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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

5G Underwhelms in Its First Big Test
From ACM TechNews

5G Underwhelms in Its First Big Test

Users of 5G services say the first implementation of the next-generation network technology in South Korea has fallen short of expectations.

Researchers Try to Teach Computers to Forecast Traffic Like the Weather
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Try to Teach Computers to Forecast Traffic Like the Weather

Netherlands-based location/transportation data supplier Here Technologies has pushed researchers to apply big-data techniques to films of traffic in Berlin, Istanbul...

People Too Trusting of Virtual Assistants
From ACM TechNews

People Too Trusting of Virtual Assistants

Researchers have found that people tend to share increasingly more with online agents because of their tendency to assign them personalities and physical features...

Gym Class Without the Gym? With Technology, It's Catching On
From ACM TechNews

Gym Class Without the Gym? With Technology, It's Catching On

Wearable fitness trackers are helping make online physical education more popular for students by adding the dimension of accountability.

Russia Announces 'Successful Test' of Its Unplugged Internet
From ACM TechNews

Russia Announces 'Successful Test' of Its Unplugged Internet

Russia's Ministry of Communications announced a successful test of a nationwide alternative to the Internet and claimed ordinary users did not detect any changes...

Scientists Demo Chip-to-Chip Quantum Teleportation in Silicon
From ACM TechNews

Scientists Demo Chip-to-Chip Quantum Teleportation in Silicon

Scientists at the University of Bristol and the Technical University of Denmark have developed chip-scale devices that are able to harness the applications of quantum...

How Classroom Technology Is Holding Students Back
From ACM News

How Classroom Technology Is Holding Students Back

Data shows that education technology in the United States has a negative impact at a range of grade levels.

Colleges Are Turning Students' Phones Into Surveillance Machines
From ACM News

Colleges Are Turning Students' Phones Into Surveillance Machines

Dozens of colleges across the United States are using short-range phone sensors and campuswide Wi-Fi networks to monitor students' academic performance, analyze...

Apple Has Secret Team Working on Satellites to Beam Data to Devices
From ACM News

Apple Has Secret Team Working on Satellites to Beam Data to Devices

Apple Inc. has a secret team working on satellite technology that the iPhone maker could use to beam Internet services directly to devices, bypassing wireless networks...

Facebook Is Building An Operating System So It Can Ditch Android
From ACM News

Facebook Is Building An Operating System So It Can Ditch Android

Facebook is building an operating system from scratch so that its hardware is not at the mercy of Google and the Android operating system.

New Study Shows Just How Bad Vehicle Hacking Has Gotten
From ACM TechNews

New Study Shows Just How Bad Vehicle Hacking Has Gotten

A report from Israeli security firm Upstream paints a grim picture of the state of vehicular cybersecurity.

Apple, Google, Amazon Decide to 'Play Nice' Over Smart Home Tech
From ACM TechNews

Apple, Google, Amazon Decide to 'Play Nice' Over Smart Home Tech

Apple, Google, and Amazon are partnering to improve smart home technology.

How the Internet Spans the Globe
From Communications of the ACM

How the Internet Spans the Globe

The modern Internet is made possible by hundreds of thousands of miles of undersea cables.

Multiplication Hits the Speed Limit
From Communications of the ACM

Multiplication Hits the Speed Limit

A problem "around since antiquity" may have been resolved by a new algorithm.

City Incentivizes Car 'Connected' Technology for Study
From ACM TechNews

City Incentivizes Car 'Connected' Technology for Study

The Columbus, OH, City Council approved a program that will ask 1,300 residents to equip their vehicles with "connected" technology that allows them to communicate...

Neural Network for Elderly Care Could Save Millions
From ACM TechNews

Neural Network for Elderly Care Could Save Millions

Researchers have developed a risk adjustment model to predict how frenquently elderly people will seek treatment from a healthcare center or hospital.

Santa Claus Visits are Going Digital, from 'Elfies' to Augmented Reality
From ACM TechNews

Santa Claus Visits are Going Digital, from 'Elfies' to Augmented Reality

Macerich, one of the largest mall operators in the U.S., is offering "Santa HQ 5.0" at 15 of its malls across the country.

Researchers Reconstruct Spoken Words as Processed in Nonhuman Primate Brains
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Reconstruct Spoken Words as Processed in Nonhuman Primate Brains

Researchers used a brain-computer interface to reconstruct English words from neural signals recorded in the brains of rhesus macaque monkeys.

Government Regimes May Be Learning New Twitter Tactics to Quash Dissent
From ACM TechNews

Government Regimes May Be Learning New Twitter Tactics to Quash Dissent

Researchers suggest authoritarian governments may be using new Twitter strategies to suppress social media-using dissenters.\

A Network Design for the 'Internet from Space'
From ACM TechNews

A Network Design for the 'Internet from Space'

Researchers are proposing a network design that could double the network capacity of low-flying satellites to create an "Internet from Space."
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