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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Drivers, These Robots Have Your Back
From ACM News

Drivers, These Robots Have Your Back

Automated safety systems can prevent an accident before the driver is even aware of the possibility.

MIT AI System Predicts When People Will Kiss, Hug, or Shake Hands
From ACM TechNews

MIT AI System Predicts When People Will Kiss, Hug, or Shake Hands

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed an artificial intelligence that can accurately predict human interactions.

Vulnerabilities in Internet Encryption Protocol
From ACM TechNews

Vulnerabilities in Internet Encryption Protocol

Successful test attacks against the Transport Layer Security Internet encryption protocol generated data that will be incorporated into the latest TLS iteration...

Professor's Work Focuses on Revving ­p Our Highest-Speed Networks
From ACM TechNews

Professor's Work Focuses on Revving ­p Our Highest-Speed Networks

The research of University of Virginia professor Malathi Veeraraghavan could help the latest supercomputers and large-scale observatories each their full potential...

Report: California Colleges Produce Low Number of STEM Graduates
From ACM TechNews

Report: California Colleges Produce Low Number of STEM Graduates

California has far fewer students graduating with science, technology, engineering, and math degrees from public colleges and universities than the state's businesses...

Do We Really Need Humans to Explore Mars?
From ACM News

Do We Really Need Humans to Explore Mars?

The dazzling sunlight that flooded the lake-front restaurant where I sat down with Chris Kraft in 2014 was nothing compared to the brightness in his eyes.

China's New Supercomputer Puts the ­S Even Further Behind
From ACM News

China's New Supercomputer Puts the ­S Even Further Behind

This week, China's Sunway TaihuLight officially became the fastest supercomputer in the world. The previous champ? Also from China.

'ransomware' Cyberattack Highlights Vulnerability of ­niversities
From ACM News

'ransomware' Cyberattack Highlights Vulnerability of ­niversities

The first Patrick Feng knew about a cyberattack on his university was when one of his colleagues told him that her computer had been infected by hackers and rendered...

The Future of the Internet Is at Risk Say Global Web Experts
From ACM TechNews

The Future of the Internet Is at Risk Say Global Web Experts

The Internet has reached a turning point, and action must be taken quickly to ensure its continued openness, security, transparency, and inclusivity via improved...

Ethnic, Gender Imbalances Plague Computer Science Education
From ACM TechNews

Ethnic, Gender Imbalances Plague Computer Science Education

The U.S. Education Department's Melissa Moritz suggests conscious or unconscious bias discourages female and minority students from pursuing computer science careers...

World's First 1,000-Processor Chip
From ACM TechNews

World's First 1,000-Processor Chip

Researchers at the University of California, Davis have designed a microchip that contains 1,000 independently programmable processors.

Scientific Gains May Make Electronic Nose the Next Everyday Device
From ACM TechNews

Scientific Gains May Make Electronic Nose the Next Everyday Device

Researchers are creating an electronic nose to collect and analyze chemicals present in human breath.

Research Proves the Improbable Can Be Made Possible
From ACM TechNews

Research Proves the Improbable Can Be Made Possible

Texas A&M University professor Daniel Jimenez has revolutionized the way research is conducted on microprocessors.

Google Tackles Challenge of How to Build an Honest Robot
From ACM News

Google Tackles Challenge of How to Build an Honest Robot

Google can see a future where robots help us unload the dishwasher and sweep the floor. The challenge is making sure they don’t inadvertently knock over a vase—or...

Here's Your Chance to Decode President Lincoln's Secret Messages
From ACM Opinion

Here's Your Chance to Decode President Lincoln's Secret Messages

On April 12, 1865—three days after Gen. Robert E. Lee surrendered at Appomattox and two days before President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated—the president sent...

Nasa's K2 Finds Newborn Exoplanet Around Young Star
From ACM News

Nasa's K2 Finds Newborn Exoplanet Around Young Star

Astronomers have discovered the youngest fully formed exoplanet ever detected.

You Can Run, but You Cannot Hide
From ACM News

You Can Run, but You Cannot Hide

Computerized methods turn up evidence of cheating in marathons.

When Will Computers Have Common Sense? Ask Facebook
From ACM News

When Will Computers Have Common Sense? Ask Facebook

Facebook is well known for its early and increasing use of artificial intelligence.

AI Just Got a Big Boost in Its Ability to ­nderstand the News
From ACM TechNews

AI Just Got a Big Boost in Its Ability to ­nderstand the News

Stanford University researchers say they have developed an algorithm that outperforms Google's DeepMind in reading and understanding written content.

Disposable Robots Can Sprint, Fly, and Potentially Save Lives
From ACM TechNews

Disposable Robots Can Sprint, Fly, and Potentially Save Lives

Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley are developing inexpensive mini-robots that can run, climb, fly, and communicate with emergency personnel....
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