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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

At the Intersection of Big Data and Healthcare: What 7.2 Million Medical Records Can Tell Us
From ACM TechNews

At the Intersection of Big Data and Healthcare: What 7.2 Million Medical Records Can Tell Us

Big data analytics have enabled researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's SENSEable City Lab and colleagues at GE Healthymagination to create a...

Making Crowdsourcing Easier
From ACM TechNews

Making Crowdsourcing Easier

MIT researchers have developed Qurk, a database system that automatically crowdsources tasks that are difficult or impossible to perform computationally.

Watson Turns Medic: Supercomputer to Diagnose Disease
From ACM TechNews

Watson Turns Medic: Supercomputer to Diagnose Disease

IBM's supercomputer Watson is learning to use its language skills to help doctors diagnose patients.  

Home Wi-Fi Routers Could Operate as Emergency Network, Say Scientists
From ACM TechNews

Home Wi-Fi Routers Could Operate as Emergency Network, Say Scientists

Home Wi-Fi routers could be used as a backup mesh network by fire, police, and ambulance services during emergencies in cities and towns with overwhelmed cell and...

Apple's Samsung Win Slams Asian Phone Makers
From ACM News

Apple's Samsung Win Slams Asian Phone Makers

Samsung wasn't the only Asian smartphone maker to suffer through a Black Monday.

Hubble's Hidden Treasures Revealed
From ACM News

Hubble's Hidden Treasures Revealed

Hubble has made over a million observations since launch, but only a small proportion are attractive images—and an even smaller number are ever actually seen by...

In Google’s Inner Circle, a Falling Number of Women
From ACM TechNews

In Google’s Inner Circle, a Falling Number of Women

In an effort to address the declining number of female employees within the company, Google researchers developed algorithms to determine exactly when the company...

'super Pac App' Knows When Political Ads Stretch the Truth
From ACM News

'super Pac App' Knows When Political Ads Stretch the Truth

What if every political ad came with a "truthiness" disclaimer?

Siemens 'flaw' Claim Sparks U.s. Power Plant Security Probe
From ACM News

Siemens 'flaw' Claim Sparks U.s. Power Plant Security Probe

A security expert said that he had found a backdoor in hardware from a Siemens subsidiary, RuggedCom.

In Japan, Mobile Startups Take Gaming To Next Level
From ACM News

In Japan, Mobile Startups Take Gaming To Next Level

On the subway, in doctor's waiting rooms and during college lectures, millions of Japanese can be found glued to their smartphones. But they're not texting or making...

Digitizing the Past to Protect and Preserve History
From ACM TechNews

Digitizing the Past to Protect and Preserve History

Archeologists now take thousands of digital photos, make notes in a database on a laptop or a tablet, and record careful, geographically referenced information...

Security Experts Warn of Risky Attacks on Tech-Loaded Cars
From ACM TechNews

Security Experts Warn of Risky Attacks on Tech-Loaded Cars

Computer security experts are now focusing on cars as automakers increasingly include computers and electronic communication systems in their latest models.

Watson Turns Medic: Supercomputer to Diagnose Disease
From ACM News

Watson Turns Medic: Supercomputer to Diagnose Disease

It is more than a year since Watson, IBM's famous supercomputer, opened a new frontier for artificial intelligence by beating human champions of the quiz show Jeopardy...

Coming Soon, Google Street View of a Canadian Village You'll Never Drive To
From ACM News

Coming Soon, Google Street View of a Canadian Village You'll Never Drive To

There are no cars in Cambridge Bay, Nunavut. Aside from a few trucks, snowmobiles are the preferred form of transportation for much of the year in the hamlet high...

Chips Go Upscale
From Communications of the ACM

Chips Go Upscale

After decades in Flatland, the end of Moore's Law is pushing semiconductors into the third dimension.

Garbage In, Info Out
From Communications of the ACM

Garbage In, Info Out

Security researchers used malware to investigate large-scale Internet censorship in Egypt and Libya.

In Honor of Alan Turing
From Communications of the ACM

In Honor of Alan Turing

Thirty-two of the 39 living A.M. Turing Award laureates gathered in San Francisco to pay tribute to "the father of CS" and discuss the past, present, and future...

Stealthy, Tiny, Deadly, Global: The Drone Revolution's Next Phase
From ACM News

Stealthy, Tiny, Deadly, Global: The Drone Revolution's Next Phase

Today's unmanned robotic planes only seem advanced.

Computer-Simulated Knitting Goes Right Down to the Yarn
From ACM TechNews

Computer-Simulated Knitting Goes Right Down to the Yarn

Cornell University researchers demonstrated a method for building simulated knitted fabric out of an array of individual stitches at the SIGGRAPH 2012 conference...

Data and Democracy: Building Tools For Citizen Engagement
From ACM TechNews

Data and Democracy: Building Tools For Citizen Engagement

Developing tools to promote citizen engagement, specifically direct participation by citizens in the political process, is the goal of CITRIS' Data and Democracy...
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