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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

A Scheme to Encrypt the Entire Web Is Actually Working
From ACM News

A Scheme to Encrypt the Entire Web Is Actually Working

Apple's move to encrypt your iPhone and WhatsApp's rollout of end-to-end encrypted messaging have generated plenty of privacy applause and law enforcement controversy...

Pair Programming Is Still Vibrant
From ACM News

Pair Programming Is Still Vibrant

The agile methodology has not grown quickly, but still has its adherents.

'this Is the Irs Regarding Your Tax Filings,' Says Trio of Overseas Robocallers
From ACM News

'this Is the Irs Regarding Your Tax Filings,' Says Trio of Overseas Robocallers

As if political campaigns, shady telemarketers hawking home security systems, and the rest of the usual suspects aren't generating enough automated phone calls,...

Nasa Study Solves Two Mysteries About Wobbling Earth
From ACM News

Nasa Study Solves Two Mysteries About Wobbling Earth

Using satellite data on how water moves around Earth, NASA scientists have solved two mysteries about wobbles in the planet's rotation—one new and one more than...

Moore's Law's Ultraviolet Savior Is Finally Ready
From ACM News

Moore's Law's Ultraviolet Savior Is Finally Ready

It is easy to take for granted the advancements in our mobile phones, wearable electronics, and other gadgets. But advances in computing rely on processes that...

Computer Scientists Present New Method to Reconstruct Signaling Pathways
From ACM TechNews

Computer Scientists Present New Method to Reconstruct Signaling Pathways

Researchers  have developed a new computational algorithm that reconstructs signaling pathways from a background network of molecular interactions. 

Researchers ­se Light and Sound Waves to Control Electron States
From ACM TechNews

Researchers ­se Light and Sound Waves to Control Electron States

University of Oregon researchers have combined light and sound to control electron states in an atom-like system. 

Ames Laboratory Physicists Discover New Type of Material That May Speed Computing
From ACM TechNews

Ames Laboratory Physicists Discover New Type of Material That May Speed Computing

Researchers say they have discovered a topological metal that could be used in futuristic energy-efficient computers with higher processor speeds and data storage...

Experiencing ­nderwater Worlds, Virtually
From ACM TechNews

Experiencing ­nderwater Worlds, Virtually

Dhruv Jain led the creation of a scuba-diving simulator as part of his Amphibian virtual reality project. 

Arms Control Groups ­rge Human Control of Robot Weaponry
From ACM News

Arms Control Groups ­rge Human Control of Robot Weaponry

Two international arms control groups on Monday issued a report that called for maintaining human control over a new generation of weapons that are increasingly...

Why Robots Need to Be Able to Say 'no'
From ACM TechNews

Why Robots Need to Be Able to Say 'no'

Robots' blind obedience to human instructions can lead to harmful results and unwanted outcomes.

First Paralysed Person to Be 'reanimated' Offers Neuroscience Insights
From ACM News

First Paralysed Person to Be 'reanimated' Offers Neuroscience Insights

A quadriplegic man who has become the first person to be implanted with technology that sends signals from the brain to muscles—allowing him to regain some movement...

Silicon Valley Targets Smart Guns
From ACM News

Silicon Valley Targets Smart Guns

In the 2012 movie Skyfall, James Bond brandishes his trusty sidearm, but with a high-tech twist: There's a sensor in the grip that reads palm prints so only he...

Senators' Encryption Measure Adds New Fuel to Apple-Fbi Debate
From ACM News

Senators' Encryption Measure Adds New Fuel to Apple-Fbi Debate

Technology and Internet companies would have to provide government agencies with access to data when served with a court order under long-awaited draft legislation...

Soft Robotic Fingers Recognize Objects By Feel
From ACM TechNews

Soft Robotic Fingers Recognize Objects By Feel

Daniela Rus at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has led the development of bendable, stretchable robot fingers that can lift and handle delicate objects...

­niversities Aren't Doing Enough to Train the Cyberdefenders America Desperately Needs
From ACM TechNews

­niversities Aren't Doing Enough to Train the Cyberdefenders America Desperately Needs

U.S. universities may not be doing enough to prepare the next generation of cyberdefenders, suggests the findings of a new analysis from CloudPassage.

What Social Media Data Could Tell US About the Future
From ACM TechNews

What Social Media Data Could Tell US About the Future

Northeastern University researchers are working with a group of scientists to develop a method to map how tweets about large-scale social events spread. 

Turing Tests and the Problem of Artificial Olfaction
From ACM TechNews

Turing Tests and the Problem of Artificial Olfaction

The ability to reproduce scent artificially is surprisingly complex, and the work of the Weizmann Institute of Science's David Harel sheds light on the issue. 

How Microsoft Conjured ­p Real-Life Star Wars Holograms
From ACM TechNews

How Microsoft Conjured ­p Real-Life Star Wars Holograms

In holoportation, a live hologram of a person is projected into another room for real-time interaction with whomever is present.

Rescued Japanese Spacecraft Delivers First Results from Venus
From ACM News

Rescued Japanese Spacecraft Delivers First Results from Venus

After an unplanned five-year detour, Japan's Venus probe, Akatsuki, has come back to life with a bang.
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