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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Obama's Chief Scientist Pushes National Broadband Plan
From ACM TechNews

Obama's Chief Scientist Pushes National Broadband Plan

John Holdren, the White House's top science and technology adviser, says the FCC's national broadband plan would lead to an improvement in the productivity of science...

Bogus Grass-Roots Politics on Twitter
From ACM News

Bogus Grass-Roots Politics on Twitter

Data-mining techniques reveal fake Twitter accounts that give the impression of a vast political movement.

From ACM News

A Day Seen Through Google Searches

Google likes to think of itself as the world's information barometer, the most complete repository of human intent as measured by the Internet search query. Around...

From ACM TechNews

Someone's Watching You

FX Labs has developed myUnity, a communications application that can tell users if a coworker is busy at the desk, talking on the phone, or has left the building...

Robot Teachers Are the Latest E-Learning Tool
From ACM TechNews

Robot Teachers Are the Latest E-Learning Tool

Korea Institute of Science and Technology researchers are building robots to provide English instruction to schoolchildren. The researchers say the goal is to...

From ACM TechNews

Driverless Vans End 8,000-Mile Test Drive to China

The European Research Council's 8,000-mile robotic car test, which began in Italy on July 20, came to a conclusion as four unmanned electric vans successfully completed...

From ACM News

Why Rare Earth Metals Matter to Tech

A diplomatic dispute between Japan and China led China in September to temporarily suspend shipments of rare earth elements to Japan, a move that caused a spike...

Should We Be Worried About a Cyberwar?
From ACM News

Should We Be Worried About a Cyberwar?

Some experts say that the real danger lies in confusing cyber espionage with cyber war.

From ACM TechNews

Helping New Medical Graduates to Prescribe Safely

Aston University researchers have developed a software-based program designed to ensure that new doctors prescribe medicine safely from their first day on the job...

Computer Software Program Allows Observation of Viruses
From ACM TechNews

Computer Software Program Allows Observation of Viruses

Two New Mexico State University scientists have developed software that generates approximate three-dimensional models of complex and unknown proteins, which could...

From ACM News

Amid Criticism, Wikileaks Shifts Focus

When WikiLeaks launched with little fanfare in early 2007, its founders touted it as a unique collaboration that would rely on the same anyone-can-edit software...

On the Threshold of the Avatar Era
From ACM TechNews

On the Threshold of the Avatar Era

Humanity is technologically on the brink of the avatar era, in which it becomes possible for people to virtually embody digital avatars that are not restricted...

Teen Sailor Meets Nasa Team That Helped Save Her Life
From ACM News

Teen Sailor Meets Nasa Team That Helped Save Her Life

It has been almost six months since 16-year-old Abby Sunderland’s 40-foot vessel, Wild Eyes, was damaged in a storm, leaving her stranded in the middle of the...

From ACM News

Rensselaer Creates New Center For Data Science Research

Researchers throughout Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute are coming together to develop a new interdisciplinary Data Science Research Center. The center will bring...

Researchers Attack Transistors to Slay Vampire Power
From ACM News

Researchers Attack Transistors to Slay Vampire Power

The European Union is sponsoring a multimillion-dollar research project to boost the efficiency of everyday electronics and choke the constant flow of wasted...

From ACM News


It's not that the unpiloted aircraft that the Army flies aren’t already tricked out. Some of them carry the latest surveillance systems and powerful missiles....

Career Opportunities
From Communications of the ACM

Career Opportunities

What are the job prospects for today's—and tomorrow's—graduates?

Security in the Cloud
From Communications of the ACM

Security in the Cloud

Cloud computing offers many advantages, but also involves security risks. Fortunately, researchers are devising some ingenious solutions.

Turning Data Into Knowledge
From Communications of the ACM

Turning Data Into Knowledge

Today's data deluge is leading to new approaches to visualize, analyze, and catalog enormous datasets.

From ACM News

What Is Wikileaks?

Months after releasing some 90,000 secret records of U.S. military incident and intelligence reports about the war in Afghanistan, Wikileaks has posted online...
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