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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Ghosts in the Machine Language
From ACM TechNews

Ghosts in the Machine Language

Four of this year's most dangerous software exploits were examples of vulnerabilities that lay undiscovered in widely utilized code for years. 

Keeping Online Reviews Honest
From Communications of the ACM

Keeping Online Reviews Honest

As online reviews become increasingly important to e-commerce and social media sites, computer scientists work on ways to ensure their authenticity.

Computing What Fits
From Communications of the ACM

Computing What Fits

New apps and pods improve the virtual and actual retail experiences by ensuring clothing and cosmetics look good on you before you buy them.

Researchers Simplify Parallel Programming
From Communications of the ACM

Researchers Simplify Parallel Programming

Parallel computing has become increasingly important as chipmakers put more and more processor cores on individual chips.

The Slide Rule: A Computing Device That Put a Man on the Moon
From ACM Careers

The Slide Rule: A Computing Device That Put a Man on the Moon

A Quantum World Arising from Many Ordinary Ones
From ACM News

A Quantum World Arising from Many Ordinary Ones

The bizarre behaviour of the quantum world—with objects existing in two places simultaneously and light behaving as either waves or particles—could result from...

­sing Drones to Make Peace, Not War
From ACM Careers

­sing Drones to Make Peace, Not War

Amin Rigi says drones should be used to save lives, not spy or kill.

Scientists Consider Repurposing Robots For Ebola
From ACM News

Scientists Consider Repurposing Robots For Ebola

Robotics scientists nationwide are pondering an intriguing possibility: Might robotic technologies deployed in rescue and disaster situations be quickly repurposed...

Researchers Take Big-Data Approach to Estimate Range of Electric Vehicles
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Take Big-Data Approach to Estimate Range of Electric Vehicles

North Carolina State University researchers say they have developed a more accurate way to determine how far electric vehicles can go before needing a recharge. ...

Irish Researchers Develop New Tool to Protect Earth From Space Debris
From ACM TechNews

Irish Researchers Develop New Tool to Protect Earth From Space Debris

In collaboration with the European Space Agency, researchers at Trinity College in Dublin have designed a risk assessment tool for the re-entry of spacecraft debris...

Painting By the Numbers: Data Visualization
From ACM TechNews

Painting By the Numbers: Data Visualization

There is rising interest in digital visualization, which serves as a communication tool in areas ranging from hip hop to scientific collaboration. 

How Technology Is Helping Fight Ebola
From ACM TechNews

How Technology Is Helping Fight Ebola

A wide variety of technologies, from apps and software to big data and robots, are being employed to help fight the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. 

Virtual Reality Could Let Astronauts 'go to the Beach'
From ACM TechNews

Virtual Reality Could Let Astronauts 'go to the Beach'

The Virtual Space Station is a virtual reality system that could provide an escape for astronauts on long space missions. 

Electronics in the Operating Room
From ACM News

Electronics in the Operating Room

Electronic devices increasingly are being incorporated into surgical procedures on a functional level.

How Movie-Makers Read Your Mind
From ACM News

How Movie-Makers Read Your Mind

Why is there such interest in finding new ways to gauge audience reactions?

Phone Hackers Dial and Redial to Steal Billions
From ACM News

Phone Hackers Dial and Redial to Steal Billions

Bob Foreman's architecture firm ran up a $166,000 phone bill in a single weekend last March.

Oldest-Known Human Genome Sequenced
From ACM News

Oldest-Known Human Genome Sequenced

A 45,000-year-old leg bone from Siberia has yielded the oldest genome sequence for Homo sapiens on record—revealing a mysterious population that may once have spanned...

Topcoder Now Has 3,700 Swift Devs
From ACM TechNews

Topcoder Now Has 3,700 Swift Devs

Appirio, which owns and operates the TopCoder platform, says it has registered more than 3,700 Swift developers who are working on 2,000 projects in 110 countries...

Agencies Bring Energy Modeling Out of the Lab
From ACM TechNews

Agencies Bring Energy Modeling Out of the Lab

The U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology has developed a database and software to help building professionals manage energy upgrades. 

Open Surveillance
From ACM TechNews

Open Surveillance

A new encrypted search system could enable law enforcement officials to collect data more openly without compromising investigations.
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