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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

ACM China Nearing Launch
From Communications of the ACM

ACM China Nearing Launch

ACM's expansion into China will support local professionals and increase Chinese involvement in ACM's international activities.

Degrees, Distance, and Dollars
From Communications of the ACM

Degrees, Distance, and Dollars

The Internet is making higher education accessible to a whole new class of students—but not necessarily at a lower cost.

Cycling Through Data
From Communications of the ACM

Cycling Through Data

Sensor-equipped bicycles are providing valuable data to cyclists, city planners, and computer scientists.

Brains and Bytes
From Communications of the ACM

Brains and Bytes

Computational neuroscientists are learning that the brain is like a computer, except when it isn't.

From ACM News

Hi-Tech Rechargeable Batteries Developed For Military

MIT scientists reported progress in using a common virus to develop improved materials for high-performance, rechargeable lithium-ion batteries that could be...

Robots Learning From Experience
From ICT Results

Robots Learning From Experience

Software that enables robots to move objects about a room, building up ever-more knowledge about their environment, is an important step forward in artificial intelligence...

Scientists Help Explain Graphene Mystery
From ACM News

Scientists Help Explain Graphene Mystery

Nanoscale simulations and theoretical research performed at the U.S. Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory are bringing scientists closer to realizing...

From ACM TechNews

The Future of the Web Is a Matter of Semantics

Researchers at Athens Information Technology and the National Technical University of Athens say there are three main issues to overcome before the semantic Web...

Ho-Hum to High Performance: Boring Material Could Lead to Electronics Revolution
From ACM TechNews

Ho-Hum to High Performance: Boring Material Could Lead to Electronics Revolution

Cornell University researchers have found that when the oxide compound europium titanate is sliced nanometers thin and stretched on a specially designed template...

From ACM TechNews

Researcher Cracks Recaptcha

Independent researcher Chad Houck recently released algorithms that can crack Google's reCAPTCHA program, even after the company's recent improvements to the security...

From ACM TechNews

Cool! Researchers Find Way to ­se Hvac Ducts For Wireless Monitoring Technology

North Carolina State University researchers have developed a system based on RFID tags that uses a building's heating, ventilating, and air conditioning ducts for...

From ACM TechNews

Toshiba Claims Data Storage Breakthrough

Toshiba says it has achieved a breakthrough in data storage technology that could lead to hard drives with much higher capacities than are currently available. 

From ACM News

Extreme and Green: What Science Needs from Computing

Four participants in the upcoming Kavli Futures Symposium discuss what science needs from computing, how current computing advances are impacting research, and...

A Surfboard Gets an Onboard Computer
From ACM News

A Surfboard Gets an Onboard Computer

Computers are everywhere these days—even on surfboards. University of California, San Diego mechanical engineering undergraduates outfitted a surfboard with a...

Clothing to Power Personal Computers
From ACM TechNews

Clothing to Power Personal Computers

Researchers at the University of Southampton's School of Electronics and Computer Science are developing technology that would enable individuals to power electronic...

Safe Travels
From ACM TechNews

Safe Travels

University of Texas at San Antonio researchers have developed SMall Aircraft Risk Technology (SMART), software that can run thousands of simulations on a given...

How Much Smaller Can Chips Go?
From ACM News

How Much Smaller Can Chips Go?

Seven of the finest minds Intel can muster are lined up on stage, ready to take questions from a pack of visibly intimidated European journalists.

Researchers Develop Ultrahigh Energy Density Supercapacitors
From ACM News

Researchers Develop Ultrahigh Energy Density Supercapacitors

A team of researchers from the United States and France have developed micro-supercapacitors with the potential to power nomad electronics, wireless sensor networks...

Innovation Could Bring Super-Accurate Sensors, Crime Forensics
From ACM TechNews

Innovation Could Bring Super-Accurate Sensors, Crime Forensics

Purdue researchers have developed technology that enables microelectromechanical systems to self-calibrate, which they say could lead to super-accurate sensors...

New System Tests and Evaluates High-Energy Laser Weapons
From ACM News

New System Tests and Evaluates High-Energy Laser Weapons

A system developed by the Georgia Tech Research Institute that can measure the power and spatial energy distribution of high-energy lasers will help accelerate...
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