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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Project Finds, Purges Vulnerable Code Snippets From the Net
From ACM TechNews

Project Finds, Purges Vulnerable Code Snippets From the Net

Digital Security has launched the Eliminate Vulnerable Code project, an initiative designed to eliminate insecure code.  

Meet 'flame,' The Massive Spy Malware Infiltrating Iranian Computers
From ACM News

Meet 'flame,' The Massive Spy Malware Infiltrating Iranian Computers

Jonathan Ive: Simplicity Isn't Simple
From ACM Opinion

Jonathan Ive: Simplicity Isn't Simple

"Design is a word that's come to mean so much that it's also a word that has come to mean nothing. We don't really talk about design, we talk about developing ideas...

Supercomputer to Connect to 400pb of Storage via Ethernet
From ACM TechNews

Supercomputer to Connect to 400pb of Storage via Ethernet

The National Center for Supercomputing Applications recently launched a storage infrastructure initiative designed to support the Blue Waters supercomputer, which...

Dark Shadows on Mars: Scene from Durable Nasa Rover
From ACM News

Dark Shadows on Mars: Scene from Durable Nasa Rover

Like a tourist waiting for just the right lighting to snap a favorite shot during a stay at the Grand Canyon, NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity has used...

Telerobotics Offers Third Way For Space Exploration
From ACM News

Telerobotics Offers Third Way For Space Exploration

Space exploration may have a new direction. In the 1960s, humans did the exploring but since the last moon landing in 1972, NASA's only explorers beyond low Earth...

From ACM News

Browser Choice: A Thing of the Past?

Like to pick your browser? Beware, because new mobile devices threaten to stifle the competitive vigor of the market for Web browsers on PCs.

Researchers Improve Fast-Moving Mobile Networks
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Improve Fast-Moving Mobile Networks

A new method developed by researchers from North Carolina State University promises to improve the quality and efficiency of data transmission in mobile ad hoc...

An Influential Theoretician
From Communications of the ACM

An Influential Theoretician

Sanjeev Arora, winner of the 2011 ACM-Infosys Award, discusses his pivotal role in theoretical computer science.

Game Changer
From Communications of the ACM

Game Changer

Judea Pearl's passionate advocacy of the importance of probability and causality helped revolutionize artificial intelligence.

Data Mining Meets City Hall
From Communications of the ACM

Data Mining Meets City Hall

Local and national governments are turning to open data to cut their costs, increase transparency and efficiency, and respond to the needs of citizens.

Analyzing Medical Data
From Communications of the ACM

Analyzing Medical Data

Electronic patient records contain a treasure trove of data, and researchers are using natural language processing technology to mine the structured data and free...

Gps Loss Kicked Off Fatal Drone Crash
From ACM News

Gps Loss Kicked Off Fatal Drone Crash

Hopes that a new breed of commercial drones can be easily integrated into civilian airspace have been dashed after it was revealed that the loss of the technology...

Snow Snaps Give You a Better Weather Picture
From ACM TechNews

Snow Snaps Give You a Better Weather Picture

Photos taken of snowfall and posted online could help fill holes in satellite weather data caused by cloud cover, says Indiana University Ph.D. student Haipeng...

From ACM News

In Cuba, Mystery Shrouds Fate of Internet Cable

It was all sunshine, smiles and celebratory speeches as officials marked the arrival of an undersea fiber-optic cable they promised would end Cuba's Internet isolation...

Leap Motion: 3D Hands-Free Motion Control, Unbound
From ACM News

Leap Motion: 3D Hands-Free Motion Control, Unbound

Hands-free motion control, a technology pioneered by Nintendo's Wii and later improved upon by Microsoft's Kinect, just took a very big leap forward.

University of Nevada, Reno Scientists Design Low-Cost Indoor Navigation System For Blind
From ACM TechNews

University of Nevada, Reno Scientists Design Low-Cost Indoor Navigation System For Blind

University of Nevada, Reno researchers have developed Navatar, an indoor navigation system for people with visual impairments.  

'Adaptive Radio': The Next Big Thing in Wireless?
From ACM News

'Adaptive Radio': The Next Big Thing in Wireless?

James Collier is loping in a broad circle on the Midsummer Common in Cambridge, England, holding aloft a two-foot fiberglass antenna.

Meet the Man Who Invented the Instructions For the Internet
From ACM Opinion

Meet the Man Who Invented the Instructions For the Internet

Steve Crocker was there when the Internet was born.

New Research Could Mean Faster Computers and Better Smart Phones
From ACM TechNews

New Research Could Mean Faster Computers and Better Smart Phones

University of Gothenburg researchers have found that graphene and carbon nanotubes could help reduce the size and power consumption of electronic circuits.
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