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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Advances in Computer Mobility, Connectivity, and Networks
From ACM TechNews

Advances in Computer Mobility, Connectivity, and Networks

Researchers are developing programs and platforms that will ensure systems work despite power outages and other issues associated with mobility and connectivity...

Google Working on Large-Scale Video Displays
From ACM TechNews

Google Working on Large-Scale Video Displays

Google's advanced-projects lab, Google X, is developing a giant display consisting of smaller screens that fit together to create a seamless image. 

School Bets Video Game Scholarship Can Draw Talent
From ACM Careers

School Bets Video Game Scholarship Can Draw Talent

As a teenager, holed up in his bedroom, illuminated by the glow of his laptop, Youngbin Chung became addicted to video games. Ten-hours-a-day addicted.

Cyber Spy High: Meet the Nsa's Hacker Recruiter
From ACM Opinion

Cyber Spy High: Meet the Nsa's Hacker Recruiter

The National Security Agency has a recruiting problem.

The Physics of Fake Videos
From ACM News

The Physics of Fake Videos

Was that awesome video real or fake? How could you tell?

Kentucky ­ses Ideafestival to Push Students Toward Hour of Code Movement
From ACM TechNews

Kentucky ­ses Ideafestival to Push Students Toward Hour of Code Movement

Kentucky Coders hopes to register 1 million Hour of Code coding events before December, starting at the 2014 IdeaFestival, an international event held in Louisville...

Computer Science and Engineering Researchers Win Best Paper Award
From ACM TechNews

Computer Science and Engineering Researchers Win Best Paper Award

Texas A&M University researchers received the Best Paper Award at the recent 2014 Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques conference in Alberta, Canada...

It Skills That Are in Demand, and Those That Will Be
From ACM TechNews

It Skills That Are in Demand, and Those That Will Be

A recent survey of employers found IT professionals with cloud and security-related certifications were in greatest demand.  

Obama's Brain Project Backs Neurotechnology
From ACM News

Obama's Brain Project Backs Neurotechnology

The White House said that President Obama's BRAIN Initiative is generating interest from companies and philanthropies in a sign of what it calls a wider partnership...

Walter Isaacson on the Women of Eniac
From ACM Careers

Walter Isaacson on the Women of Eniac

Ever since the days of Charles Babbage, who conceived of a giant mechanical calculator called the Analytical Engine in the 1830s, the engineering of computer hardware...

The Google Formula For Success
From ACM Careers

The Google Formula For Success

Can Google’s winning ways be applied to all kinds of businesses?

A Computer Scientist Tells Mathematicians How To Write Proofs
From ACM Opinion

A Computer Scientist Tells Mathematicians How To Write Proofs

Believe it or not, I do have friends who would describe themselves as not liking math, and every so often one of them will share this meme on Facebook: And then...

Build Something
From ACM TechNews

Build Something

Research has found that giving students a sense of the usefulness of their studies to the greater world can help improve learning. For the computer sciences one...

Facebook, Intel Back Effort to Lift Engineer Diversity
From ACM TechNews

Facebook, Intel Back Effort to Lift Engineer Diversity

Rectifying a lack of diversity among computer science undergraduates is the goal of the BRAID program, to which Facebook, Intel, Google, Microsoft, and others will...

Still Seeking the Optical Transistor
From Communications of the ACM

Still Seeking the Optical Transistor

Optical information handling is a critical staple for communications and the Internet, but using light for computer-scale computation remains a distant dream.

Museums Go High-Tech with Digital Forensics
From Communications of the ACM

Museums Go High-Tech with Digital Forensics

Scientists are using cutting-edge scanning and visualization techniques to wow visitors and find new stories in ancient artifacts.

The New Digital Medicine
From Communications of the ACM

The New Digital Medicine

Affordable, connected, personal medical devices are slowly changing the nature of health care.

Weathering a New Era of Big Data
From Communications of the ACM

Weathering a New Era of Big Data

Increased computing power combined with new and more advanced models are changing weather forecasting.

The Anita Borg Institute and Harvey Mudd College Launch Initiative to Increase the Diversity in Computer Science ­ndergraduate Majors at 2014 Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting
From ACM News

The Anita Borg Institute and Harvey Mudd College Launch Initiative to Increase the Diversity in Computer Science ­ndergraduate Majors at 2014 Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting

"BRAID" will work with 15 CS departments to increase the percentage of their undergraduate majors that are female and minorities.

Video Games Could Dramatically Streamline Education Research
From ACM TechNews

Video Games Could Dramatically Streamline Education Research

Washington State University researchers have developed a computational modeling method for conducting research on science curricula in classrooms. 
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