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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Developing a Robotic Therapist For Children
From ACM TechNews

Developing a Robotic Therapist For Children

Carlos III University of Madrid researchers are developing an interactive autonomous social therapist robot. 

Cloud Security Reaches Silicon
From ACM TechNews

Cloud Security Reaches Silicon

Researchers are working to implement a way to thwart criminals from inferring computer data based on the pattern in which the machine accesses its memory.

Pentagon Announces New Strategy For Cyberwarfare
From ACM TechNews

Pentagon Announces New Strategy For Cyberwarfare

U.S. Department of Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter has outlined the circumstances under which the U.S. could use cyberweapons against attackers. 

Revisiting the STEM Workforce
From ACM TechNews

Revisiting the STEM Workforce

A new report by the National Science Board examines the U.S. science, technology, engineering, and mathematics workforce. 

Jpl Celebrates Hubble's 25th Anniversary
From ACM News

Jpl Celebrates Hubble's 25th Anniversary

This week marks the 25th anniversary of the launch of NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, the world's first space telescope. Hubble images have revealed a vast and colorful...

Should Law Enforcement Have the Ability to Access Encrypted Communications?
From ACM Opinion

Should Law Enforcement Have the Ability to Access Encrypted Communications?

People's distress over the privacy of their communications has never been more acute. Whether the fear is over U.S. surveillance or breaches by hackers of unknown...

Is 'Good Enough' Computing Good Enough?
From Communications of the ACM

Is 'Good Enough' Computing Good Enough?

The energy-accuracy trade-off in approximate computing.

Putting the Data Science Into Journalism
From Communications of the ACM

Putting the Data Science Into Journalism

News organizations increasingly use techniques like data mining, Web scraping, and data visualization to uncover information that would be impossible to identify...

Robots With a Human Touch
From Communications of the ACM

Robots With a Human Touch

Empowering smart machines with tactile feedback could lead to tremendous new applications.

Computers That Know How You Feel Will Soon Be Everywhere
From ACM News

Computers That Know How You Feel Will Soon Be Everywhere

Sometime next summer, you'll be able to watch a horror series that is exactly as scary as you want it to be—no more, no less.

Statcast Arrives, Offering Way to Quantify Nearly Every Move in Game
From ACM News

Statcast Arrives, Offering Way to Quantify Nearly Every Move in Game

Which outfielders take the most efficient routes to a fly ball? Which pitcher's curveball has the highest spin rate? Which batter has the fastest speed to first...

Electronic Device Performance Enhanced With New Transistor Encasing Method
From ACM TechNews

Electronic Device Performance Enhanced With New Transistor Encasing Method

University of Illinois researchers say they have developed a more effective method for closing gaps in atomically small wires, which could lead to new transistor...

Advances in Molecular Electronics: Lights On--Molecule On
From ACM TechNews

Advances in Molecular Electronics: Lights On--Molecule On

A method for switching on the current flow through a single molecule with the help of light could result in being able to store and process information at the molecular...

Bug Bounties Fail to Find Many Software Flaws, Researchers Say
From ACM TechNews

Bug Bounties Fail to Find Many Software Flaws, Researchers Say

Researchers say paying rewards to vulnerability researchers to locate flaws in software initially works, but mature software requires a different strategy. 

Apple's Swift Makes Quick Strides With Developers
From ACM TechNews

Apple's Swift Makes Quick Strides With Developers

Apple's Swift language has been embraced by developers because of its unique features. 

True or False?
From ACM News

True or False?

A new Google algorithm would influence search results based on the "trustworthiness" of websites.

White House and Department of Homeland Security Want a Way Around Encryption
From ACM News

White House and Department of Homeland Security Want a Way Around Encryption

The White House and U.S. Department of Homeland Security officials support arguments by the nation’s law enforcement and intelligence leaders that encryption technology...

Shifts in Computer Science Interest
From ACM TechNews

Shifts in Computer Science Interest

A new study found that while interest in computer science among both men and women has fluctuated over the last four decades, women were consistently underrepresented...

Congress Probes Possible Bias Against Women in ­.s. Science Funding
From ACM News

Congress Probes Possible Bias Against Women in ­.s. Science Funding

The U.S. Government Accountability Office has launched an investigation into whether gender bias is influencing the awarding of research grants, which would be...

Concerns of an Artificial Intelligence Pioneer
From ACM News

Concerns of an Artificial Intelligence Pioneer

The computer scientist Stuart Russell wants to ensure that our increasingly intelligent machines remain aligned with human values.
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