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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

A Chinese Internet Giant Starts to Dream
From ACM News

A Chinese Internet Giant Starts to Dream

Punk bands from Blondie to the Ramones once played in Broadway Studios, an age-worn 95-year-old neoclassical building surrounded by strip clubs in San Francisco’s...

New Era in Safety When Cars Talk to One Another
From ACM TechNews

New Era in Safety When Cars Talk to One Another

The U.S. Department of Transportation this week announced a plan to eventually require that vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications systems be installed in all...

Rethinking Cad: New Design Paradigms in the Age of 3-D Printing
From ACM TechNews

Rethinking Cad: New Design Paradigms in the Age of 3-D Printing

The future of computer-aided design tools, in light of recent developments in 3-D printing and additive manufacturing, was the focus of a recent workshop by DARPA's...

Voyager Map Details Neptune's Strange Moon Triton
From ACM News

Voyager Map Details Neptune's Strange Moon Triton

NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft gave humanity its first close-up look at Neptune and its moon Triton in the summer of 1989.

Tool Makes Online Personal Data More Transparent
From ACM TechNews

Tool Makes Online Personal Data More Transparent

Columbia University researchers have developed XRay, a tool that seeks to reveal what personal data is being mined to craft online advertisements, product recommendations...

Antivirus Works Too Well, Gripe Cybercops
From ACM TechNews

Antivirus Works Too Well, Gripe Cybercops

Internal documents leaked by activists earlier this month show police clients from several nations complaining to FinFisher GmbH, a seller of spyware to government...

Virtual Reality Navigation System to Help Diagnose Cognitive Defects
From ACM TechNews

Virtual Reality Navigation System to Help Diagnose Cognitive Defects

The onset of dementia can lead to an inability to navigate a neighborhood or building, and a new virtual reality-based tool is being developed at the University...

Is Emailing Your Brainwaves the Future of Communication?
From ACM News

Is Emailing Your Brainwaves the Future of Communication?

Here's something you probably didn't expect in your inbox: Researchers have now developed a way to email brainwaves.

Tor Project's Struggle to Keep the Dark Net in the Shadows
From ACM Opinion

Tor Project's Struggle to Keep the Dark Net in the Shadows

The BBC has interviewed Andrew Lewman, executive director of the Tor Project.

Anatomy of an Air Strike: Three Intelligence Streams Working in Concert
From ACM Opinion

Anatomy of an Air Strike: Three Intelligence Streams Working in Concert

In a fast-moving war with an elusive foe like the Islamic State militants, information is as important as guns, jet fighters and bombs.

Google's Fact-Checking Bots Build Vast Knowledge Bank
From ACM News

Google's Fact-Checking Bots Build Vast Knowledge Bank

Google is building the largest store of knowledge in human history—and it's doing so without any human help.

Listening In: The Navy Is Tracking Ocean Sounds Collected By Scientists
From ACM News

Listening In: The Navy Is Tracking Ocean Sounds Collected By Scientists

In a retired shore station for transpacific communications cables on the western coast of Vancouver Island sits a military computer in a padlocked cage.

Python Puts Its Print on Multitouch Apps With Kivy
From ACM TechNews

Python Puts Its Print on Multitouch Apps With Kivy

Kivy, an open source library based on the Python programming language, can be used for native development of user interfaces.

The Emerging Pitfalls of Nowcasting With Big Data
From ACM TechNews

The Emerging Pitfalls of Nowcasting With Big Data

Search query data is very powerful but must be treated with some care and caution, says Google chief economist Hal Varian, speaking at a European Bank workshop. ...

Nersc Launches Next-Generation Code Optimization Effort
From ACM TechNews

Nersc Launches Next-Generation Code Optimization Effort

The U.S. Department of Energy is working to address a gap in its Exascale Science Applications Program, an effort designed to support its Cori supercomputer. 

Vexed in the City: Starved For Tech Talent and Yet Nobody to Hire?
From ACM Careers

Vexed in the City: Starved For Tech Talent and Yet Nobody to Hire?

Darin Wedel made headlines in 2012 when his wife, Jennifer, asked President Barack Obama during a Google+ Hangout why her husband was still out of work while H-1B...

Sequencing at Sea
From ACM TechNews

Sequencing at Sea

Using a DNA sequencer, researchers were able to sequence 26 bacterial genomes, as well as two metagenomes.

New Era in Safety When Cars Talk to One Another
From ACM News

New Era in Safety When Cars Talk to One Another

A driver moves along in traffic, the forward view blocked by a truck or a bend in the road. Suddenly, up ahead, someone slams on the brake. Tires screech.

Neanderthals: Bone Technique Redrafts Prehistory
From ACM News

Neanderthals: Bone Technique Redrafts Prehistory

Neanderthals and humans lived together in Europe for thousands of years, concludes a timeline based on radiocarbon dates from 40 key sites across Europe.

Technology Can Make Lawful Surveillance Both Open and Effective
From ACM TechNews

Technology Can Make Lawful Surveillance Both Open and Effective

New technology could enable law enforcement to identify people whose actions justify  investigation and demonstrate probable cause via an authorized electronic...
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