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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

First Came the Breathalyzer, Now Meet the Roadside Police 'textalyzer'
From ACM News

First Came the Breathalyzer, Now Meet the Roadside Police 'textalyzer'

We're all familiar with the Breathalyzer, the brand name for a roadside device that measures a suspected drunken driver's blood-alcohol level.

Billing by Millionths of Pennies, Cloud Computing's Giants Take In Billions
From ACM Careers

Billing by Millionths of Pennies, Cloud Computing's Giants Take In Billions

Imagine building an enormous beach resort, maybe the best in the world.

The Tremendous Ambitions Behind New York City's Free Wifi
From ACM News

The Tremendous Ambitions Behind New York City's Free Wifi

At this very moment in New York City, you can walk up to one of 65 futuristic kiosks, punch in an email address on your phone and instantly receive a wireless Internet...

Diamonds May Be Quantum Computing's Best Friend
From ACM TechNews

Diamonds May Be Quantum Computing's Best Friend

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have developed a new approach to maintaining quantum superposition using synthetic diamonds. 

Graphene Filter Could Make Wireless Data Transmission 10 Times Faster
From ACM TechNews

Graphene Filter Could Make Wireless Data Transmission 10 Times Faster

Swiss researchers have developed a graphene filter for microchips that could lead to wireless transmission rates 10 times as fast as what chips deliver today. 

Why Our Crazy-Smart AI Still Sucks at Transcribing Speech
From ACM TechNews

Why Our Crazy-Smart AI Still Sucks at Transcribing Speech

The task of providing accurate transcriptions of long blocks of human conversation remains beyond the abilities of even today's most advanced software. 

Silicon Valley Could Gain $25 Billion By Narrowing Gender Gap
From ACM TechNews

Silicon Valley Could Gain $25 Billion By Narrowing Gender Gap

Closing the gender gap could net Silicon Valley $25 billion in gross domestic product by 2025, according to a new McKinsey study. 

The Future of Microchips
From ACM News

The Future of Microchips

Intel, IBM, and others stake their claims to the future technology path for semiconductors.

Are We Living in a Computer Simulation?
From ACM News

Are We Living in a Computer Simulation?

If you, me and every person and thing in the cosmos were actually characters in some giant computer game, we would not necessarily know it.

Dear Silicon Valley: The Pentagon Has Sent You a Friend Request
From ACM Careers

Dear Silicon Valley: The Pentagon Has Sent You a Friend Request

When Defense Secretary Ashton Carter first spoke about the Pentagon's startup in Silicon Valley, the former Harvard physicist said he had great expectations.

Measurement of Universe's Expansion Rate Creates Cosmological Puzzle
From ACM News

Measurement of Universe's Expansion Rate Creates Cosmological Puzzle

The most precise measurement ever made of the current rate of expansion of the Universe has produced a value that appears incompatible with measurements of radiation...

Italians, Helped By an App, Translate the Talmud
From ACM TechNews

Italians, Helped By an App, Translate the Talmud

The first Italian translation of the Babylonian Talmud has been completed after five years of work by scholars, linguists, philologists, editors, and computer scientists...

A Fleet of Self-Driving Trucks Rumbles Across Europe
From ACM TechNews

A Fleet of Self-Driving Trucks Rumbles Across Europe

A fleet of about 12 self-driving trucks from six manufacturers for the first time completed a trip across parts of Europe this week. 

Watch an Autonomous Fencing Drone Dodge Sword Attacks
From ACM TechNews

Watch an Autonomous Fencing Drone Dodge Sword Attacks

Stanford University researcher Ross Allen specializes in training robots to dodge obstacles at high speeds. 

Tech Companies Help Women Get Back to Work
From ACM TechNews

Tech Companies Help Women Get Back to Work

Technology companies are leveraging internships and other programs to help women return to work and update the skills they need to be competitive. 

As Election Nears, Candidate Language Gets Simpler
From ACM TechNews

As Election Nears, Candidate Language Gets Simpler

Carnegie Mellon University researchers have found most U.S. presidential candidates' speeches use words and grammar typical of students in grades six through eight...

Kepler Spacecraft in Emergency Mode
From ACM News

Kepler Spacecraft in Emergency Mode

During a scheduled contact on Thursday, April 7, mission operations engineers discovered that the Kepler spacecraft was in Emergency Mode (EM). EM is the lowest...

Are robots taking our jobs?
From ACM News

Are robots taking our jobs?

Will new technology spawn mass unemployment, as the robots take jobs away from humans?

Searching for Far Out and Wandering Worlds
From ACM News

Searching for Far Out and Wandering Worlds

Astronomers have made great strides in discovering planets outside of our solar system, termed "exoplanets."

Hiv Overcomes Crispr Gene-Editing Attack
From ACM News

Hiv Overcomes Crispr Gene-Editing Attack

HIV can defeat efforts to cripple it with CRISPR gene-editing technology, researchers say. And the very act of editing—involving snipping at the virus’s genome—may...
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