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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Resilience, Not Abstinence, May Help Teens Battle Online Risk
From ACM TechNews

Resilience, Not Abstinence, May Help Teens Battle Online Risk

Researchers found keeping teens safe on the Internet can be achieved by boosting their ability to cope with online risks, rather than trying to stop them from going...

­.s. Is Faulted For Risking Edge in R&d
From ACM TechNews

­.s. Is Faulted For Risking Edge in R&d

A new report from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is faulting the U.S. government for failing to maintain its investments in basic scientific research...

Why Coding Is Your Child's Key to ­nlocking the Future
From ACM TechNews

Why Coding Is Your Child's Key to ­nlocking the Future

An increasing number of educators and activists are pushing to make programming a part of all children's basic education. 

No Boys Allowed: Tackling the Coding Gender Gap
From ACM TechNews

No Boys Allowed: Tackling the Coding Gender Gap

Girls Who Code aims to close the gender gap in technology and engineering by teaching girls computing skills and encouraging them to pursue jobs in computer science...

Who's Got the ­pper Hand? Poker Computer Program Pits Man Against Machine
From ACM TechNews

Who's Got the ­pper Hand? Poker Computer Program Pits Man Against Machine

Carnegie Mellon University's Heads-Up, No-Limit Texas Hold ’em poker tournament pits four of the world's best poker players against a CMU-developed program.

In Nato Cyber Wargame, Berlya Fends Off Arch-Enemy Crimsonia
From ACM News

In Nato Cyber Wargame, Berlya Fends Off Arch-Enemy Crimsonia

Somewhere near Iceland, a new NATO member, Berlya is under cyber-attack, most likely launched from its arch-rival Crimsonia, although the Berlyans can’t be completely...

Developing a Robotic Therapist For Children
From ACM TechNews

Developing a Robotic Therapist For Children

Carlos III University of Madrid researchers are developing an interactive autonomous social therapist robot. 

Putting the Data Science Into Journalism
From Communications of the ACM

Putting the Data Science Into Journalism

News organizations increasingly use techniques like data mining, Web scraping, and data visualization to uncover information that would be impossible to identify...

Shifts in Computer Science Interest
From ACM TechNews

Shifts in Computer Science Interest

A new study found that while interest in computer science among both men and women has fluctuated over the last four decades, women were consistently underrepresented...

Congress Probes Possible Bias Against Women in ­.s. Science Funding
From ACM News

Congress Probes Possible Bias Against Women in ­.s. Science Funding

The U.S. Government Accountability Office has launched an investigation into whether gender bias is influencing the awarding of research grants, which would be...

A Research Agenda For Intelligent Systems Will Result in Fundamental New Capabilities For U­nderstanding the Earth System
From ACM TechNews

A Research Agenda For Intelligent Systems Will Result in Fundamental New Capabilities For U­nderstanding the Earth System

The U.S. National Science Foundation last month hosted a workshop that, it hopes, will result in new capabilities for understanding the Earth system. 

Researchers Hack Sony Headset to Simulate Autism
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Hack Sony Headset to Simulate Autism

Japanese researchers have used an experimental headset to simulate the vision and hearing of people with autism spectrum disorder. 

Revenge of the Nerds: Starting Salaries For Class of 2015 Techies Top $100k
From ACM TechNews

Revenge of the Nerds: Starting Salaries For Class of 2015 Techies Top $100k

Demand for students graduating with computer science, software engineering, and computer engineering degrees is on the rise.

On Time-Lapse Rocket Ride to Trade Center's Top, Glimpse of Doomed Tower
From ACM News

On Time-Lapse Rocket Ride to Trade Center's Top, Glimpse of Doomed Tower

An imposingly realistic vision of the old 1 World Trade Center, the ultimately doomed north tower, will begin appearing next month in a most unlikely place: the...

Video Games Can Power ­p From Merely Fun to Meaningful Experiences
From ACM TechNews

Video Games Can Power ­p From Merely Fun to Meaningful Experiences

Pennsylvania State University researchers have found many video games can have meaningful entertainment experiences for players. 

A-Man Brings STEM to the Inner Cities
From ACM TechNews

A-Man Brings STEM to the Inner Cities

The African-American Male Achievers Network encourages African-American and Latino students to enter science, technology, engineering, and math careers. 

'robobarista' Can Figure Out Your New Coffee Machine
From ACM TechNews

'robobarista' Can Figure Out Your New Coffee Machine

A Cornell University research team has developed a deep-learning algorithm that enables a robot to operate a machine it has never seen before.

Hackprinceton Attracts Close to 500 Hackers
From ACM TechNews

Hackprinceton Attracts Close to 500 Hackers

This year's HackPrinceton event, a semiannual hackathon run by the Princeton Entrepreneurship Club, had nearly 500 participants. 

Turning Tiny Robots Into Student Recruiters
From ACM TechNews

Turning Tiny Robots Into Student Recruiters

The Santa Fe Institute, in collaboration with the University of New Mexico, hopes to excite high school students about the possibilities of computer programming...

Teaching Tykes to Program Robots
From ACM TechNews

Teaching Tykes to Program Robots

Tufts University professor and Scratch Jr. creator Marina Umaschi Bers has developed a kit to teach programming to students in pre-kindergarten through second grade...
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