How Juno Will Peer Deep Below Jupiter's Roiling Clouds
From ACM News

How Juno Will Peer Deep Below Jupiter's Roiling Clouds

When ground controllers begin powering up the Juno spacecraft's science instruments on July 6, one of their most important goals will be to get the microwave radiometer...

Obama's Top Scientist Talks Shrinking Budgets, Donald Trump, and His Biggest Regret
From ACM Opinion

Obama's Top Scientist Talks Shrinking Budgets, Donald Trump, and His Biggest Regret

John Holdren is no stranger to the spotlight. Over his long career in science, Holdren—a physicist by training—has worked on controversial issues such as climate...

Control Your Smartphone with Your Eyes
From ACM News

Control Your Smartphone with Your Eyes

In an effort to make eye tracking cheap, compact, and accurate enough to be included in smartphones, a group of researchers is crowdsourcing the collection of gaze...

Machine Learning Method Differentiates Between Healthy Male, Female Microbiomes
From ACM TechNews

Machine Learning Method Differentiates Between Healthy Male, Female Microbiomes

Researchers have used Topological Data Analysis as an unsupervised learning and data exploration tool to identify changes in microbial states.

Girls Who Code Summer Immersion Program Reaches Record Numbers
From ACM TechNews

Girls Who Code Summer Immersion Program Reaches Record Numbers

Girls Who Code has launched its 2016 Summer Immersion Program with a record number of programs reaching 1,560 11th- and 12th-grade girls in cities across the U.S...

Video Privacy Tool Lets You Select What Others See
From ACM TechNews

Video Privacy Tool Lets You Select What Others See

Researchers at Duke University have developed software that enables users to specify what others can see when sharing images captured by camera-equipped devices...

College Students Demonstrate Integrity in Learning and Ignore Cheating Opportunities
From ACM TechNews

College Students Demonstrate Integrity in Learning and Ignore Cheating Opportunities

A University of California, Riverside study found most college students make a legitimate attempt to answer questions in homework assignments.

Tackling Intractable Computing Problems
From ACM TechNews

Tackling Intractable Computing Problems

Princeton University researchers used a $10-million U.S. National Science Foundation Expeditions in Computing award to find the sources of intractability.

Google Tests New Crypto in Chrome to Fend Off Quantum Attacks
From ACM News

Google Tests New Crypto in Chrome to Fend Off Quantum Attacks

For anyone who cares about Internet security and encryption, the advent of practical quantum computing looms like the Y2K bug in the 1990s: a countdown to an unpredictable...

How Today's Farmers Got a Head-Start on Tomorrow's Tech
From ACM News

How Today's Farmers Got a Head-Start on Tomorrow's Tech

Cory Anstey always wanted to be a farmer. It was the joy of riding in the tractor, "the smell of the dirt in the spring" that drew him to the fields.

The Toughest Spaceship We've Ever Built
From ACM News

The Toughest Spaceship We've Ever Built

It's been a long time since anyone tried landing on Venus,

Nasa Rover's Sand-Dune Studies Yield Surprise
From ACM News

Nasa Rover's Sand-Dune Studies Yield Surprise

Some of the wind-sculpted sand ripples on Mars are a type not seen on Earth, and their relationship to the thin Martian atmosphere today provides new clues about...

Iot Transforming Taiwan's Tech Sector
From ACM News

Iot Transforming Taiwan's Tech Sector

As desktop and laptop computer sales recede, hardware-proud Taiwan searches for new directions in the Internet of Things.

This Robot Follows You Around and Blasts You With Air Conditioning
From ACM TechNews

This Robot Follows You Around and Blasts You With Air Conditioning

More efficient air conditioning via a mobile robot is a goal of researchers at the University of Maryland's Center for Environmental Energy Engineering.

New Framework ­ses Patterns to Predict Terrorist Behavior
From ACM TechNews

New Framework ­ses Patterns to Predict Terrorist Behavior

Binghamton University researchers have developed a framework that can predict future terrorist attacks by recognizing patterns in past attacks.

A Bug in Fmri Software Could Invalidate 15 Years of Brain Research
From ACM TechNews

A Bug in Fmri Software Could Invalidate 15 Years of Brain Research

The past 15 years of human brain research could be invalidated by a recently discovered bug in functional magnetic resonance imaging software.

Grade-School Students Teach a Robot to Help Themselves Learn Geometry
From ACM TechNews

Grade-School Students Teach a Robot to Help Themselves Learn Geometry

Researchers say they have developed educational technology, incorporating teachable agent framing coupled with a physical robotic agent, that could better engage...
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