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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Welcome to Robot Hotel
From ACM News

Welcome to Robot Hotel

A new generation of autonomous robots will usher in changes in the hospitality industry and beyond.

Rule Rewrite Aims to Clean Up Scientific Software
From ACM News

Rule Rewrite Aims to Clean Up Scientific Software

The finding seemed counterintuitive: warming in North America was driving plant species to lower elevations—not towards higher, cooler climes, as ecologists had...

Happy Birthday to Moore's Law
From ACM News

Happy Birthday to Moore's Law

Few revolutions can be said to have lasted for half a century, or to have wrought disruptive change at a predictable pace.

Amazing Bug-Sized Robots Can Build Microstructures
From ACM TechNews

Amazing Bug-Sized Robots Can Build Microstructures

Researchers at SRI International have developed tiny robots that can manufacture microstructures too small and complex to be built by current machinery or by hand...

Hackprinceton Attracts Close to 500 Hackers
From ACM TechNews

Hackprinceton Attracts Close to 500 Hackers

This year's HackPrinceton event, a semiannual hackathon run by the Princeton Entrepreneurship Club, had nearly 500 participants. 

Smart Phones Could Be ­sed to Detect Earthquakes
From ACM TechNews

Smart Phones Could Be ­sed to Detect Earthquakes

Researchers have demonstrated it is possible to use smartphone global-positioning system data to detect tremors in the earth. 

Survey Shows Most Female Software Developers in 15 Years
From ACM TechNews

Survey Shows Most Female Software Developers in 15 Years

The number of female software developers has doubled since Evans Data first examined the group in 2001, according to Evans Data's Developer Marketing 2015 survey...

Turning Tiny Robots Into Student Recruiters
From ACM TechNews

Turning Tiny Robots Into Student Recruiters

The Santa Fe Institute, in collaboration with the University of New Mexico, hopes to excite high school students about the possibilities of computer programming...

The Printed Organs Coming to a Body Near You
From ACM News

The Printed Organs Coming to a Body Near You

The advent of three-dimensional (3D) printing has generated a swell of interest in artificial organs meant to replace, or even enhance, human machinery.

Robots Go Deep Inside Fukushima Nuclear Plant to Map Radiation
From ACM News

Robots Go Deep Inside Fukushima Nuclear Plant to Map Radiation

In the dark abandoned shell of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, Rosemary and Sakura shoot what looks like a dystopian first-person shooter game.

Why Zapping the Brain Helps Parkinson's Patients
From ACM News

Why Zapping the Brain Helps Parkinson's Patients

Sending pulses of electricity through the brain via implanted electrodes—a procedure known as deep brain stimulation—can relieve the symptoms of Parkinson's and...

Case Against Google May Be ­ndercut By Rapid Shifts in Tech
From ACM Opinion

Case Against Google May Be ­ndercut By Rapid Shifts in Tech

The antitrust case against Google filed by European Union regulators on Wednesday will inevitably draw comparisons to the long-running prosecution of Microsoft,...

Hackers Could Commandeer New Planes Through Passenger Wi-Fi
From ACM News

Hackers Could Commandeer New Planes Through Passenger Wi-Fi

Seven years after the Federal Aviation Administration first warned Boeing that its new Dreamliner aircraft had a Wi-Fi design that made it vulnerable to hacking...

Google Has Patented the Ability to Control a Robot Army
From ACM News

Google Has Patented the Ability to Control a Robot Army

After getting a patent for giving robots personalities last month, Google now wants to unleash an army of Rodney Dangerfield bots on the world.

Space Scientists Create Common Data Hub, Universal Language For Mission Data
From ACM TechNews

Space Scientists Create Common Data Hub, Universal Language For Mission Data

A consortium of European researchers have debuted a new common data hub that allows space scientists to compare data from different space missions. 

Teaching Tykes to Program Robots
From ACM TechNews

Teaching Tykes to Program Robots

Tufts University professor and Scratch Jr. creator Marina Umaschi Bers has developed a kit to teach programming to students in pre-kindergarten through second grade...

Alan Turing Manuscript Sells for $1 Million
From ACM TechNews

Alan Turing Manuscript Sells for $1 Million

A 56-page handwritten manuscript by mathematician and computer scientist Alan Turing has sold at auction for more than $1 million. 

Why the 'position Gap' Is More Important Than the Wage Gap For Women in Tech
From ACM TechNews

Why the 'position Gap' Is More Important Than the Wage Gap For Women in Tech

Despite the recent focus on the bias against women in the technology sector, research has shown that the tech sector is far less unequal than other fields. 

Vest Helps Deaf Feel, Understand Speech
From ACM TechNews

Vest Helps Deaf Feel, Understand Speech

Rice University computer and electrical engineering students are developing a vest that will enable deaf people to sense and understand speech. 

Eu Officially Strikes at Google on Shopping Service, Android
From ACM News

Eu Officially Strikes at Google on Shopping Service, Android

The European Union officially accused Google of violating antitrust laws, claiming it abused its dominance in search to favor its shopping results.
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