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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

What a Amell Looks Like
From ACM News

What a Amell Looks Like

Boulder smells of peppermint … and crisp snow.

Rover Opportunity Wrapping ­p Study of Martian Valley
From ACM News

Rover Opportunity Wrapping ­p Study of Martian Valley

"Marathon Valley," slicing through a large crater's rim on Mars, has provided fruitful research targets for NASA's Opportunity rover since July 2015, but the rover...

A Simpler Twist of Fate
From ACM News

A Simpler Twist of Fate

Until the day it dies, a cell that has become a skin cell remains a skin cell—or so scientists used to think.

Court Backs Rules Treating Internet as Utility, Not Luxury
From ACM News

Court Backs Rules Treating Internet as Utility, Not Luxury

High-speed internet service can be defined as a utility, a federal court has ruled in a sweeping decision clearing the way for more rigorous policing of broadband...

Solving Paralysis ­sing Brain Computer Interfaces
From ACM News

Solving Paralysis ­sing Brain Computer Interfaces

Before the opening match of the 2014 World Cup in São Paulo, Juliano Pinto, a young paraplegic Brazilian, was brought out onto the sidelines wearing a huge exoskeleton...

Service Robots Are Coming to Help US
From ACM TechNews

Service Robots Are Coming to Help US

A U.S. National Science Foundation program aims to advance and integrate robotics into people-centered service systems in homes, hospitals, and elder-care facilities...

Yale Scientists Amplify Light ­sing Sound on a Silicon Chip
From ACM TechNews

Yale Scientists Amplify Light ­sing Sound on a Silicon Chip

Yale University scientists have used the power of sound to significantly boost the intensity of light waves on a silicon microchip. 

Closing Security Gaps in Internet-Connected Household
From ACM TechNews

Closing Security Gaps in Internet-Connected Household

Ruhr University Bochum researchers are developing a way to detect and fix vulnerabilities in applications that run on different devices, regardless of processor...

Can Computers Do Magic?
From ACM TechNews

Can Computers Do Magic?

Queen Mary University of London researchers have found magicians could use computers to create new magic effects and find new ideas for their performances. 

Machine-Vision Algorithm Learns to Transform Hand-Drawn Sketches Into Photorealistic Images
From ACM TechNews

Machine-Vision Algorithm Learns to Transform Hand-Drawn Sketches Into Photorealistic Images

Researchers at Denmark's Radboud University have trained a deep convolutional neural network to convert hand-drawn sketches of faces into photorealistic portraits...

Cybercrime Market Sells Servers For as Little as 6 Dollars to Launch Attacks
From ACM News

Cybercrime Market Sells Servers For as Little as 6 Dollars to Launch Attacks

A major underground marketplace acting like an eBay for criminals is selling access to more than 70,000 compromised servers allowing buyers to carry out widespread...

Nasa Mars Rover Descends Plateau, Turns Toward Mountain
From ACM News

Nasa Mars Rover Descends Plateau, Turns Toward Mountain

NASA's Curiosity Mars rover has analyzed its 12th drilled sample of Mars. This sample came from mudstone bedrock, which the rover resumed climbing in late May after...

3d/vr Malady May Have Simple Solution
From ACM News

3d/vr Malady May Have Simple Solution

A simple low-tech solution appears to compensate for the vergence-accommodation conflict.

Goodbye, Obamaberry. Hello, Obamadroid.
From ACM News

Goodbye, Obamaberry. Hello, Obamadroid.

When President Barack Obama took office in 2009, he pushed to keep his BlackBerry.

Silicon Fingerprint on Chips Could Make Any Gadget Unhackable
From ACM TechNews

Silicon Fingerprint on Chips Could Make Any Gadget Unhackable

At least one U.S. bank has started supplying its customers with credit and debit cards that contain a physically unclonable function. 

Robots to Provide a Steadying Hand at the Right Time
From ACM TechNews

Robots to Provide a Steadying Hand at the Right Time

The U.S. National Science Foundation is funding several robotics-related projects across the U.S. designed to improve people's safety and well-being. 

Stanford Researchers Calculate Groundwater Levels From Satellite Data
From ACM TechNews

Stanford Researchers Calculate Groundwater Levels From Satellite Data

Stanford University researchers are using satellite data to determine groundwater levels across larger areas than ever before. 

Researchers Discover New Way to Turn Electricity Into Light, ­sing Graphene
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Discover New Way to Turn Electricity Into Light, ­sing Graphene

Researchers have discovered a sheet of graphene can cause an electric current to surpass the speed of decelerated light and rapidly generate a focused beam. 

The Quest to Make Code Work Like Biology Just Took A Big Step
From ACM News

The Quest to Make Code Work Like Biology Just Took A Big Step

In the early 1970s, at Silicon Valley's Xerox PARC, Alan Kay envisioned computer software as something akin to a biological system, a vast collection of small cells...

On Her Microphone's Secret Service: How Spies, Anyone Can Grab Crypto Keys from the Air
From ACM News

On Her Microphone's Secret Service: How Spies, Anyone Can Grab Crypto Keys from the Air

Discerning secret crypto keys in computers and gadgets by spying on how they function isn't new, although the techniques used are often considered impractical.
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