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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Google, Nasa Work Together on Disney Show to Inspire Girls Into Sciences
From ACM TechNews

Google, Nasa Work Together on Disney Show to Inspire Girls Into Sciences

Disney Junior wants a new show it is developing to help bury media stereotypes about science and programmers.

How Cooperative Research Is Shaping the Future Internet
From ACM TechNews

How Cooperative Research Is Shaping the Future Internet

European researchers are working with Japanese colleagues to build a framework for testing new network technologies. 

Soft Robot to Swim Through Europa's Oceans
From ACM TechNews

Soft Robot to Swim Through Europa's Oceans

Cornell University researchers have received a nine-month, $100,000 grant to develop a soft, swimming robot that can explore other worlds.

The Telescope Looking For the Beginning of Time
From ACM News

The Telescope Looking For the Beginning of Time

The universe is a big place.

Airport Security Advances Clash With Privacy Issues
From ACM News

Airport Security Advances Clash With Privacy Issues

At a mock airport in an underground laboratory here at Northeastern University, students pretending to be passengers head through a security exit in the right direction...

Emotion Detection Software ­sed to Design Advertising
From ACM TechNews

Emotion Detection Software ­sed to Design Advertising

Mexican computer specialist Enrique Leon Villeda helped revolutionize advertising by developing software to assess the emotions of a person considering consumer...

Google Embeds Engineers as Professors
From ACM TechNews

Google Embeds Engineers as Professors

Google is placing engineers at a handful of Historically Black Colleges and Universities, where they teach, mentor, and advise on curriculum. 

Wearable Technology Finds Its Place on Campus
From ACM TechNews

Wearable Technology Finds Its Place on Campus

Several universities are experimenting with wearable technologies as a way to improve classroom instruction. 

Does Artificial Intelligence Pose a Threat?
From ACM Opinion

Does Artificial Intelligence Pose a Threat?

After decades as a sci-fi staple, artificial intelligence has leapt into the mainstream.

Great Innovative Idea: Machine Teaching
From ACM TechNews

Great Innovative Idea: Machine Teaching

Machine teaching is machine learning turned upside down. 

Rice Engineering Students Create Real-Time 3D Radar System
From ACM TechNews

Rice Engineering Students Create Real-Time 3D Radar System

An impulse-based radar for real-time three-dimensional imaging recently was awarded the top prize at Rice University's annual Engineering Design Showcase.

The Path to a Wearable Future Lies in Academia
From ACM TechNews

The Path to a Wearable Future Lies in Academia

Many of the innovative products now available to consumers are based on technologies developed in academic laboratories years ago. 

The Trouble with Reference Rot
From ACM News

The Trouble with Reference Rot

The scholarly literature is meant to be a permanent record of science.

Carnegie Mellon Project Divides Everyday Tasks, Expenses In Ways Scientifically Calculated to Make Everyone Happy
From ACM TechNews

Carnegie Mellon Project Divides Everyday Tasks, Expenses In Ways Scientifically Calculated to Make Everyone Happy

Carnegie Mellon University researchers have developed a free website that leverages decades of research on how to divide things equitably without resentment. 

To Invent the Future, You Must ­nderstand the Past
From ACM News

To Invent the Future, You Must ­nderstand the Past

"You can't really understand what is going on now without understanding what came before."

At the Heart of Facebook's Artificial Intelligence, Human Emotions
From ACM Careers

At the Heart of Facebook's Artificial Intelligence, Human Emotions

Facebook Inc. doesn't yet have an intelligent assistant, like the iPhone's Siri.

What Is Being Learned From Moocs? New Report Takes Stock
From ACM TechNews

What Is Being Learned From Moocs? New Report Takes Stock

A new report released this week lays out the current state of research into massive open online courses. 

A Google For Handwriting
From ACM TechNews

A Google For Handwriting

A new digital platform offers a database of digitized works from cultural heritage collections, including handwritten works rendered searchable. 

In Memoriam: Paul Hudak, Computer Scientist and Saybrook College Master
From ACM News

In Memoriam: Paul Hudak, Computer Scientist and Saybrook College Master

Paul R. Hudak, professor of computer science and master of Saybrook College, died April 29 after a long battle with leukemia.

Olga Troyanskaya Brings Order to Big Data of Human Biology
From ACM TechNews

Olga Troyanskaya Brings Order to Big Data of Human Biology

Researchers at the Simons Center for Data Analysis have established how genes work together within 144 different human tissues and cell types. 
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