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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Biology's Master Programmers
From ACM News

Biology's Master Programmers

George Church is an imposing figure—over six feet tall, with a large, rectangular face bordered by a brown and silver nest of beard and topped by a thick mop of...

Silicon Valley's Top Threat Is China, Survey Finds
From ACM TechNews

Silicon Valley's Top Threat Is China, Survey Finds

Many high-level technology executives are convinced that some other country, probably China, will supplant Silicon Valley as the global center for innovation within...

Google's Futuristic Glasses Move Closer to Reality
From ACM TechNews

Google's Futuristic Glasses Move Closer to Reality

Google recently announced that it is selling a prototype of its Internet-connected glasses, known as Google Glasses, to U.S. computer programmers for $1,500, hoping...

Scientists Develop Method For Authenticating Digital Images By Analyzing 'noise'
From ACM TechNews

Scientists Develop Method For Authenticating Digital Images By Analyzing 'noise'

University at Albany computer scientist Siwei Lyu and colleagues have identified a method of using "noise" to authenticate digital photography.  

'leap Second' Bug Wreaks Havoc Across Web
From ACM News

'leap Second' Bug Wreaks Havoc Across Web

Reddit, Mozilla, Gawker, and possibly many other web outfits experienced brief technical problems on Saturday evening, when software underpinning their online operations...

Researchers ­se Spoofing to 'hack' Into a Flying Drone
From ACM News

Researchers ­se Spoofing to 'hack' Into a Flying Drone

American researchers took control of a flying drone by hacking into its GPS system—acting on a $1,000 (£640) dare from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

A Robot Takes Stock
From ACM News

A Robot Takes Stock

The short figure creeping around the Carnegie Mellon University campus store in a hooded sweatshirt recently isn't some shoplifter, but a robot taking inventory...

From ACM News

A Look Inside Leap Motion, the 3D Gesture Control That's Like Kinect on Steroids

Leap Motion's not the household name Kinect is, but it should be; the company's motion-tracking system is more powerful, more accurate, smaller, cheaper, and just...

'leap Second' Lengthens Weekend
From ACM News

'leap Second' Lengthens Weekend

The world is about to get a well-earned long weekend but don't make big plans because it will only last an extra second. A so-called "leap second" will be added...

Minitel: The Rise and Fall of the France-Wide Web
From ACM News

Minitel: The Rise and Fall of the France-Wide Web

Many years ago, long before the birth of the Web, there was a time when France was the happening-est place in the digital universe.

How Google Is Teaching Computers to See
From ACM News

How Google Is Teaching Computers to See

Google is attempting to teach computers to recognize human faces without telling the computing algorithms which faces are human.

Design Reduces Nanowire Transistor Footprint
From ACM TechNews

Design Reduces Nanowire Transistor Footprint

A*STAR Institute of Microelectronics researchers have integrated two transistors onto a single vertical silicon nanowire, which they say could further push the...

Voice Algorithms Spot Parkinson's Disease
From ACM News

Voice Algorithms Spot Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson's is a devastating disease for those living with the condition, and currently there is no cure. Diagnosis can also be slow, as there are no blood tests...

It's Not an Entertainment Gadget, It's Google's Bid to Control the Future
From ACM News

It's Not an Entertainment Gadget, It's Google's Bid to Control the Future

Joe Britt hands me his latest creation, a black ball with glittering LED lights around the middle, and implores me to examine it.

Graph500 Adds New Measurement of Supercomputing Performance
From ACM TechNews

Graph500 Adds New Measurement of Supercomputing Performance

The Graph500 executive committee recently announced new specifications for a more representative way to rate large-scale data analytics in high-performance computing...

Computer Science Tackles 30-Year-Old Economics Problem
From ACM TechNews

Computer Science Tackles 30-Year-Old Economics Problem

MIT researchers have developed an algorithm for finding an almost perfect approximation of the optimal design of a multi-item auction.  

Bot With Boyish Personality Wins Biggest Turing Test
From ACM TechNews

Bot With Boyish Personality Wins Biggest Turing Test

The chatbot Eugene Goostman fooled Turing test judges 29 percent of the time into thinking it was human to take first place in the recent contest in the United...

You Will Want Google Goggles
From ACM Opinion

You Will Want Google Goggles

At first glance, Thad Starner does not look out of place at Google. A pioneering researcher in the field of wearable computing, Starner is a big, charming man with...

How Many Computers to Identify a Cat? 16,000
From ACM News

How Many Computers to Identify a Cat? 16,000

Inside Google’s secretive X laboratory, known for inventing self-driving cars and augmented reality glasses, a small group of researchers began working several...

The Man Who Keeps Facebook Humming
From ACM Opinion

The Man Who Keeps Facebook Humming

Jay Parikh is happy to never get a call from Mark Zuckerberg. Why? It means he's doing his job well. As the vice president of infrastructure engineering at Facebook...
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