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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Multi-Million Dollar Initiative Aims to Improve Internet Architecture
From ACM TechNews

Multi-Million Dollar Initiative Aims to Improve Internet Architecture

University of Arizona researchers are participating in a U.S. National Science Foundation effort that is investigating ways to revolutionize the Internet's architecture...

From ACM TechNews

New Help on Testing For Common Cause of Software Bugs

As part of the Automated Combinatorial Testing for Software program, the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology has developed algorithms for automated...

Georgia Tech Supports Darpa's $100 Million Next-Generation Hpc Project
From ACM News

Georgia Tech Supports Darpa's $100 Million Next-Generation Hpc Project

The $100 million DARPA Ubiquitous High Performance Computing initiative aims to fit a high performance petaflop computer into a single rack measuring 24 inches...

China's Supercomputers to Sharpen Competitive Edge
From ACM News

China's Supercomputers to Sharpen Competitive Edge

As a China-made supercomputer was recently ranked as the world's fastest, Chinese high performance computer manufacturers are inspired to sharpen their competitive...

Robot's Space Debut 'giant Leap For Tinmankind'
From ACM TechNews

Robot's Space Debut 'giant Leap For Tinmankind'

NASA is sending a humanoid robot, called Robonaut 2, to the International Space Station for the first time. R2 has more than 350 electrical sensors throughout...

Ncsa Director: Gpu Is Future of Supercomputing
From ACM News

Ncsa Director: Gpu Is Future of Supercomputing

The director of the National Center for Supercomputing Applications has seen the future of supercomputing and it can be summed up in three letters: GPU.

Virtual Engineer to Predict Machine Failure
From ACM TechNews

Virtual Engineer to Predict Machine Failure

University of Portsmouth scientists have created a system that uses artificial intelligence techniques and sensors to monitor vulnerable parts of a machine, plus...

China Wrests Supercomputer Title From ­.s.
From ACM News

China Wrests Supercomputer Title From ­.s.

A Chinese scientific research center has built the fastest supercomputer ever made, replacing the United States as maker of the swiftest machine, and giving China...

Researchers Attack Transistors to Slay Vampire Power
From ACM News

Researchers Attack Transistors to Slay Vampire Power

The European Union is sponsoring a multimillion-dollar research project to boost the efficiency of everyday electronics and choke the constant flow of wasted...

Wide Open Spaces
From Communications of the ACM

Wide Open Spaces

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission's decision to open frequencies in the broadcast spectrum could enable broadband networks in rural areas, permit smart...

Career Opportunities
From Communications of the ACM

Career Opportunities

What are the job prospects for today's—and tomorrow's—graduates?

Security in the Cloud
From Communications of the ACM

Security in the Cloud

Cloud computing offers many advantages, but also involves security risks. Fortunately, researchers are devising some ingenious solutions.

Turning Data Into Knowledge
From Communications of the ACM

Turning Data Into Knowledge

Today's data deluge is leading to new approaches to visualize, analyze, and catalog enormous datasets.

Beagle Supercomputer Has Landed in Chicago
From ACM News

Beagle Supercomputer Has Landed in Chicago

The University of Chicago Computation Institute at Argonne National Laboratory has introduced Beagle, a 150 teraflops, 18,000-core Cray XE6 supercomputer that will...

Chinese Chip Closes In on Intel, Amd
From ACM News

Chinese Chip Closes In on Intel, Amd

China may finally have a processor to power a homegrown supercomputer.

Flexible Leds For Implanting Under the Skin
From ACM TechNews

Flexible Leds For Implanting Under the Skin

A team of researchers from the United States, China, Korea, and Singapore have developed flexible ultra-thin sheets of inorganic light-emitting diodes and photodetectors...

Batteries Smaller Than a Grain of Salt
From ACM News

Batteries Smaller Than a Grain of Salt

Researchers in California are aiming to create some of the tiniest batteries on Earth, the largest of which would be no bigger than a grain of salt. These tiny...

The Second Coming of Tsubame
From ACM TechNews

The Second Coming of Tsubame

Tokyo Tech's TSUBAME 2.0 will officially be named the fastest Japanese supercomputer next month, with a raw performance of 2.4 petaflops that surpasses the total...

Faster Websites, More Reliable Data
From ACM TechNews

Faster Websites, More Reliable Data

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have developed TxCache, a database caching system that eliminates certain types of asymmetric data retrieval while...

From ACM TechNews

Parallel Java Programming System Launched By ­niversity

Researchers have launched a project to develop a Deterministic Parallel Java implementation, and say it would be the first implementation to guarantee deterministic...
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