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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

­a Engineers Win Patent For Protein-Based Electronic Circuits
From ACM TechNews

­a Engineers Win Patent For Protein-Based Electronic Circuits

University of Arizona researchers have patented a process for building microscopic wiring circuits made of copper insulated by proteins known as microtubules.

Quantum Computer Scientist's Aim
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Computer Scientist's Aim

University of Arkansas physicist Jak Chakhalian is seeking a new miniature building block for quantum computers, using a new class of nanomaterials known as topological...

Finding Experts: It's Who You Know
From ACM News

Finding Experts: It's Who You Know

While current expert-finding methods provided the best expert in six out of 10 searches, a new user-oriented method finds the best one nine times out of 10, according...

Web Science Meets Network Science
From Communications of the ACM

Web Science Meets Network Science

A pair of divergent scientific communities discusses their similarities and differences, and search for common ground.

Deus Ex Machina
From Communications of the ACM

Deus Ex Machina

Computational metaphysics is helping philosophers answer age-old questions, such as whether God exists.

Data Optimization in Developing Nations
From Communications of the ACM

Data Optimization in Developing Nations

Artificial intelligence and machine learning could expand access to health care, improve the quality of education, and respond effectively to natural disasters...

I, Domestic Robot
From Communications of the ACM

I, Domestic Robot

With recent advances in laser rangefinders, faster algorithms, and open source robotic operating systems, researchers are increasing domestic robots' semantic and...

Sorting Through Photos
From Communications of the ACM

Sorting Through Photos

Teaching computers to understand pictures could lead to search engines capable of identifying and organizing large datasets of visual information.

Meet the Fastest Public-Key Algorithm Few Have Even Heard Of
From ACM TechNews

Meet the Fastest Public-Key Algorithm Few Have Even Heard Of

The Accredited Standards Committee X9 has approved NTRUEncrypt, a public-key algorithm that  is considered to be faster than both elliptic-curve cryptography and...

Microsoft Browser Would Offer Personalization Along With Privacy Protection
From ACM TechNews

Microsoft Browser Would Offer Personalization Along With Privacy Protection

Microsoft researchers have developed RePriv, a browser that analyzes users' online behavior and controls how their personal information is released to sites that...

European E-Science Group Extends Cloud Focus
From ACM TechNews

European E-Science Group Extends Cloud Focus

The e-Infrastructure Reflection Group (e-IRG), which consists of more than 100 members from European institutions, has issued a draft report illustrating how cloud...

New Spin on Graphene
From ACM TechNews

New Spin on Graphene

University of Manchester researchers have shown that electric current can magnetize graphene, a potential breakthrough for spintronics.

The Business Market Plays Cloud Computing Catch-­p
From ACM News

The Business Market Plays Cloud Computing Catch-­p

The big spenders on technology are businesses and government agencies. They buy about 75% of the computing goods and services sold worldwide. Yet it is increasingly...

What Is a Cpu Thread?
From ACM News

What Is a Cpu Thread?

Tech pundits, analysts, and reviewers often speak of "multithreaded" programs, or even "multithreaded processors," without ever defining what, exactly, a "thread"...

From ACM TechNews

Speedier Nanotube Circuits

Stanford University researchers recently expanded on an earlier study involving the development of faster nanotube circuits, which could lead to their use in complex...

Bye-Bye Electrons? Circuit Made From Flowing Atoms
From ACM TechNews

Bye-Bye Electrons? Circuit Made From Flowing Atoms

Kevin Wright and colleagues at NIST chilled 100,000 sodium atoms then used lasers to shape the blob of atoms into a torus and give it enough energy to circulate...

Supercomputers Let ­p on Speed
From ACM TechNews

Supercomputers Let ­p on Speed

Smarter rather than faster design appears to be coming into vogue as a gauge of a supercomputer's success. A federal report urges a more balanced portfolio of...

Ut Debuts Its Newest Supercomputer
From ACM TechNews

Ut Debuts Its Newest Supercomputer

The University of Texas at Austin, along with the Texas A&M University, Texas Tech, the University of Texas System, and others, has built the Lonestar 4 supercomputer...

­sing Adjacent Phone Antennas Could Improve Data Transfer
From ACM TechNews

­sing Adjacent Phone Antennas Could Improve Data Transfer

University of Bristol researchers are studying multiple-input multiple-output technology, which uses several antennas to transmit and receive data, in order to...

New Tool Makes Programs More Efficient Without Sacrificing Safety Functions
From ACM TechNews

New Tool Makes Programs More Efficient Without Sacrificing Safety Functions

North Carolina State University researchers have developed software that helps programs run more efficiently on multicore chips without sacrificing safety features...
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